I think it's virtually impossible for someone to get into the Oval office without the correct credentials and without going through numerous security checks.
If they are paying such little attention to who is allowed in the room, I should give it a try. I could be a reporter for the "p!ssed off citizen" new.
That was a set up. Trump would never have let that go on as long as he did otherwise. He and Vance were playing to an audience of one, Putin. They wanted to humiliate Zelensky to prove their loyalty to a dictator. Trump stands alone in the eyes of the rest of the free world.
Deny America and accept Russia ok got it. Soon, we will see Russians patrolling our government. Our American press were barred, yet Russia was approved. It is on full display for the world to witness what is actually happening in the US. The US has become Russia's puppets. Our democracy is no more.
Trumps' regime is corrupt & not to be trusted. The spin is the journalist snuck in and was removed as soon as he was noticed. Lie. Nobody moves around the White House without being monitored. How stupid does this regime and MAGA think Americans are. republicans need to answer who do they support?
Putin ordered Trump to let the guy in. Trump is a compromised American president. Trump was flipped by the KGB over to Russia in 1987.Trump visited Russia in 1987.Trump held a beauty pageant in Russia too, I’m not sure what year though.Trump setup the Whitehouse Ambush of Zelenskyy,but it failed.
The March 28th Rachel Maddow show should win an Emmy. The perfect segment on Russian influence in the Trump administration should hands down win a news/doc Emmy and be broadcast world wide. The phrase throughout the segment repeated over & over " which is good news for someone, right? " is telling
Thank you @maddow.msnbc.com for highlighting this very important tidbit from the massive shitstorm in the Oval Office yesterday! I am glad to see that this fact is getting the attention it deserves
Strange those Putin shills keep showing up near the Traitorous Troll. Ever since 1977 by some reports. And how many calls and visits has fElony had with Putin over the years? And Dulsi Gabbard? And Hillbilly’s refusal to call Putin an invader? And then there was the Russia thing during 1st term
Hey is Trump a DEI president? A rich white guy feels entitled to be a king? A dumb as a rock white guy with a Sharpie. Did he get the job because he was white, male.. Is that a DEI requirement of the GOP. History should tell us. #DEIKING
not sure but i would like to check if that is possible. thing is dems have a minority so they would really have to work hard to get enuf reps on their side to do anything. i think we should all keep asking for full recounts in the swing states.
Only 1 at a time because Members have to vote for it. Just make a hierarchy and go down the list till you run into voting limits. Should get the worst of the worst out.
1. Trump
2. Vance
3. Johnson & Musket balls
The whole debacle was a set up to humiliate President Zelinsky.They wanted him to take a knee to Trump and sign agreements that Putin will ignore on his quest to dominate Eastern Europe.
So the US denigrate Ukraine. They join Iran (missiles), N Korea (troops), China (trade) and Belarus (logistics) in supporting the annihilation of a brave, principled and democratic country. And they now ask Zelenskyy to stand down - to make way for a puppet. This is total betrayal and a coup.
What, just because he attacks Putin's enemies while refusing to criticize him, told our intel agencies to ignore Russian meddling, is expanding the Russian embassy, got all those classified docs he stole back for some reason and loaded them into a plane after the Zelensky visit, and... hm. 🤔
I think the disingenuous rhetoric and betrayal of trust Trump and Vance exhibited in the meeting probably, unfortunately, looks very familiar to Zelinsky from His dealings with Putin and other kleptocratic "leaders" in his region. Albeit with a swingin' dick real-estate developer spin. GROSS!!
I think it’s more like, what’s Putin got on Trump? Personally, I don’t think Russia has anything of particular value to the US that we don’t already have or have access to. This is why Russia deals in subversion.
not to say they don’t have oil or minerals, but I don’t think anything like that is enough for Trump to throw away our almost 100 year relationships with our allies. This is personal. King Baby is throwing away his entire country to spare himself (and his very big ego.)
Trump is a Traitor and Sociopath
He has sold us ALL to Vladimir Putin. We all will be in a Russian territory with no rights at all in weeks not years if we don't get him out. Trump does not care about ANYTHING other than HIMSELF,that seems to be hard for most to see.
Who doesn’t believe that Vance, mgt and whatsisname stood in the hallway beforehand and whisperplanned heh heh heh ... you ask him what he’s wearing? Like the worst elementary school plot line ever! That 6th grade literacy level coming out strong!
It certainly showed both the Felon Melon & his mini are so far up Putrid's rear orifice that he appears to have 5 belly buttons..4 that blink.Rubio looks like the visual rep of FAFO.The Manchurian Cantaloupe have proven there is no deal,treaty,agreement or"understanding"he will not violate.Then this
While the AP and Reuters were denied. Open the WH doors to Russia. Next onto to Florida to see the files he re-stole?
