I really dislike when games give you the illusion of having choices within the world then at the end of the day they don’t even really matter.
I know not every game can be as intricate as Baldur’s Gate III, but c’mon developers could try a little more for the choices to really matter/pack a punch.
I know not every game can be as intricate as Baldur’s Gate III, but c’mon developers could try a little more for the choices to really matter/pack a punch.
(I know at least part of the reason is that people don't want to make a load of content that hardly any players will see, but, like... they *should* want that.)
I've really enjoyed playing Hogwarts Legacy but at the same time I wish it was just a linear story, would've been so much better.
It’s only in game 3 where the ending is like okay here’s only a few choices and the fan base is mixed on it.
Like dialogues, where no matter what you choose - the NPC will react the same. But you think it might be registered somewhere for the future. It really isn't, but you forget about it.
But yeah, I think this was one of the games that coined the phrase "the EndingTron 3000".
(although replace Kaiden with Ashley for me. And yes I know she's full maga-pilled 🫣)
I wasn’t a huge fan of that ending choice but man that whole trilogy was pretty much perfect to me so I forgave it.
As my brothers were also playing it, I made the choices they didn't. I ended up getting some of the best characters in the game with the path I took.
Dialogue choices?
Im so glad you let me know!
I had no idea!
Ive only been gaming for 52 years. 👍
I.e., more Bauldur's Gate or Divinity.
However, I don't want games with "baby choices" to be sacrificed
Outer worlds is a great example your choices don't matter much other the ending you get that's just reading of static text.
Really the only thing it changes is do you avoid combat or not. Which is bad.
It very much depends on the game, though.
This is part of the problem I'm having with Kingdom Come 2 right now. So many fake choices.
Heavy Rain
The Witcher 1, 2 and 3
The Banner Saga 1, 2 and 3
Baldur’s Gate 1, 2 and 3
Planescape Torment
Disco Elysium
The Age of Decadence
Fallout 1 and 2
Until Dawn
The Stanley Parable
Heavy Rain really nails how to manage the endings.
Does my head in. Let me settle things how I want (within reason)
I do not wish to summon them
Um, actually Fallout has the top mechanics in a game for player choices. You just don't understand it. /Just kidding.
I love the games, kinda hate the fan base
Would just call it a FPS with RPG-lite elements tbh
Which is a shame, because F3, FNV, and the OG 1&2 games are superb RPG experiences
But really, while I like the story of 4 especially the first two acts while the mystery is preserved, there's no doubt that much of the story and some decisions have choices that say yes 3 different ways lol
Just felt a bit lightweight in terms of RPG elements and choices
New Vegas was really bad with that. You could say all sorts of stuff through dialog, and it never actually mattered.
I absolutely adore the game overall, but the ending choices made me feel like I’d been catfished by the game, lol.
Like, don’t get me wrong, it’s still one of my very favorite games, but that was disheartening. It had a serious emotional impact for me personally and I adore it, but we deserved better from the ending.
I guess it just felt to me like for all the multitudinous choices you make throughout the game there should be more to the ending. Or that choices should result in more than just two possibilities
I would love some shades of gray thrown in there but I know that is asking quite a lot.
The morality system is definitely in there, but Bioshock 2 did it much better than 1.
I've beaten all the other ones but for some reason, 2 was my blind spot.
1 was good but it was mostly just SS2 underwater, Infinite was great but for the racism and that Buried at Sea ending was bullshit.
But 2?
Expanded, improved, and yes, sadly retconned a bit too.
Last Story = F**k your choices, player. Now save the world as Super Shadow after suffering through 10 non-canon endings.
There’s 5+ endings, and the middle ground is surprisingly the most interesting choice.
Aside from the Angel and Devil endings of saving / killing everyone, there’s an option where you’ve become a monster to save her but you sacrifice yourself to show that it’s not too late for her to be better.
Instead she holds your hand, watching one last sunrise with you, as you die.
•Say yes.
•Say no, but agree to it anyway.
This time, don't murder the scientists.