Trump's nominee for Defense Secretary, Pete Hegseth: "The left and progressives used allegiance to state, they used patriotism as a vehicle to untether us from timeless truth, from the Bible. The cross and the bible were replaced by a flag and a pledge.”
Those that like living in a democracy I mean
The founding fathers enshrined separation of church and state precisely to avoid any religion trying to steer the country.
I mean, alleged rapist said what?
Unlike his first refuge, religion, which is good.
Thanks for clearing that up.
I don’t know about you, but a healthy sprinkle of self doubt has served me well driving me to be better.
There was no religion in our government until Eisenhower put it there.
Biden should order in God we trust removed and under God removed from the pledge.
Put it back the way it was originally.
Man of integrity, decency and so unusually humble.
Oh shit , I used antonyms.
I expect, Pete got a heads up, and bought his Chyna Bible pre tariff. A Mommy's boy 🫣
Pick a lane.
Does this guy have actual medically documented brain worms too?
She lists the many organizations and people involved in her book-
Watch the courts- placing right wing judges everywhere for their agenda- stay awake/woke😳
Trump proves that the Bible is right about that.
And there's also the rape thing.
until it was.
Why under
no circumstances
should Pete Hegseth
be entrusted
with the U.S. military
Same with phelan.
same with collins.
djt does not care about about the suckers and losers in the US military. They are pawns for his amusement.
Dude….behind you
Thank you.
We are not now, have never been a Christian nation. As long as we have our Constitution, we will never be a Christian nation or any other religion's nation.
Granted this is applicable to almost everything that almost every Trump suck up says literally all of the time.
Read: everyone left in the GOP
My guess is they get their info from right wing media.
This absurdity of a Christian founding being usurped by flag and pledge is something any 6th grader should know is wrong. Freedom of faith, not government by faith.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all
Weirdly, the content on this page is hidden behind a “Show more information…” link, so click that. They let just anyone edit websites. 🧐😳🤣
Zilch. Nada.
NOW you get it.
Then again, you flunked whatever basic hygiene courses you had in grammar school. Flunking civics classes was just as easy.
Timeless truth? You mean that Noah story was real?
Is that what he’s saying??
*Points over his shoulder*
"The flag is right behind me, isn't it?"
Projection to the highest degree
Be sure and sign up for MSW media- great news show with swearing.
Who couldn't see that coming?