No one should watch it live.
No reputable 'news' media source should stream it live.
If there are any clips that aren't lies, those snippets can be synthesized into one 'news' item. That's it, that's all.
I will not watch it on MSM,
I will not watch it on C-Span,
I will not watch it here or there,
I will not watch it anywhere.
I will not watch the SOTU address,
I will not watch it Uncle Sam.
The point I'm making is that watching it LIVE gives him an excuse to tout ratings. The entire address will be available on social media without editing for you to get your info. And no disinformation or misinformation has to occur.
State of the Union is a speech the president gives to Congress on how things are going and what the coming goals are. Basically a formal status update.
No one should watch that farce and give him ratings anywhere. Just my opinion, its going to be a 1st rate hate fest rodeo, I will not participate and neither should the democrats. Starve his need for attention.
What on earth makes you think I want to watch it. I've been checking to see what my other viewing options will be. (No joke, I'd probably stroke out if I had to watch him. Him randomly popping up here is bad enough. )
I'm only interested in watching the reactions of MOC on both sides of the aisle. He's going to inflate ratings anyway. I'll just open a fresh bottle of wine first and try not to disturb the neighbors with my cursing.
Or just not watch it. He’s not going to tell the truth so why waste the time. Believe me…we’ll know immediately if he’s done something as foolish as what happened last week with Zelenskyy. I still can’t get over that meeting. What an embarrassment!
As a Brit, I'm one of many watching what Trump is doing with dismay. I genuinely think he lives in such a bubble, surrounded by yes men, that he thinks it's only a small minority that disagree with him, and that his ideas are popular.
Meanwhile, the whole of Europe is horrified by the Idiocracy
I’d rather be a bit ignorant if it means I can be mentally stable. You can still keep up with the important things going on without making your ears suffer listening to that baboon for 2 hours
Right. I will watch the endless deconstruction afterwards. Never said I was closing my eyes to it. It's 10:26 and the bloated bloviating buffoon is still babbling away. Jesus Christ it's like torture.
For those in this thread that keep saying they're not going to watch it at all this is why he is in office. We need to listen to every word he says and be vigilant in trying to stop his plague. Know your enemy and know them well.
I didnt vote for boss Hogg, but I'm not watching, listening to his poison.. i hate hearing him, watching that sphincter mouth or hearing his lies... I have to deal w his shit everyday, this is a time I can choose not to. I dont want to see demon Johnson, weirdo vance, or see nutcase musk there.
Don't even watch. Any concrete announcements or horrendous statements can be read in headlines in the coming days.
Unless you're some kind of relevant professional, or maybe a quant, watching Trump is a waste of your limited time on Earth.
I'm just going to get my updates from so trump gets no ratings, and only poor beleaguered Aaron has to listen to the whole thing. (My heart hurts for him - in all sincerity)
Better yet, skip watching tonight’s sh*t show entirely. For starters, it ISN’T a “State of the Union”. Mike Johnson invited tr*mp to talk to a joint session of Congress to unveil his “America First” agenda.
Boycotting, and respectfully requested both of my Dem Senators and Representative to boycott as well. He doesn't deserve the respect of their presence.
Canada and Mexico are mean, Zelensky is rude and better apologize to Putin, my new Gaza golf course and resort, bitcoin, even golder bibles for sale, Trump gold credit cards for $10 million. No one knows more than me.
Wah, wah, me, me, me!!
NFT cards, pieces of my suit...
Me too! 😤😡 it's necessary boo. You didn't know this, but I blocked you by accident trying to block someone in our feed & had to ask bluesky to find you back for me! 😂😭💔 they did too. So we back together. 🥰❤️
Nothing to forgive at all babe...we good...I got the sarcasm font....I really really really want to storm the capitol tonight but instead I will do my best to listen, reports and fact check with the help of others. .... I am not killing the idea completely....
i did that for the debates last year, and I didn't know people were freaked out about Biden until I went to YT after and saw Mr Tim Miller freaking out about it.
I prefer to not have color commentary... too many people seek out guidance before forming their own opinion
Please do not watch the sotu as only an actual president can deliver one - this guy is a clown masquerading as the ceo of some rinky dink company that's about to go under.
I'll be watching clips of it here. I expect #Krasnov to go full furher tonight, threatening military action in Mexico and Canada and announcing military deployment to Ukraine on behalf of Russia.
Better idea, protest the SOTU! They'll ignore ratings, and Trump is just going to lie through his teeth. Save yourself the heartache and make new friends!
No reputable 'news' media source should stream it live.
If there are any clips that aren't lies, those snippets can be synthesized into one 'news' item. That's it, that's all.
I will not watch it on C-Span,
I will not watch it here or there,
I will not watch it anywhere.
I will not watch the SOTU address,
I will not watch it Uncle Sam.
This has been really healing and inspirational all day
WHY would any sane person tune in to the hate filled lies.
Hurricanes are scary, but I’m not going to ignore the alerts.
That you can be sure of. You can EASILY get that info without having to hear what he has to say.
That’s how I combat misinformation.
But hey, you do you!
I don't know what SOTU is
(I'm from Brazil xD)
(Nor even something of value!)
(I'm being facetious. There was never a chance, regardless. 😉)
Boycott it.
You really want to listen to lies ?
I won't.
It's not like anyone is gonna need to know how it went.
Meanwhile, the whole of Europe is horrified by the Idiocracy
Unless you're some kind of relevant professional, or maybe a quant, watching Trump is a waste of your limited time on Earth.
I don’t need to listen to any more of his lies.
Be kind to yourself 🫶🏾
Your blood pressure will thank you.
The highlights will be regurgitated forever on YouTube.
State of the Union hasn’t happened.
But we know Trump will be yapping,
About himself with big angry lies.
And Putin love since he’s compromised.
Spend the time protesting and organizing RESISTANCE!
Canada and Mexico are mean, Zelensky is rude and better apologize to Putin, my new Gaza golf course and resort, bitcoin, even golder bibles for sale, Trump gold credit cards for $10 million. No one knows more than me.
Wah, wah, me, me, me!!
NFT cards, pieces of my suit...
I prefer to not have color commentary... too many people seek out guidance before forming their own opinion
Then I’ll read the transcript later like I always do. I’m much better at consuming and analyzing content at the speed of reading than listening.