what a dweeb lmfao. he could have spent two minutes rewatching the clip to maximize precision impact but no. he flopped. bunted with no one on base. i wonder how many somethingawful accounts he has had banned before he gave up
To add on-it lets employers bring in workers, usually to work tech jobs (engineers, software, etc). Highly paid, highly educated. Think Apple, Google, and Xitter as well. But American workers are expensive, so they’d rather bring in foreign workers who work for less $ 1/
Bosses love them, because not only are they paid less, their visa status is dependent on staying w the company that brought them over. So it’s kind of like an indentured servant, rather than an American worker who will change jobs if the conditions suck. It’s been an endemic issue in Silicon Valley.
Because if they got rid of H1B visas he would need to hire Americans, which he would need to pay more and not treat them like servants, because H1B recipients staying in this country depends on maintaining their employment and thus keeping their bosses happy at all times, which is often exploited.
idk if I told you guys this but somebody got so mad that I did a bit on FB like "of course we stole the election. I should know, I was part of the team that hacked the voting machines in MI in 2020. it was easy, fun, and we'll do it again. you clearly can't be trusted with power so we'll keep
stealing them until you become less insane. it's not like you can do anything about it. you're too stupid to figure out how we did it and too low-T (I think this is what *REALLY* got under his skin) to do anything kinetic about it. look what happened last time you tried: J6, and two of your own
people got killed. you're completely incompetent. and the best part is no one will ever believe you. you brought all your ironclad evidence to the courts and you got laughed out of the courtroom. you're completely impotent." that he tried to report me to my boss. my boss laughed.
Man who had the internet in the palm of his hand, made a ton of money (not Elon money but still), cracks started to show, poor financial decisions followed, then drugs, then spousal abuse, then a self inflicted ending
Oh I think I comprehend it about right, I imagine it looks something like lying down in the supermarket wailing and banging your hands and feet against the floor
I am one, and I get called lame all the time. Now I just hope my pop-culture references are at least amusingly ironic.
"I will kick you in the NUTS!!"
I tip my hat to you.
Just funny looking at some of the parallels
That could be fun.
but you know where it might have traction right now?
Truth Social.
Sure would be fun to see if any of them notice.
...*someone* must be...