I've read most of the analyses of the DOGE 2025 "receipts" site. This, from NPR, is the best I've read so far. Some of what they claim to have cut haven't been cut, other "cuts" will incur costs down the road.
NPR says DOGE has made $2B of cuts, not $55B.
NPR says DOGE has made $2B of cuts, not $55B.
It's the latter.
They are promising Stimulus and everything. They are robbing the Treasury.
Thank you for continuing to shine a bright light at their 'work'.
Put in perspective, if compared to an avg American household, that's like saving $20 a year on a median income of $75K.
I daresay savings CAN be made, but this 'move fast, break things' approach is just dumb and self-destructive.
Corporations have been taking the piss for way too long now. They need to be reigned in and the capital redistributed.
I know people will moan 'but they generate wealth'. Yes, but ONLY for themselves. I don't mind people generating wealth, but there does have to be a limit.
Once this is over, the system needs to be restored to as it was. Then ALL contracts need to be cancelled and a significant tax added to corporations to pay...
Musk fired 80%, and it has been a shambles ever since, losing most of its worth, the majority of its advertisers, and a vast amount of its users.
All he had to do was make a few tweaks and he would have been laughing.
I know it isn’t a direct comparison but I think it’s close enough for people to see what’s going on and where the US is headed if Musk isn’t stopped.
The claims of savings are cover for something else.
Are there valid reasons to increase efficiency? Sure, but they should be measured in qualitative outcomes, not in dollars saved.
So the tldr is that Rocketman's DOGEbags don't understand much of what they are looking at, are therfore making one stupid decision after another and they're not using publicly available data that includes critical contextual information necessary to correctly report on […]
#ImpeachElonMuskAndDonaldTrump #FuckElonMusk #FuckTrump
NPR reliably told us that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation.
Any gains made are short-term, as in 1st Qtr 2025.
Their actions will cost America trillions, not including the human suffering and loss of stature in the world.
Is Trump really just going to give us all a buck?
He's learning so fast!
Both Musk and Trump believe deeply that Truth is Irrelevant.
All that matters to them is what they get people to believe.
If you believe the Trump/Musk LIES, you have been Disinformed and remain Willfully Ignorant.
#TrumpTraitor #WeThePeople #Resist
Cause when push comes to shove
I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love
Da-da-da, dat-da, dat, da-da-da, da-ya-da
Da-da, dat, dat, da-ya-da
unless there’s a spaceship all packed and ready to go with room for trump and musk (et al) on board, mars can fucking wait…
- Elong' Musk
He is retarded
Not fraud.
They have the money because they cut funding to programs.
not because they found fraud.
Cuts that hurt public safety qualify as malignant negligence.
Cuts reducing tax collection increase deficit & line rich men’s pockets.
Cuts that destroy the rule of law are Fascist.
Cuts that destroy America’s scientific advantage are economic suicide
Trusk & the Techbrats thinking cutting employees suddenly equals savings prove how incredibly vain and ignorant these people are.
He will blow up the debt.
"I didn't buy a $250K Ferrari yesterday."
Look I saved us 1/4 of a million dollars, be happy.
$55B în cuts claims the DOGE website.
Nope, $2B is the number that’s right.
Confusing billion with million? Quite a laugh.
Like exploding SpaceX rockets. Bad math.
Fuckers couldn't read an accounting report if it was shoved up their asses. What they are doing is accessing all our system, copying files/code, prob placing code to make it hackable 4 later. Posted by 1 of musk's guys. He took it down soon after.
Just lie, they’ll believe us. Unless you check them. 😊
But of course they lie. MAGA won’t buy their stuff if the numbers aren’t huge. And support their theft from the treasury.
Elon alone has taken more than two billion.
By allowing news outlets like Fox News, America has practically destroyed the public view on the news.
This will only be seen by left leaning people, and the right will call it fake news.
There are so many stories to tell about the recklessness and impact of these cuts; I hope the political class and media take the time to tell them.