Given him and his mother's pathological lying and his father's interview, I dont think there's any reason to believe he's telling the truth about being autistic either
I forget the tweet but someone once wrote something like, “Good news: I have a medical condition that lets me do whatever I want” and I’ve never stopped thinking about it.
While that is true, im sick of him getting grace for something that there's no actual proof he has. The man would be demanding a publicly administered test if someone he didn't like tried to get away with shit the same way
I think there'd be a little more wiggle room if he hadn't just met with the leader of the far-right German party and also wasn't constantly posting Nazi rhetoric.
The fact that they're trying to tap dance around this at least shows that they know that Nazi salutes are (still) bad. I mean, he did it and it's indefensible, but trying to defend it shows that there's a molecule of shame left within them, I suppose.
I'm AuDHD and have never thrown a Nazi salute. Nor have my children who are AuDHD. The way he beat his chest and threw it was intentional. Besides, he's had plenty of words and actions to back up that intent.
Also there is no Asperger syndrome anymore. It's all under the umbrella of ASD, but yeah Nazi salutes are not a tic people on the spectrum have...unless they are Nazis
And this is where I go, "OK, let us say that is true, we know there are at least hundreds of thousand of actual nazis in this country how are THEY going to interpret it?"
So your position is that with his turn to the far right and his flirting with the far right in Germany none of the many documented fascist and white supremacists in this country are going to see that as a shoutout?
My popsitionis nopt to make an assumption of something as anything can be made to look bad. I don't think any one of them in the photo were actually giving a nazi salute no matter how much I like or don't like someone.
How about when he does it at the inauguration of a man that ran on immigrants "poisoning the blood" of America? Do you need a link to where Trump made multiple statements that are pandering in blood pollution rhetoric ?
I hate to break it to you, I'm not a fan of Trump, but he was talking about the criminals and terrorists when he said that. There are bad people who have entered our country. Y'all just lump in the good people with that statement. Just like the comment about who will pick the fruit if deported.
Crowd: BEAN!
Musk: SMOL!!
Crowd: BEAN!!
I’ll go first… because
When you have a micro penis your can’t adjust yourself like a normal male. Instead you push out from the chest.
We don’t need to invent outrage when we have denial at home.
He gestured and said, “Thank you, my heart goes out to you.”
How unfortunate.
So we wouldn't be confused.
No, it was a twice given Nazi salute. And I did see this coming!
Are all these people giving a nazi salute or do you pick and choose?
When will people wake up and realize the media does not tell you the truth anymore. They create sensationalism.
It did not look like his was throwing his heart and he does like pepe and kek so it wouldn't be shocking he wanted to troll.