Exactly right - if white men were actually superior to the rest of us, disappearing the accomplishments of minorities and women would not be necessary.
White men have basically run things for a long time and women and minorities still out do them. They are useless and they know it. The only way they can win is when there is no other competition at all.
Thank goodness, I haven't had to endure that! Adam Kinzinger gave a similar description, along with numerous others who have been in his proximity. Some of his former staffers say he doesn't like to shower because it takes a lot of time to restyle his hair. He could use a shower cap.
Every last one of these people is the weakest specimen the human species can possibly produce without dying in the crib. "Smart people think they're better than me" "I just need more stuff and I'll finally be happy" My god, fuck off. Just march yourself straight into the fucking ocean.
Imagine Ending Education Dept. To Make Sure Americans Children And Youth —Don’t Become Smarter Than The Morons Running GOP White House And Government !!
This country has always been a bit slow and severely lacking in self-awareness. This shit storm is a consequence of that deficiency tbh. We'll see if we can work through it and learn from this.
Work Through-Trump/GOP Caused Economic Recession, Millions Of Job Losses, Bankruptcies,High Inflation,National/World Security Threats, Climate Change Desasters, Left To Spread Diseases/Healthcare Defunded, Sadistic/Lawless Corrupt FASCIST Gov. Destroying Democracy—WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT STOP THEM NOW
I live in Indiana where it all stated with one of Reagan's acolytes- Mitch Daniels.
He started to dismantle Hoosier education in 2010 and it's never stopped.
Resist erasing the achievements of minorities. Get on the phone or e-mail and tell your reps in DC what you think. It only takes a few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people to participate. https://www.nationalfinancialplan.com
There has never been a greater need in the USA for all of us to stand together. Greet everyone with, "Hope you are having a great day and hope FOTUS drops dead today."
I respect your point, and it outlines their stupidity for sure. It’s just too bad that them being wrong isn’t going to stop them from hurting a lot of people.
The lawyers can’t find the people getting scooped up. Renegade nationalists are impersonating ICE.
Interesting in the replies some are pointing only to MAGAs however
*all* white people in the US are to blame for the mess because they didn't do anything to end systemic racism.
There are HELLA white people who have fought w/every fiber of their being for equity & inclusion. Is there a collective problem? Yes. Does blaming all white people ultimately improve anything? No. It just makes those of us who care and feel helpless alongside you feel like shit. What is your goal?
Take a deep breath and drop your defences...use logic.
400 years. Four hundred years whites have said we are trying
Don't you think we are doing something wrong.?
Nothing has changed, now the US is going backwards..
Your point seems to be that if progress hasn't been sufficient, or worse we're backsliding, then all white people are slacking off. And yes, way more need to step up and join the fight.
Yes. That is part of my point, the other is many are ion denial racism is an issue. The "well I am not racist so I bear no responsibility" is wrong. I know many whites haven't a clue about systemic racism, and that is our fault. It's a result of a combination of living inside a.....more below/
2/2...bubble and wilful ignorance. For example many people don't know Sundown Towns exist.
If it doesn't affect us on a personal level we don't pay attention--that's wilful ignorance.
But it's more that we're still outgunned, if not necessarily outnumbered, and it's going to take more work. That doesn't mean many of us aren't working our butts off right now.
I am not saying no one is trying, and you're right there is a lot of work to do. But just the fact we are discussing this is on a public platform is an excellent first step, would you agree?
It's too bad some of us shut down instead of talk.
"Not all whites" is the same as "Not all Men" Women do NOT have equality as much as men think so...so yeah, all men are responsible for lack of equality between women and men
Same for whites. When will we say ***as a group***, enough is enough so there is equality?
Sorry to misunderstand you, but you’re wrong. Plenty of people of all categories have tried to end racism, antisemitism, discrimination against women, bigotry against LGBTQ etc. Unfortunately, there are, and will always be, idiots and collective blame isn’t the answer.
This is probably a bot. I've seen dozens of replies recently where seemingly progressive accounts are attacking other progressives and accusing them of racism, or whatever isms... They all sound the same. Russia, or somebody, is trying to divide us.
