I can’t even listen to his voice let alone look at his face, but I couldn’t afford a $250 bill in my wallet anyhow, so not too worried. The sooner he is gone the better!
What I don't get is how this inflation just magically happens now WORSE and they blame Biden. Truly a party of incredibly stupid or evil or both people.
So, these are the things we're doing with all the "waste" we've eradicated, eh? Hell, even Hitler rejected having his evil mug on currency. If they'd won the war, it would've been a different story, of course.
Imagine being so dysfunctional and mentally ill that you have to constantly obssess over other men to feel in control. I wonder if they know that "owning the libs" is just a symptom of the adult Oppositional Defiance Disorder that they never grew out of?
Well it already looks counterfeit. Is that to save time? As a private business owner you can refuse to accept it (see “no bills above $50” in many stores).
Lol... We might need this denomination once Trump's tariff-induced inflation kicks in... Or if the dollar keeps falling. Might only have the purchasing power of today's quarter by his third term.
While allowing thousands of federal employees be fired from their jobs and millions of Americans being cast into instant poverty and poor health my primary goal is is to get my face on the dollar dollar bill. Great choice America
I guess this is the sort of thing GOP Republicans are spending their time doing?
But, srsly, who uses paper money anymore? Printing a 4-color bill no one uses to suck up to a term-limited president would surely count as waste, fraud, and abuse.
A president (or anyone else) must be dead in order for his/her likeness to appear on a US coin or currency. Does this Republican legislator know something he’d care to share?
Why would you wanna carry a $250 bill around? I don’t even carry fucking cash you know why because you get robbed I have my Apple Watch that I can use for purchases fucking idiot. Idiots.
Dear Joe Wilson, we honor the dead with their faces on stamps and currency. If you will make sure Trump follows that guideline by March 1st, 2025, I am sure we could do both within 60 days
Grifty McGrifterson Grifts Again!!! What a raging ball of douchebagism. The amount of dick juice these people will gargle to impress an insecure fuckwad is never ending.
What the actual fuck are they getting done up there? Renaming shit aint helping. Printing assholes on money aint helping. Selling gold vards aint helping. Axing gov employees aint helping. Fix the fucking economy like you promised. Do the shit you promised you fucking tools!
I want to know what Avg American would be using a $250 bill? Most places around me wont take $100 as they don't keep enough cash to break the $100 let alone the $250. Dear GOP get back to reality.
I'd rather carry 5 x $50.00 bills, 2 x $100 & a $50 bill or 12 x $20.00 & a $10 bill before I'll carry that Trump $250.00 bill in my wallet...& like the man, for all I know it cld be a bogus bill. It's bad enough to see his narcissism on display all over media, I'm not going to carry it around w me.
That’s exactly what it is Robert! They’re all just tripping over themselves to prove loyalty/get in his good graces by doing the most asinine things. Some of the bills are just to go ‘Here! Aren’t I a good little sycophant?’
I am beyond understanding the obsession with this man. Grown men are acting like imbeciles and it’s like they’re all in love with him. It’s beyond me he is garbage.
Why are they making a $250 bill?
"What if we fix inflation by printing more money???"
And who has the income to have/use a $250 bill? 🤔
But, srsly, who uses paper money anymore? Printing a 4-color bill no one uses to suck up to a term-limited president would surely count as waste, fraud, and abuse.
Orange, outdated, too little value to buy anything, forced onto all of us when most of us don’t even want it and more trouble than it’s worth.
An all around loser that should be out of our lives
Now busy commissioning vanity money for the world’s most infamous liar.
Hope Wilson gets fleeced by a conman and dies broke.
They just don't come any revoltinger -
Not to mention, stores will get stuck with $250 bills and have to give change lmao godspeed
2. Who the hell carries cash these days?
I have room in my collection for this one.
Next to Idi Amin Dada, Saddam Hussein, Qadafi, and Kim Il Sung.
Since trump was sworn in inflation has sky-rocketed
Also I hate how they are all the same shape and colour.
Someone's having a great day at the rimjob factory