MTGs boyfriend asks about suits while innocent Ukranians are dying by the minute.
Zelenskyy was the ONLY ADULT, GENTLEMAN, and LEADER of a free Democratic nation in the room
It might be preferable to say the secret service and White House administration is incompetent by saying they were there uninvited. The alternative is they are welcoming Putin.
If WH is spinning this by saying he was unauthorized, then that means their security has holes. This one’s just too easy. Where is the collective, organized outrage from the Dems?
He adores Putin, wants to be like him. Of course by doing so, he weakens himself and demeans the office of the Presidency. But what does that mean from a guy who thrives on “love letters” from Kim Jung Un.
No one talking about this aspect in" was it an ambush?" A day prior to Zelenskyy's visit to, the protection clause Zelenskyy saw as central to mineral deal was downplayed & dismissed by Trump. Was the WH ambush meant to bully Zelenskyy into a last minute concession to sign on Trump's terms?
Let’s face it. Trump and his cronies are all traitors and are in bed with Russia. We all knew this would happen. Still wondering WTH Putin has on Trump.
The TASS reporter live-streaming in the Oval confirms the melt-down with Zelenskyy was a set-up.
But not Trump's.
Trump talked with Putin a few days before the meeting. Putin got to embarrass Zelenskyy and make Trump look weak for attacking him. Win-win. Trump was too dumb to see it.
It’s not safe for Zelensky to go to the US again as long as this administration is around. This “reporter” being there is a threat demonstration, very much in line with GRU practice.
These ungrateful Republicans Sons of Bitches humiliated President Zelenskyy in the White House - As a combat American Veteran I see these Republicans as enemies now!
I'm only wondering how much more it takes to call the opposition to ACTION (as in arresting Trump and his comrades, killing them if necessary) or the Dems aiding the GOP in the USA turning Russia (with a side of IV. Reich).
I know it went down like this. Zelenskyy refused to spread gossip to the US for the felon. Felon was pissed, he did it. Felon was impeached for it, after, the felon stole Ukraines top classified military docs, sold/traded them to putin. The invasion began. Revenge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gxq6N2DLbMQ
I can’t believe my country has resulted to this. Sometimes I just have no words for all of this. Thank you for your voice, Rachel. Very much appreciated.💜
I’m so frustrated with dems. They’re largely missing an opportunity to tell Americans the impact of what is happening on their daily lives using a cohesive message
Right the Democrats need to blame them too. Stop protecting their seats in Congress and in the Senate. The GOP is why the country always tanks and they rule for the rich not for, "We The People"!
That “meeting” was a poorly conceived cage match. Yet, despite ugly energy surrounding president Zelensky, he led through the the dumpster dive with a strength of character reflected in the bravery of all peoples of Ukraine.
The rage most Americans feel is palpable. We now know we’ve been sold out.
I think Zel was told he only had 1 hour with Trump and these oval office press portions are usually only a couple of minutes for pictures. Zel had to make his case. But Trump admitted he kept it going this long for everyone to see. I bet JD was told to jump in and antagonize the situation.
There is so many of them running around the WH and Lardo now they are probably hard to keep track of. This is obviously a lie. Of course they wanted the Kremlin news in there. Have to report back to Vlad.
Talking about his brother-in-arms Putin having to go through the Russia thing with him, as Trump sides with Putin against Ukraine, kind of confirms there was, and is, a real Russia thing.
A world in which Putin defeats Ukraine is one where the U.S.’s standing in the world is diminished, where Iran and North Korea are emboldened, where China dominates the Indo-Pacific, where the Middle East becomes more unstable.” -Fiona Hill, former White House Russia expert
He was the message for fotus to stay in line with putins agenda. Obviously message received. The amount of clearance you need to get that far is strenuous. There are no “slipped in” reporters. But his sheep will follow.
So, Trump is trying to strong-arm Zelensky into giving up territory, forgoing UN membership, giving up resource rights, dithers on further military support, flies into a rage after Zelensky disses Putin AND gives Russian media access to the oval office.
Are we SURE the Krasnov story is bunk?
Friday's debacle, in my opinion, was just Trump, attempting to spin the meeting into a photo-op, where he would be seen as the "great and benevolent Oz". But when Zelenskyy didn't play his part as the humble, groveling requester, that's when things went sideways and it was time to lower the curtain.
I am 100% certain that all former allies of USA don't share real intelligence with USA. They will give misleading info and incompetent MAGA idiots left at CIA and NIH won't know the difference.