The very height of something stupid and hypocritical. Like white supremacy, for example. This level of insecurity is pathological. Trump diminishes himself with every personal flaw he exposes. We see it in real-time.
Especially after he told them everything he was going to do!!! They just wanted him to hurt other people. They didn't pay attention when he said he didn't care about them. They laughed it off!
The message is clear, America is for the White Master Race. All others must serve that race and take pride in the Master Race. Much more North Korea than Russia. But fundamentally bent!
My half-brother is buried in Fort Mitchell’s cemetery. He died for Bush’s phony war in Irak. His sacrifice is better not be erased. 🤬
What a way to add insult to the injury! I can’t… 😤
That's going to be one stupidly diminutive monoculture.
I know the term 'cracker' meant those who cracked the whip. But until lately, I thought it referred to crackers, like Saltines. White, brittle and flaky.
I probably never will as it's how my widespread family contacts each other. Some of them are not on FB enough to even know that they allow you to call maga morons now. 😆
PS They're all dems, thank goodness!
Black people need to know that non-violent protests are going to end up with us being on the receiving end of violence. They want us to show up. Our presence will be a reason to inflict brutality upon black bodies. They are waiting to cause serious harm to us, if not death.
If we do nothing, you think they will not come for us. At this very moment, accomplishments are being taken away. My parents went to sit-ins my dad was a 28-year veteran. I prefer to die on my feet than hope somebody lets me keep what is mine. Life and Freedom
My parents did too. My father was a 24-year veteran, served during WWII + 4 years in the reserves. The 14th amendment was enacted the year I was born. My point is - know the risk. Be prepared for him to instate marshal law after you get out there. He wanted to kill us last time. This time, he will.
It's always been about maintaining an unlevel playing field. Mediocre conservative white men can't succeed on their own merits; they can only rise if others are held down or held back. They only look good if the contributions of others are minimized or erased. And they're painfully aware of that.
Seriously. They think it's their only way to survival. Will they really use the military to attempt to control 100 million people. Germany had close to 30% unemployment when Hitler made his grab. What are we at...like 4%? Plus they fire a few more 100K. Whose side will they be on? So ignorant!
quote: " i love you christians, im not a christian but i love christians".
because religion is control and christianity was written mostly by jewish who today use that control in the form of jerusalem. jews also got thrown out of ancient Egypt. their worship!
They crave masculinity so much, they put nuts on their cars. It's funny that it's always the self-proclaimed "alphas" who end up being so far in the closet, they're trapped in fucking Narnia.
This is their way.
It’s as if we are in race (the human race as “Marley” calls it) If they (European Americans) get rid of all the runners in the race (enslavement and colonization included), they win!
It’s weak tired and tried but effective, time after time.
I imagine you could be Black and orphaned as a child, never adopted, released at 18, be homeless, start working a factory job, gain housing, take out loans and get a degree in medicine while working full time, intern on cancer research, find a cure for cancer and these ppl would still say "dei!"
DEI means nothing to these ppl, it's just a slur now. P much every curriculum in the US just says "white ppl invented everything and made everything in the world" and any historical fact that proves that wildly incorrect is "woke garbage". It's so embarrassing and ridiculous.
I have never thought less of mediocre white men than this. They want women to have more babies but make themselves so unattractive to the opposite sex. Upside is we will procreate but not with them. Counterintuitive to their white supremacy plans to make themselves one big ick.
You can really see why the idea of going back to the 50s - when any white man, no matter how mediocre, was seen as superior to all women and people of color - is appealing to these guys. They get to delude themselves into feeling superior without doing anything to earn it.
Also in a recent study where they gave white and black men identical qualifications and half of each a felony record,white men with a felony were called for interview more often than Black men with a clean record. DEI still only helps the top qualified minorities beat the least qualified white men.
