He was never poor. His aunt was Rosemary Clooney. There's always been money in his family. That's why he's in the entertainment industry he's a nepo baby
Fuck George Clooney he lives in Italy in a fucking mansion and he is the soul reason months before the election we switched to Harris. He wanted a favor for his wife’s legal team and Biden couldn’t do it so then didn’t want to donate and started saying he needed to go so fuck George looney. I hate ¥
Please, just hold on a little longer. George is held up a bit; he's waiting on his ride-share driver, Rob Reiner, to pick him up. Rush hour traffic & all....
No one is coming to save us. Jack Bauer isn't walking through that door. Jack Ryan isn't walking through that door. Chuck Schumer might walk through the door to spit on our faces.
No one will save us, so we need to save ourselves. Don't wait for the next election... There may not be one. WE need to act now. WE need to act LOUD. WE need to show that this isn't the country we want.
I don't intent to change the mind of anyone, but I will continue to berate any and all who blindly and sheepishly support the lying rapist traitor and his attempt to DESTROY AMERICA!
I only want them to know that they're hated with the fire of a thousand suns.
What Mr Clooney did was make demands from a place of high privilege, and then move his ass out of the country like only the rich can do. In the end, Mr Clooney looks a lot more like one of them than he does like one of us.
It's not Red vs Blue;
It's the obscenely rich vs the rest of us.
JJ, I can’t wait for Mad Magazine to take a shot at that DINO that should be defeated by a young person that really believe’s in the constitution in the next election.
I’m wondering why All of the former Dem leaders are so damn absent? Are they all cowed into silence? Fear? Or is there something else?Even the best Pete B offers is : Don’t doom scroll; get out and smell the roses. Well kumbaya : our Constitution is tp for a crazy orange guy. Sure
I’ll whistle Dixie
That’s what I am saying. Were are all the past leaders? Presidents, VPs etc.
I could care less about Clooney. And I am pissed off no former president or VP has said a thing.
Trump has stopped for 10 years.
Kamala Harris, Pete Buttegieg, and Joe Biden all told White America not to fuck around. But they didn't listen, so now America is in the find out phase.
When they spoke up before the election, when it actually mattered, no one listened. The same people who blamed VP Harris for a war on the other side of the world & refused to vote for her are now screaming at her to save them.
And how many learned?
How many are STILL drinking Trump's kool-aid? How many chose Whiteness over harm reduction? How many are STILL saying "both parties are the same"?
Is anyone paying anyone to go in the streets to protest. And actually our tax dollars are paying for secret service and they get benefits and healthcare for the rest of their lives. We the poorest are being taken advantage of and are going to starve. But hey they have millions they can’t be bothered
It’s not fear. Fear is what’s making you beg people to come save you. A drowning person will drag down and kill the person trying to save them. That’s what you did. So now we’re going to let you drown and swim away.
I've been beat down from this country's injustices for more years than I wanna remember. You don't know jack shit about me. Ironic I'm a trained lifesaver. I can and HAVE saved myself plenty of times. I've fought on the front lines saving others most my life. Me, Fear? No.
If you're such a fighter why are you squatting online whining that no one is coddling you? Instead your crybaby ass is out here demanding to speak to the manager?
Nobody is coming to save you. Time for you to get a plan B.
Funny how you interpret what you wanna see. You wanna be a self righteous asshole saying I told you so and kicking people who fought for this country. Good luck bud, You're on your own. Again, anytime anyplace.
Not begging anyone/anything Insight from folks who actually lived in the White House, worked government, could help. But,Crickets. Y'all act as if no one did anything the last forty or fifty fucking years. Did you protest? Did you get chased for being queer? Election worker? Fight for others?FuckU
Because they kept telling voters how bad it would be and voters still chose the bad. Now it is time to let voters deal with the consequences of their actions.
They don't owe Me anything. Have you ever been to a battlefield? WE all owe a debt of gratitude to the people who fought for our freedoms; including my father and my Grandfather, a russian jew immigrant who fought in WW1. WTF? This country wasn't built on a garden party. It's all hands on deck.
Me, waiting to hear outrage baying for Schumer to step aside from Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Rob Reiner, Stephen King, and everyone else who spit on Biden.
Clooney is a sell out who makes promises that are bullshit. If you look at the movies he has made that appear to be making a solid political point they die of buffoonery and bad attempts at turning serious stories into comedy.
Listen, I refuse to support Clooney in any way shape or form and that includes his goddamn wife too… he kickstarted the downfall and put us in a position of where we are today….
Schumer on Chris Hayes says if democracy is at risk people will have to rise up and “we” (Schumer) will join them. Now that’s the real mark of an effing leader!
Schumer needs to be chucked from leadership position in senate NOW. He’s just waiting for Trump’s poll numbers to go down more. Argh! 🤦♂️
Hey Chuck @schumer.senate.gov Do us all a favor and step down. This isn't going away.... We'll still be here waiting for yoy when you crawl out your hole.
