I remain perplexed by people who keep claiming "if only Kamala ran on..." and then list out the things she explicitly did run on, which the media mostly ignored, while repeating the false claims of the MAGA crew that she was a far leftist.
Reposted from
Emma Berquist
Dems literally ran on being the law and order party, Kamala bragged about owning a gun, Biden deported more people than Trump did in his first term, and they still lost
Closest thing we have to a Socialist is Bernie Sanders, and he's a fucking millionaire.
Take ACTING lessons!
I thought she should have ran on universal health care and immediately defunding Israel. pretty sure every lefty I know said this. did I miss something?
you're kinda changing the subject. I was responding to your claim that she did run on the things everybody is now saying she should have. not in my experience.
from what I've seen, I think she would have gained more votes than she lost but it would have not been enough […]
The media landscape is hard, but I don't buy that as an excuse for not doing a better job at getting through.
Conservative media is a circular vibes machine, Democrats don't have that right now.
Having a hard time reconciling my view of 🇺🇸 with this information.
We have competing, completely siloed information networks, with a ton of well-financed dis-and mis-information. Without solving that problem, things will continue to fall apart.
What good is a message if the people who need to hear it never do? Or if they do it's immediately overshadowed by propaganda?
“Fuck you, America is already great.”
"Immigration is awesome, actually, because it makes us richer.”
"We should have universal healthcare.”
Everything they ran on had some kind of compromise in it. People could smell the weakness from a mile away.
Humans will obsess with assigning the blame properly, to the exclusion of noticing their house is on fire & they might die.
Until the blame is properly assigned & agreed upon nothing new can be done.
Has anyone run any statistics to find out how many of these people are Never-Trumpers who are just trying to turn the Democratic party in the pre-Trump GOP?
I want an edit button
That was all the convincing far too many Americans needed.
And of course the current reaction is to 'stop paying attention to small donors and go with what large donors want', which...this has been tried?