Having spent plenty of time in all three of these cities, including riding the subways in each, wtf is he even talking about?
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Trump: "In major cities like New York, Chicago, and Washington, mothers can't walk their children to the park without fear of being shot, or killed, or raped, or anything. Women can't ride the subway without worrying that a hoodlum will shove them onto the train tracks."
I love taking transit here, as a single woman. Always officers + people to help if an issue w/ passes. Traveled the world - is one of the best transit systems. Built 35,000 housing units in 5 years.
MAGA CR is designed to trash everything here. Because it is succeeding.
He was probably watching CSI.
Dogs everywhere:
I feel like I should call and apologize for the fact that she's been murdered every time she's come up to Chicago to visit us.
Most of my family is from 'up north' Wisconsin, and they are utterly amazed I managed to survive 20 years in DC!
Uncontested LIES do damage to lives!
'Sunshine is the best disinfectant' my ass! 🤬
I heard a guy who lives in a downtown Denver high rise talking about how unsafe he feels outside. I drive through (husband bikes through) and see young women walking to work alone, relaxed and easy.
Think about those 91,250,000,000 subway rides that DIDN'T make the news!
Auto accidents ~250. (Serious injuries ~2500.)
Pedestrians ~120
Cyclists ~30
Subway murders ~10
Total murders ~350
→ You're more likely to be killed on the street than in the subway!
NYC is just not particularly dangerous, no matter what Republicans tell you!
That's totally insane. Kids ride the subway to school every day. But the people who heard it and voted for him haven't been to NYC, and they believed it.
I'm sure millions of Fox News viewers were freaking out and hugging their children extra tight that night.
Under Trump and his Nazis, crime everywhere in the country is going to *skyrocket*, as are unemployment, poverty, disease, and death-rates,...
THAT you can take to the bank.
My guess is that he will stiff the bond company, like he has stiffed everyone else he has ever had a financial relationship with.
Just normal President of the United States stuff you know.
34 felonies and adjudicated rapist.
They have to all believe that the big scary cities are full of black and brown people who will kill them or rape them or rob them and only he, Dear Leader, can protect them from these evil minorities.
Beware the hoodlums!!!
And the only person I would be worried about raping anyone is the orange man himself…
Not that the Blue Line isn't ALL kinds of weird after 1am...
For their own protection.
Ttump is scared of people that he can't control. There are a lot ofnthosee types on the subway, normal people.