The democrats based on that OpEd went after Biden and selected a candidate as though they were kingmakers. They thought Clooney was upset by Biden’s performance but it was because the administration went after his wife.
Biden poor debate was not the reason Clooney turned against Joe.
The Biden admin charged (mrs) Clooney with war crime bc of her representation (as lawyer)legal advocacy for an accused supposed terrorist
"Amal Clooney was part of a group of U.K.-based legal advisers who helped ICC prosecutor Karim Khan request a warrant for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his minister of defense Yoav Gallant, and three Hamas leaders". Not defending terrorists or charged with a war crime.
Holy s%#! .. I didn’t know this!
Well.. I hope knucklehead Dems supporting AIPAC and Netanyahu get their ‘just’ desserts. BiBi will S%#! On them good. 400 murdered last evening w/a current ceasefire BiBi has broken again. IMHO
bibi and putin, one of the same.
Thank you for fact checking ! If we could all hold our friggin mouth until we have the facts we’d have a fighting chance. Everyone who spouts out non fact based nonsense is as much in bed with Trump as the magates
I dunno about being in bed with Trump but certainly it would greatly help society if people made an effort not to spread misinformation and lies. I don't blame this person - they kinda had an inkling of the story, enough that I could find the report about it - and now everyone knows the truth
I do think Joe has some cognitive decline. It can be expected at his age. Trump has dementia which is totally different than CD. People just didn’t want a non-white and female in the WH. I don’t think Kamala would have won even if she had been white though. I had a woman tell me that she will save
$800/month in SS taxes with Trump because he is going to stop taxing SS. That means she is making somewhere around $8000/month with SS based on a 10% tax and I know she said monthly.
If she would have read project 2025 like we were all screaming there was never such thing as no tax on SS or over time. They are and “were” planning on getting rid of both. We all have been yelling that for over a year.
There is absolutely no way to get through to them. So much hate on FB because my profile photo is the I support Ukraine heart. I am now doubling down on keeping it. If I want/need sanity, I will always come here.
Brilliant…. Absolutely brilliant….. I’m also waiting on Nancy Pelosi to go on morning Joe or any of those media outlet and use the same kind of wording and tone that she used towards Biden….. I’m waiting for all the other senators that were not for Biden to step up and say something… tick tock
You need to work harder at id’ing the real enemies in the world. This firestorm all around us, and you think Schumer and Clooney are the problem. Jesus Christ.
Let me guess, smarmy with an undertone of self-righteous from an actor who hasn't lived in the USA for I don't know how long. I don't care if he presumably pays taxes (like the rest of us). Let him recuperate in his mansion on Lake Como.
While we all are still waiting for Clooney's movie featuring the Ohio Wrestling Team sex abuse scandal revealing Jim Jordan's lies, coverups, and general reprehensibleness??
Thank you. I felt like that op ed was the straw that broke the camel's back, and I hate animal analogies because they are so abused. But what an absolute shit thing to do to President Biden!!!!!!!!!!!
It's right behind the one about boxing. George Clooney is a billionaire live with that except it he might have started out a poor boy but he ain't one now. He's also become privileged. Lake Como, please.
He lived in Lexington KY in Chevy Chase neighborhood. Quite nice a few blocks away from Henry Clay‘s home. “Ashland.” His aunt was Rosemary Clooney, who lived in Maysville Kentucky.
George was never a poor boy. His dad was a news director and anchorman for Cincinnati’s CBS affiliate (ABC back then), and his aunt was Rosemary Clooney.
Yes I'm well aware of George Clooney's pedigree. His father originally thought that he would follow him into the news business but he decided to be an actor. He bungled around Hollywood for about 9 years before he got his first chance.
Oh right! He was one of the first to opine very loudly last summer, and that included with his cash. It took him 2 weeks last time. Maybe he's editing his draft.
I’m still so mad at George Clooney and every foolish Democrat and media sleaze bags and I will never forgive them for the disgrace they caused.
Perfection expected for President Biden, corrupt expectations for everyone else.
They weren't wrong. Biden never should have sought a second term. He should have allowed the Dems to run a strong candidate (I think Harris was a good option) from the beginning. But, also, Trump astonishingly has a 45% approval rating. Teaching those people is the goal.
A lot lot of people I knew were planning to vote for President Biden, before he stepped aside, knowing that Kamala Harris may need to takeover at some point.
Where are all the democrats who went after Biden for a poor debate permit are now mysteriously silent about the damage to the institutions that have been around for generations s and the assault on the constitution.
You’re crazy if you think Biden could’ve served another term. Also he’s the reason we have Trump 2.0. If he selected an AG that took their job seriously and put the country before decorum Trump would be in jail. Merrick Garland is a traitor and Biden is too for choosing him.
