The director made some comment about this being intentional because it’s meant to evoke the image of “what a teen views a rock star as” despite the fact he’s supposed to be based on her former father or *something*
I love it as a telling of a traditional fairy tale, he's part of the temptation for a girl entering womanhood- it also makes him a real fucking monster, but he IS king of the goblins so
I can’t tell if this is a joke or not but this is very intentional. The directors intentions were for the film to be about a young woman having to be confronted with sexuality for the first time (weather or not it succeeded or was creepy, this WAS the intention)
the musicians/actors in that time were the SEED planters for a world we see today!
Very annoyed when I saw artists like this on stage. men/women dressed up like freaks, but it was more a form of art then to express multi genders back then. Little did we know the seeds were planted in our children.
The worst part is that he’s not even a bad guy he’s just adopting an unwanted kid, and follows the legal exit clause even though he still wants to be a good dad.
It was on purpose. He’s supposed to be the embodiment of a young girl’s fantasy. Plus, you do my cast David Bowie if you don’t want him to be extremely sexual. It’s his nature.
So that boner he's rocking in that film isn't actually his dick
Alot of the special effects, like his orb-twirling trick, was done with wires going down his shirt by a person crouching behind him. That person got sick of David farting in his face so he grabbed potpourri and shoved it....
Down David's pants and the director thought it was so funny he kept it in the film so how everyone has the impression he was constantly erect on set lol
yeah and there was a time when he was Mick Jagger's lover, the song "Angie" is really about Bowie, Mick just uses Bowie's wife's name (at the time) to disguise it.
It's so totally not just you. I was 16 when that movie came out, and it very much was Horny Jareth The Goblin King With All That In His Pants.
It was a flop but I saw it in the theatre half a dozen times. I don't know if the sexual temptation of the gothic heroine was deliberate, but it was real.
I never saw any of them! It just came out at exactly the right time to confront me with “but the villain is sexy and he’s obsessed but he is the villain, i don’t know what to think maybe I better go see it again”
I think the movie was about how we all get coerced into having sex with someone to free our kidnapped loved ones during puberty or something. Nobody really knows for sure, though.
No it was a bit weird seeing him stalking Jennifer Connolly like that. Apparently he performed the baby noises in the film too because the child on set was too quiet. Creatively the guy will always be one of the greats. Butv that film was disturbing.
I don't think it's entirely *weird*: the film hints that Jareth is based on an actual pop star that Sarah has a crush on (she's got a picture of him in her room somewhere) and the dream sequence slyly hints at sexual tension between Sarah and Jareth without crossing the line into impropriety.
You look at the items in her room it pans across at the start of the film you get the impression that her mother was an actress that left the family for a guy that looks like Jareth. So he's sort of her idea of the romantic arch-seducer, whisking her away from her step-mother and half-brother.
I went to a summer camp on a college campus where the student center had a tv that would play a movie over and over for a week. Between Labyrinth and Top Gun I think I witnessed the sexual awakenings of like three or four dozen girls.
I've never seen that movie even though I own it. Bought it for my daughter (one of her favorite movies), who informs that she doesn't own a DVD player, so she left it with me.
It was actually extremely on purpose, the huge codpiece, everything! The writers & Jim Henson especially felt strongly that while Sarah thought she wanted to be treated like an adult, there's nothing scarier to a teenage girl than facing her own sexuality for the first time, so they exaggerated it!
Yes! I was a kid when I first saw this and the masquerade confused the hell out of me. But watching it as an adult, the references are all there. Wanting to be grown up but then realising you can't go back once you have.
The masks & costumes in the masquerade sequence were designed to have many suggestive shapes, emphasizing how foreignly adult the space was, making Sarah both completely out of her element and unsure but also entranced- a very "is this the fairytale you wanted? are you sure?"
lmao sorry for the essay- so often the film gets such an unfair rep, dismissed as nonsense and camp, but it was crafted with so much care; a story not about learning to *be* responsible, but learning that you're responsible for your own life...buuut yes, David Bowie was directed to be sexual 😅👍
I'm delighted to return to this thread and see that my deep lore has been appreciated, thank you very, very much 😌✨🦉🔮 if anybody wants to know why they had to use black velvet instead of a green screen for the Fireys, let me know 😅
It was a lot of metaphors.
And Jennifer Connelly was just a little girl.
And loose the spandex.
I agree…very cringe.
P.S. Have you ever heard of "puberty"?
We just found one part a bit dicey.
Jeepers, Wally, why are you getting sore?
Very annoyed when I saw artists like this on stage. men/women dressed up like freaks, but it was more a form of art then to express multi genders back then. Little did we know the seeds were planted in our children.
Between takes he would snort my pussy juice & fumes.
It created a monster
Alot of the special effects, like his orb-twirling trick, was done with wires going down his shirt by a person crouching behind him. That person got sick of David farting in his face so he grabbed potpourri and shoved it....
It was a flop but I saw it in the theatre half a dozen times. I don't know if the sexual temptation of the gothic heroine was deliberate, but it was real.
A deep and branching rabbithole.
You read that right.
Extremely 😈
but mostly for the puppets
Music, movies, videos, hell, even interviews. Every interview that man ever did he was just edging the interviewer.
We hungry
And getting homeless 😭😭 life is just unfair now
David Bowie was like that everywhere
#LabyrinthRewatch 📽
At birth they ask you, is it a boy, a girl, or a David Bowie?
Long story short, it's intentional (and worse in the book.)
Shit was formative.
My second favorite song!
Chilly down with the Fire Gang!