All these WANNAbe White Supremacists are doing is showing
Us they are nothing But BARBARIANs who are still functioning
with an animalistic mentality - fighting for Dominance
Thinking the color of someone's Skin Identifies Supremacy
even as a Child I knew that was PURE Stupidity
I just spit out my coffee. 🤣
This really represents the MAGA crowd so well. I see this endlessly where I live and I frequently can’t keep my mouth shut when I see it anymore. I think it’s high time we all start publicly shaming these people when we see them.
I agree. I am a white male. I am so grateful to my parents for raising me to recognize the oneness of humanity. The actions of Rump and crowd betray their inner insecurity. Sad so many in america have bought the crap Donnie bloviates into the MAGA sphincter cranium.
Just like Hitler. And he even erased the people. I can’t help but wonder, where are the people who are going to stand up and stop him? The ones who took the oath? Hitler wasn’t stopped with a damn lawsuit. This is depressing beyond words. I weep for mankind and the planet.
Um, the idea of white always has an inflection of supremacy baked into it. That is why it was created as an idea in the first place. Before that people were German, Polish, Austrian. The idea of white ~ yeah that's an idea by and for supremacists. Sorry, I didn't create history. What is is.
Has it ever been any different. You only throttle what can over perform. The double think has always been weird, because the implications have always been... they are quite fearful and certainly insecure.
Until all the stupid a-holes realize that there is only one race, the human one, they're going to do stupid shit. In fact, they're too stupid to realize how stupid they are. Stupid will always find its true form and unfortunately, we are surrounded by the truly stupid.
Their IQs can’t compete unless they put other more intelligent competent people down. Remember their ancestors were convinced (conned) to die for the
Millionaire confederate generals ability to own humans.
Yes. Only, I would say "ultimately pathetic." And once these buffoons have been removed and stripped of authority, we should extend the same thoughtfulness and consideration that they have shown us. ALL of us.
Mush’s DNA is double stranded helix like every black, brown, yellow, red human on earth .
Oh and
his blood is red like all others ! Oh
he eats and excretes like every human being . He HAS ISSUES !! LOL
Their biggest fear is someone finding out that we're not the master race, but anyone with a hint of sense already knows. All this bullshit isn't even necessary to convince the stupid to keep hating.
It is serious mental illness. These people need to be in solitary confinement in psychiatric facilities. They are fucking nuts. Cuckoo for cocoa puffs. They should not be in public life whatsoever.
Eugenics is hilarious, every time they run into the wall, they change the rules to reframe their arguments. This isn't science, it's a clown show. They have never had a bit of scientific proof. They know it, but if they back down, they'd be wrong, and they can let that happen...
It’s all about the ego and lack of respect for achievement as well as racism when people resort to minimizing accomplishments of people of color!! Those who resort to doing it are very small people!!
It's more about not letting future generations of white kids know the truth. The South has been doing this for decades. It was their practice ground, and now they're taking it across the country.
🤦♀️ We have lived in AL twice now. My patience limit seems to be two years before job changes became necessary again to escape. I homeschooled my littles during those years so they didn’t need the vaccine against the stupid around us. Sounds like you’ve been inoculated. 👏
I confess, I don't understand this. Why should white kids not hear things that make them feel bad? how can...
Oh, it's sarcasm? I should have got that, heh? I feel rather stupid now. Pay that one!
I don't think so. I don't care what topic it is...most of the white kids i've interacted with online? Never even attempt to look information up. Fact checking is just something they don't do. So i don't think that is or even needs to be the case anymore. Hell, most white adults don't.
I've always lived in blue states and I and my children learned about racism, sexism, the holocaust, etc. I'm in my 60s and they're 33 & 44. My nephew is learning this stuff at his elementary school in Portland. It is still taught in most blue states. Fact checking media posts is a different animal.
That's all well and good. But think about this. For a good while now we black people have baked being against cops killing us into the music we make. An insane amount of white people grew up listening to said music. Only to then grow up to be cops who kill black people.
That's part, but history is written in many places books, the Library of Congress, the national archives, university libraries, town libraries, and history experts. Among some of the ways history won't get erased.
Yeah but you forget. White people made america majority white. Meaning the majority of people in charge of those things? Are also white. So not only is there a possibility it can be wiped from their memories. But they can be convinced to physically erase that history. And already have been.