This undoubtedly was not an accident. If it walks, talks & creates “policies” like a Russian agent, guess what folks?! We got a Russian agent/puppet in the WH!
America needs to be reminded of the 20,000+ children abducted by Russia since the war started. They have forgotten. H.Res.149 - Condemning the illegal abduction and forcible transfer of children from Ukraine to the Russian Federation.
Yes! Russia's largescale abduction of children- living in an occupied area or with grandparents (while their parents fought Russians!) or orphaned- & erasure of their Ukrainian identity. Some are forcibly adopted with NEW BIRTH CERTIFICATES or sent to education camps. Then incredibly hard to trace.🇺🇦
Day after firing Comey zero U.S. press was allowed for Trump celebrating with Russia's 2 top spies and Trump burnt a Mossad agent inside ISIS.
Photo courtesy of Pravda
ALL of this was inevitable. An idiot could see it coming.
Yeah, how’d that work? He just sauntered in with Margie’s beau and well, there you have it!! Disgusting to say the least. Free press …not much these days
Everything this Trump does is obvious, an how do we stop it? There has to be something. Republicans aren’t listening to the people. Democrats still seem like they’re scratching their heads.
Is this like the overlord having a monitor in the room to insure you do your job right. If he wasn't mean enough would Putin spank him without a magazine with his face on it. I guess if the orange blob does good he gets spanked with a magazine with his picture.
Zelenskyy Is a HERO
Trump is an asshole full of shit & Putin ASSET (Bitch)
JD Vance, Rubio & Lindsey Graham are Traitors & spineless. Republican Wakeup and Impeach Trump!
Nope. They've changed my email address and passwords. I've deleted my twitter app. Not Facebook yet coz I'm still trying. There's so many memories there...
The U.S. Secretary of Defense ordered the Pentagon to halt cyber operations against Russia, allowing Russia to target the U.S. while preventing U.S. retaliation.
I hope Rachel still has her Twitter account because it isn’t those of us on Bluesky who need to see her excellent points…it’s the uninformed Right and hopefully soon-to-be disillusioned Right who do.
Come on, it’s just so easy to wander randomly into the Oval Office.
They are, of course, (surprise, surprise!) lying through their teeth when they claim not to know how he got in there.
Everything always comes back to Russia, Russia, Russia!!
Wow... And that is complete and utter bullshit that the Russian was not authorized to be in the press room. Or maybe Trump's people really are that utterly incompetent. 🙄
I misread that as Whorehouse = Kremlin, since 2025. Made momentary sense until I remembered prostitution is legal in some places in Nevada, they pay their taxes, and they volunteered in the not too distant past to pay more in support of good public causes.
Solution here is that the AP needs to hire people who speak Russian to infiltrate the WH press corps since apparently there's such lax security beyond having a Russian accent.
The president of the United States & the vice president of the United States are useful idiots, promote Russian propaganda & allow Russian state media in the White House.
Appreciate you, Rachel!
"The Committee report found that the Russian government had engaged in an "extensive campaign" to sabotage the election in favor of Donald Trump."
Yeah, right.
Republicans are far less likely to say the U.S. has a responsibility to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia’s invasion (36% vs. 65%).
Now what?
1. Trump
2. Vance
3. Johnson & Musket balls
(caveat, you'd think the vodka would help, but nyet)
oh, well
He has sold us ALL to Vladimir Putin. We all will be in a Russian territory with no rights at all in weeks not years if we don't get him out. Trump does not care about ANYTHING other than HIMSELF,that seems to be hard for most to see.
MTGs boyfriend asks about suits while innocent Ukranians are dying by the minute.
Zelenskyy was the ONLY ADULT, GENTLEMAN, and LEADER of a free Democratic nation in the room
But not Trump's.
Trump talked with Putin a few days before the meeting. Putin got to embarrass Zelenskyy and make Trump look weak for attacking him. Win-win. Trump was too dumb to see it.
- President Kompromat, about pretty much anything these days...
The rage most Americans feel is palpable. We now know we’ve been sold out.
Are we SURE the Krasnov story is bunk?
And we Americans need to wake up to that fact…….before it’s too late.
It was a set up
Photo courtesy of Pravda
ALL of this was inevitable. An idiot could see it coming.
Trump is an asshole full of shit & Putin ASSET (Bitch)
JD Vance, Rubio & Lindsey Graham are Traitors & spineless. Republican Wakeup and Impeach Trump!
They are, of course, (surprise, surprise!) lying through their teeth when they claim not to know how he got in there.
Everything always comes back to Russia, Russia, Russia!!