Changes to the way science is being carried out in the USA looks like being quite successful with bringing back diseases from times long past. Perhaps that could be a more promising starting point ?
Have you considered transgenic Trumps?
Using CRISPR to insert his Y chromosome into the wooly mouse sequence might create a new breed of
Megalopyge opercularis
Or, as the unfortunately disgraced Woody Allen relayed in life coach advice from his elderly father in Zelig, “Life is an endless nightmare of suffering. And save string.”
I thought it was Schrodinger's cat, which is only supposed to be conceptual; not an actual try it yourself at home on your pet cat, which ends up dead from radioactive poisoning.
Even a fascist, like a broken clock, can be right twice a day: "they promised us flying cars and what we got were 40 Char", They promised us wooly mammoths and...
One being not attempt to artificially replicate long-extinct biological systems that provide the perfect host environment for ancient pathogens we and many other animals aren't adapted to cope with anymore. The arrogance of tinkering with genomes at any cost to humanity. Who'd actually fund that?
It'd be cool though. Also shouldn't we want to like restore nature to what it was? I.e bringing back mega fauna. I mean if rewilding is something to strive for.
We lack sufficient knowledge and the world (ecology) has changed dramatically. The belief we should engineer prehistoric ecosystems we know too little about is BS. It risks extant species going extinct. Rewilding is more about letting extant species flourish into functional ecological communities.
And it’s still an appropriate comment for every eventuality! (I live in the Netherlands - no chance of anyone recognising it in real life, only on social media!)
I still recall reading this piece, oh, in what feels like a million years ago now...
Give ‘em time. 😀
They had a Spinal Tap, Stone Henge moment.
(/s, in case it wasn‘t obvious.)
Using CRISPR to insert his Y chromosome into the wooly mouse sequence might create a new breed of
Megalopyge opercularis
What are we going to do with woolly mice? Jeez...
"Mammoth escapes cage"
Apparently they wanted a woolly jumper…