That is the worst part. I have cut ties with friends over this. I think it's a cult-like mentality. A 5 year old child knows the difference between right and wrong. I'm disgusted and worried. According to the orange moron, I'm the enemy of my own country.
Speaking of Canadians and Danes, they did recently settle the decades long whiskey war between them so we would be facing a unified front if trump moves forward with his plans
Article 7 of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (Madrid Protocol) bans mining in Antarctica. The ban is indefinite, well unless Trump decides he wants to change that too.
Not to mention the millions of other people around the world who think the Canadians & the Danes are great citizens of the world who need no help from a not terribly bright, emotionally unhinged, septuagenarian who’ll be flat out running his own country responsibly.
Well, Trump has a knack for being have to stand up to bullies or they try and grab your wife......Republicans let you if you're a star.
We’re in Nineteen eighty four, right down to the telescreens listening in every room, computer-generated mindless entertainment, unquestioned rewriting of history and arbitrary “them” enemies to redirect anger and hatred.
I think they were in "Fahrenheit 451" too. The television screen watches you while you watch TV. Perhaps not many people know (or maybe they do?) that all these "smart TVs" have built-in microphones.
My fear is that 1984 has been so transformed by conservative memes, that it no longer has impact. We will have to learn the hard way, and someone else will have to rewrite it from the ruins.
I saw a conservative who painted himself as a lady's man bemoan how like Brave New World the west has become. I bit my tongue on, which bits did you dislike, the capitalism or the free sex?
Speaking as a student of British history & an Englishman, I’d suggest the Danes are many things, but mellow is not one they demonstrated overly often to us🤣😂
Jennifer C, America, with Trump again until 2029, this is going to be serious popcorn time for the World to gather all their strengths & abilities. Not once, but again, they have achieved their most endearing ability to show how utterly absurd a psyche they possess. *Not all, just enough. 52%😖🙄🥰🌹
😂 I just had to look up Pom… comes from POHM. Means prisoner of her majesty and used as a derisory term for British immigrant. Hoping you may be of British heritage. 🫢
Just one of many explanations of its origin. Another is that it is an abbreviation of pomegranate because that bright reddish colour is the colour that poms coyote go underneath the burning Australian sun.
I've never heard the POHM theory & who wld've used it? The soldiers? Not that I've researched it but it, of course, has been a point of light-hearted discussion over many years in my profession.
Well, living on an isolated Island in the North Atlantic will get to you eventually 🤷
We had to let them go. There's the official story of course but between you, me and the internet, I'm convinced their love of mayo was a deciding factor.
The Canadians and Danes should turn the tables and close the borders to all Americans and put 100% tariff on their goods. I think it's only fair. Mexicans should also take back most of the south west.
Nor should you. But while Cheeto Mussolini is spewing this crap, he's making horrible position appointments that will wreck the judiciary for generations to come.
I think a lot of people need to read the bit of the US constitution which says judges serve for life *during good behaviour*, and start taking it seriously. The current approach of saying "sure, appointed by a criminal, but what can you do?" (helpless shrug) is not sustainable.
I can't really see Americans buying into the latest Trump fever dream. It's insane. However, it amuses me no end to picture defending armies headed up by King Charles and the Danish royals.
Well unlike Trump, both Charles III and Frederik X have military training and service. Frederik even was in the elite frogman unit. So both could lead from the front if there is need.
I think that may be the point. Get even the mellow people caught up in the hate they've managed to make the norm. It's what actual vampires subsist off.
You’re joking about Canadians right? I literally used to have an account where just making the slightest satirical joke would send Canadians into a fury.
They’re the most passive aggressive nation on earth.
I mean it’s really easy to piss off the poms, French, Spanish, Italians, Greeks and those from the Balkans. Don’t mess with any of those people. But the Canadians and Danes? Seriously?
He’s probably going for the Olympic gold medal in BS. He sees some serious competition ahead from prominent and professional BS champion Putin and thinks, “I’ll Make America Great Again”. Just a polite guess. The Canadians might concur, but in hushed tones.
Oh gawd I have one of those lurking around somewhere getting mouldy. Couldn’t be more “oh please bring back the glorious Empire” if they stuck a quote from Rudyard Kipling on it.
Canada has a federal election in October and if Trudeau’s resignation is an indicator there could be an inexperienced bunch of right wing nut jobs in government before the end of 2025.
As for Greenland, someone should try to explain the Mercator projection to Trump; maybe draw him a picture.
Yes. With China and Russia opening up the arctic route to shipping from east coast China to St Petersburg the prospect of opening the northwest passage becomes interesting.
Not only Musk; Bezos and Gates are interested in the rare earths and minerals.
In addition to graphite, niobium, molybdenum, tantalum, and titanium there’s yttrium, scandium, neodymium, and dysprosium which have unique properties.
All of immense value for future technologies.
New Zealand already said NO in 1900 & can't see them changing their minds.
Australia didn't exactly do a good job with PNG either considering it was an Australian Territory from ~1919(?) to 1975. (Fun fact- hge 7th point on the flag's Commonwealth star was added to represent PNG).
Most Brits are getting pissed off with the crap that’s coming out of the USA at present. Most people attack their enemies and protect their friends. The incoming government of the US seems to be doing the exact reverse! It will end in tears …
A great point: As usual, Donald and the GOP pick on the people who deserve it the least. It's called being bullies and A-holes and it's been how they roll for so long.
i voted for #kamala
We had visited this distillery a few years ago.
You don't need a land border with Europe for this.
Even Australia is in it.
Australia DOES have land borders with Norway, and with France - in Antarctica.
What is the only country to share a land border with Norway and France
I'm a bit outa league there. Don't have that map in my noggin.
Looked ‘up’ first then ‘down’ and found it . . .
Nobody gets that one. And it's not Oz.
Is it Guiana? - or somewhere in that neck of the jungle ?
Also … Denmark also has Viking history. He could be taking on Asgard.
We have a winner!
Denmark, no. Mellow and, indeed, wise.
Not sorry.
We need more hockey and donuts here in Murca. Not so much the cold.
The world's village idiot.
Where does The Danes and Canadians stand on this?
We had to let them go. There's the official story of course but between you, me and the internet, I'm convinced their love of mayo was a deciding factor.
Love our crazy Icelandic cousins, tho 🫶
In the 3rd test at Adelaide, Jardine heard Australia players calling Harold Larwood “a bastard”.
Aussie Vic Richardson said “OK, which of you bastards called Larwood a bastard instead of this bastard?”
Dump just pisses off anyone not in the Klan without effort daily.
Charles was a navy helicopter pilot and commanded a mine hunter and Frederik was in the Danish equivalent of Navy seals.
Neither of them however had to suffer the massive pains of bone spurs.
Remember.....they are a biiiiigggg reason why we have a Geneva convention....
And Canadian murder chickens, don't forget those.
They’re the most passive aggressive nation on earth.
The USA could finally
be liberated.
Enemies until advised otherwise.
As for Greenland, someone should try to explain the Mercator projection to Trump; maybe draw him a picture.
In addition to graphite, niobium, molybdenum, tantalum, and titanium there’s yttrium, scandium, neodymium, and dysprosium which have unique properties.
All of immense value for future technologies.
Australia didn't exactly do a good job with PNG either considering it was an Australian Territory from ~1919(?) to 1975. (Fun fact- hge 7th point on the flag's Commonwealth star was added to represent PNG).