Here's what I don't understand about the mainstream media.
Are they that absolutely clueless that at some point Trump's going to come for them and make their lives a living hell if they don't become official state media?
They are just like the baby mama that thinks dude isn't going to leave her. He's already got six kids by six different women but not her he's not going to leave her
Washington Post is one step ahead of the game! And what even IS mainstream media anymore? It's all owned by billionaires and beholden to advertisers. It's already pretty thoroughly compromised.
If the felon has his state media, there is no need for several more media companies. They don’t even realize that fact. Under dictatorship, there needs only one media. No more. They all will lose jobs. I have lived under dictatorship, I know that for a fact.
I think it was about Gym Jordan. Never heard about it again... And I am also waiting for the Hollywood elite to get loud about Trump and Leon. Jane Fonda. And? No-one else? Pathetic.
Yeah. Lol. It should come out soon after the documentary clooney promised in February of 2021 about jim jordan and the OSU cover-up.
Clooney is a fraud
What’s done is done. Joe would not have won against Trump.we really need to get people to concentrate on pushing the free media to go against Trump and his sycophants.
Makes it so much more obvious that he did it for totally selfish reasons...because of sanctions against his wife.
He doesn't GAF what's happening here in the states. He lives in the EU.
Clooney lives in Italy. He does not care.
He escaped to Italy, a country Putin could seize.
Let's be real. 4 or against the CR would have been met with backlash. No win situation.
Don't worry if you can't change the minds of everyone. Some people are too far gone. Change the mind of one person at a time
I only want them to know that they're hated with the fire of a thousand suns.
It's not Red vs Blue;
It's the obscenely rich vs the rest of us.
It was "The Boys in the Boat" it was released in 2023
I’ll whistle Dixie
I could care less about Clooney. And I am pissed off no former president or VP has said a thing.
Trump has stopped for 10 years.
When they spoke up before the election, when it actually mattered, no one listened. The same people who blamed VP Harris for a war on the other side of the world & refused to vote for her are now screaming at her to save them.
America needs to save itself from stupidity.
How many are STILL drinking Trump's kool-aid? How many chose Whiteness over harm reduction? How many are STILL saying "both parties are the same"?
If you're such a fighter why are you squatting online whining that no one is coddling you? Instead your crybaby ass is out here demanding to speak to the manager?
Nobody is coming to save you. Time for you to get a plan B.
You weak simpletons aren't worth helping. Enjoy the next few years. You're on your own.
You really just told me to stfu because I said it wasn’t their voters. Sit the fk down.
The key word in your post is "former".
This bogus argument about former leaders is bullcrap. It's on citizens.
IMDB refers to the documentary as “Untitled Ohio State Scandal Project” and claims it’s still in production.
Flight crews, airport employees, truck drivers, car manufacturers, buses etc.
Bros getting rich off our labor. The infrastructure they depend on is because we show up. Show them our power.
Also, Cuck Schumer. Cuck is the right name.
Schumer needs to be chucked from leadership position in senate NOW. He’s just waiting for Trump’s poll numbers to go down more. Argh! 🤦♂️
Everyone talks about how Biden had a bad debate. Trump’s with Kamala was worse.
A lot of people didn’t know their assignment.
The Biden admin charged (mrs) Clooney with war crime bc of her representation (as lawyer)legal advocacy for an accused supposed terrorist
Well.. I hope knucklehead Dems supporting AIPAC and Netanyahu get their ‘just’ desserts. BiBi will S%#! On them good. 400 murdered last evening w/a current ceasefire BiBi has broken again. IMHO
bibi and putin, one of the same.
Remember Clooney went to lobby directly with Joe, and grandpa said,,,,,nah. Sorry🤭
Who knows. Perhaps not. He seems principled. His wife obviously is.
(Is that too hard an ask? 🤔)
I even forgot which documentary on whom was he supposed to release. 😵💫
Get in line!
Seems like there might be some kind of force out there....
Why can't he take his own advise?
He needs to shut the fuck up forever
A Must Miss
Perfection expected for President Biden, corrupt expectations for everyone else.
And Stephen King.
Both so disappointing.
A lot lot of people I knew were planning to vote for President Biden, before he stepped aside, knowing that Kamala Harris may need to takeover at some point.
I always wonder about that.
interesting take by Ralph Nader.
Well said.
Are they that absolutely clueless that at some point Trump's going to come for them and make their lives a living hell if they don't become official state media?
To me that means your old school newspapers, TV networks and cable television networks.
The problem is the right wing has done a much better job of embracing social media as a way to get their propaganda out.
Until he shuts them down and the money dries up.
When his ass is running for something instead of running his mouth, Then I may pay Attention!
Isn't his wife Amal a big international human rights attorney??? Where is she??
Seems to me neither one of them care much about America.
Clooney is a fraud