If you're still on Substack but want to make the move elsewhere, I highly recommend Ghost. Email [email protected] and they'll take care of virtually everything.
If you're worried about hanging onto subscribers, they kept everything in place from the old place. I've added 100+ new ones today.
If you're worried about hanging onto subscribers, they kept everything in place from the old place. I've added 100+ new ones today.
You should remain nimble.
Stay frosty my friends.
I do think there should be an open place, but I also think that 99% of the money and attention should go to places with a sound editorial voice.
We received a grant to upgrade @thexylom.com's site infrastructure and I've never seen any company just sitting on a client that's begging to use their services like this
Please move away from Substack.
Lots of Nazi accounts funded by good people like you being on there.
I would love to be a paid subscriber to you and others, but I won't pay Substack.
Thank you!
I’ll check it out.
Substack is not a platform as such, it’s a gathering place for individual subscribers.
If you're curious, try googling "substack nazi bar".
My bad.
100+ people signed up today. It just gives me the name and email, not the journey that brought their life to this point.
But I prefer the old blogspot days where anyone and everyone could offer their 2c.
Anonymous comments aren't a feature right now due to the big lift needed to tackle the spam problem that comes along with it but Ghost doesn't do anything to force credit card signup for commenting.
Not only do I have a clean conscience, but the functionality is fantastic, too! And the service is terrific.
Not saying don't migrate from substack, but be cautious moving subscribers based in some countries.