I'm still not convinced white or not that history will be completely erased. Look at the Tulsa OK black Wall Street disgusting riots. It was erased but not forgotten & now it's not.
Same. I'm not saying it'll be completely erased. I'm saying the chances of it being erased in white people's minds? Not just talking republican white people. Is very high. Extremely high. Why do i say that? Because of things like the below.
removed…Dumb and Dumber needing severe correction and removal!
1) work hard
2) shit on everyone else in order to make yourself look better
One requires focus and dedication and the willingness to bust your ass... the other is lazy, but much easier.
They're ignorant too.
Let’s insure that history is written correctly.
It’s what the shallow, weak, spineless worms do.
I live in Indiana where it all stated with one of Reagan's acolytes- Mitch Daniels.
He started to dismantle Hoosier education in 2010 and it's never stopped.
Students are no longer taught how to figure things out on their own. They have lost the ability to think critically.
He's a loser!
They could never measure up because they do not have the skills the brave men and women had.
They are green with envy, plain and simple Jealous.
I saw the ruins at my feet..
You know we almost…didn’t notice it…
We’d seen it all the time…
The lawyers can’t find the people getting scooped up. Renegade nationalists are impersonating ICE.
We’re frogs in a pot of genocide.
*all* white people in the US are to blame for the mess because they didn't do anything to end systemic racism.
We have a similar problem in Canada.
400 years. Four hundred years whites have said we are trying
Don't you think we are doing something wrong.?
Nothing has changed, now the US is going backwards..
If it doesn't affect us on a personal level we don't pay attention--that's wilful ignorance.
It's too bad some of us shut down instead of talk.
Same for whites. When will we say ***as a group***, enough is enough so there is equality?
What a way to add insult to the injury! I can’t… 😤
I know the term 'cracker' meant those who cracked the whip. But until lately, I thought it referred to crackers, like Saltines. White, brittle and flaky.
PS They're all dems, thank goodness!
Most who are "weak" are not cruel. Observably, psychosis plays a prominent role in cruelty.
All we need to know is they are proud to call themselves nazis.
I will not capitalize the word "nazis".
I will end them if I have the chance.
Fuck around and find out.
White Guy
quote: " i love you christians, im not a christian but i love christians".
because religion is control and christianity was written mostly by jewish who today use that control in the form of jerusalem. jews also got thrown out of ancient Egypt. their worship!
Following follow back
And that isn’t being fair to gorillas
Following follow back
Following follow back
It’s as if we are in race (the human race as “Marley” calls it) If they (European Americans) get rid of all the runners in the race (enslavement and colonization included), they win!
It’s weak tired and tried but effective, time after time.
My whole life has been dominated by men…first my dad, then two husbands, and every boss I ever had. I’m 67.
I thought it would be wonderful to finally have a female POTUS. I was so filled with joy.
My joy is gone now, and despair has taken its place.
I know the assignment
All these WANNAbe White Supremacists are doing is showing
Us they are nothing But BARBARIANs who are still functioning
with an animalistic mentality - fighting for Dominance
Thinking the color of someone's Skin Identifies Supremacy
even as a Child I knew that was PURE Stupidity
This really represents the MAGA crowd so well. I see this endlessly where I live and I frequently can’t keep my mouth shut when I see it anymore. I think it’s high time we all start publicly shaming these people when we see them.
And pleading with the same underachieving minorities to "DO SOMETHING" to fix what you broke because you refused to listen to them in the first place.
Always wanna be running shit while running away from it.
but it's just practiced standard, standard in thought, standard in action, standard in ways and means....
Millionaire confederate generals ability to own humans.
How long have you been at war with Eastasia? Think carefully before you answer. . .
Also, let's not forget Mr. October.
Oh and
his blood is red like all others ! Oh
he eats and excretes like every human being . He HAS ISSUES !! LOL
Maybe that's why they are and forevever will be angry?
This is what American 'culture' looks like.
Oh, it's sarcasm? I should have got that, heh? I feel rather stupid now. Pay that one!
It makes it easier to defend their racism and bigotry.