In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt answered the "America First" of his day - and foresaw the "America First" of ours:
"We must especially beware of that small group of selfish men who would clip the wings of the American eagle in order to feather their own nests."
"We must especially beware of that small group of selfish men who would clip the wings of the American eagle in order to feather their own nests."
(feature, not a bug etc etc etc)
Americans would be wise to read it. History is rhyming.
It's an honorable objective, to be sure; an intrinsic Good. But it's also the recipe for a vibrant, healthy economy, one that provides ample opportunity for investment and growth.
You dont need not be a do-gooder. Just wise.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtless, committed citizens can fuck-up the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
& as always, you can lift your spirits a little with,
Trump speaks with the arrogance of a Roman, dictating the terms of a war in which he has no stake.
He sees no equals, only supplicants.
FDR quote - -
- - "We must especially beware of that small group of selfish men who would clip the wings of the American eagle in order to feather their own nests."
- asking 4 our friends -
Stinky is just a tool of the billionaires by way of Russia...
Remember that time you dragged us into the Second US War in Iraq? And then 300,000 civilians were killed?
Just now without America.
“The reason why we find ourselves in a position of impotency is not because the enemy has sent men to invade our shores, but because of the traitorous actions of those who have had all the benefits that the wealthiest nation on earth has had to offer”…Joseph McCarthy
God bless America.
"He says America First,
But he means America next."
After years of war, 416K Americans dead, and the relief & jubilation of V-E Day (good pics: and V-J Day, 80 years later 1/3 of voters chose to put a fascist in the WH and 90M didn't care enough to vote.
The US I figure has more corporations with built up
Wealth ,lobbyists more of
That’s the difference
And the credit system is much different
Was non existent in 1940’s
Banking system is supported by US government
So as history goes
You can follow it
In 10 year increments ?
America is not at all who I was raised to believe she is. So few people of civic responsibility in the halls of government right now.
In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt answered the "America First" of his day - and foresaw the "America First" of ours:
"We must especially beware of that small group of selfish men who...
To see more, go to
Trump is an asshole full of shit & Putin ASSET (Bitch)
JD Vance, Rubio & Lindsey Graham are Traitors & spineless. Republican Wakeup and Impeach Trump!
Also, of interest:
For context on Claus von Stauffenberg:
Republican leaders should look back at the Nuremberg trials, complicity isn’t the answer.
“Some men change their party for the sake of their principles; others their principles for the sake of their party.”
Winston Churchill
They’re not hiding it.
You've always been cunts.
“The U.S. & The Holocaust” on PBS
which also looks at how the ‘America First’ movement was pro-Hitler.
at the end of every post you make. Let's get the masses fired up.
So I guess since we DON'T know the past, here it comes again!
2023: "Wacky Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Is Now Spouting Russian State TV Talking Talking Points ..."
"Former White House chief of staff John Kelly says Trump praised Hitler while in office"
The mayor of Kyiv is Jewish. Putin is giving the ayatollah in Iran lots of gold for weapons.
It’s directly relevant
The Leadership Journey: How Four Kids Became President
Drump, musk, Vance and Rubio are weak, pathetic beggars who would steal grandmas food stamps if they had the chance
Apart from that! Yous still voted for him!
Oh, it wasn't until after Brady completed 28-3 that you realized he might be the goat? Damn man, you really know ball.
We are seeing this before our eyes!
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
at the end of every post you make. Let's get the masses fired up.