Ugh. Farage on #r4today to comment on Starmer attending the EU summit. An explosion of prejudiced bilge. The usual crap about needing a “proper” Brexit and a US trade deal. He talks of “submission” and “humiliation” but would be very happy to sell us out to Trump.
The man is such a fucking bore.
The man is such a fucking bore.
In fact, I think they should be investigated for political bias and the bad apples rooted out.
Who listens to the BBC now. No one with any integrity!!
He should just emigrate top the US, but he'd probably be sent back as an illegal, still praising his messiah!
I signed up 2 accounts with different emails and different addresses. One one I selected “Labour” every time I was asked. The other “Reform”
My “reform” account is asked to participate weekly. The “Labour” account almost never.
There may also be people stating they will vote Tory to shore that party up against Reform.
Coupled with the distorting effects of just about all of the media, it's a positive feedback loop of decline and division.
Reckless manipulation for clicks.
What ever happened o balance?
Of course the fact that the country is in the absolute state because of him doesn’t make any difference. Hate that man.
That is a big reason as to why we are in this mess
His lies are as tedious as he is, but with right wing management still at the BBC, he's on air again. Where's editorial balance when he's got GB News?
And now, for all his talk of sovereignty, he grovels pathetically to US oligarchs and seems to have gone full quisling.
Why isn't he confronted over his lies? Our media is populated with spineless courtiers.
Labour aren’t briefing the media, which I agree with.
But Farage knows the inevitable end is CU, SM and then EU membership.
And it will kill his grift.
He is just clickbait.
His incessant narcissism demands to be ignored.
Now he’s jumping on the vindictive fascist racist Trump bandwagon - the man’s a fraud - sickening
Demeaning to all of us that this man is still in our public life.
Can you imagine the EU negotiating with him after years of his grotesque insulting performances at the EU parliament - he’s a grotesque liability for the UK
Lord Darroch was a breath of fresh air and delightfully diplomatic. more please
It can’t be easy for him, he’s such a prima donna.
He loves every scrap of publicity: positive, negative - it's all screen-time to him.
Pants shittingly stupid people who vote reform are racists, every last one.
Perhaps more focus on what is happening over the pond would be more useful?
Always a Reform MP on political programmes, or a failed Tory.
Unless @lisanandy and @DCMS get to grips with the media, a @UKLabour government, don't stand a chance!
The inability/unwillingness to ask critical questions
#BBCdistortion has so much complicity in brexit and Farage happening.You have ceded impartiality in favour of desperately trying to ‘balance’ things that are not equal
Shame On You
And what that means is unworkable arseholery strutting around like it’s got a plan and calling itself patriotism. It’s bullshit.
The BBC white washed genocide and Gaza
And promoted coups and proxy Wars anywhere the rising fascist cult required camouflage
I've boycotted BBC since the illegal invasion of Iraq
Brexit has managed to divide the country,make us all poorer(except probably some speculators who knowingly played the system)& weakened both UK and Europe
Farage & his looney army have basically done Putin's work for him. All whilst waving their little Union Jacks
What patriots they are.
They're allowed to put up anyone who has a point: the fools will reveal themselves.
Did he get any questions asked or answer any ?
Most interesting though was his return to the “Brexit wasn’t done properly” rather than his recent cries of “boring” when challenged on its failure.
The short, Today, interview is his home ground.
I’m not sure it’s a wholly fair criticism.
But things could certainly be better.
His girlfriend is French.
"Hah, now come on old chap, common sense, show the EU who's boss HAHAHA, now how about a pint?!"
The article, along with added extra links, is in this Bluesky thread. Tap above the 'article pic' and scroll ⏬
But I might just have to give it a listen...
Why is this awful human so adored by UK legacy media?
He's got nothing new to say.
Sometimes I get the hat trick!
Just give him a map and point him towards Clacton. The most important of his current 9 jobs
Truly a horrible horrible man
Generally US products aren’t the same standard as Europe’s or as cheap as Chinas
The US Fentanyl problem is linked to the misbalance of wealth
Time for the world to step back and watch the civil war play out.
It isn’t going to be pretty.
Whenever he is interviewed, on the rare occasions the interviewer actually asks him "What would you do about [x issue]?" he invariably says something like "Well I'll tell you what I *wouldn't* do-" and then just has a moan about the current government.
And the interviewers never then press him
And as for Reform's economic policies... well that's just hilarious.
The BBC is giving Fauxrage a chance to reheat and recycle yesterday's Express front page thinnest of gruel as something new, which they will presumably clip up as new material and use to pollute social media. Great work, lads.
We need to build closer ties to Europe for mutual protection and independance from an increasing erratic, unreliable and dangerous US.