Unbelievable. These clowns call themselves patriots whilst simultaneously suggesting that we bend over and sell our country to Donald f**king Trump?!
Also why does Littlejohn’s photo resemble the mugshot of a rioter arrested for burning down an asylum hotel?
We need to rejoin the EU. Fast.
Also why does Littlejohn’s photo resemble the mugshot of a rioter arrested for burning down an asylum hotel?
We need to rejoin the EU. Fast.
He lives to preach to the choir
It's weird how they keep crawling out of the woodwork.
Despicable worm.
This EU? And also isn't it quite clear that the EU is yet another US puppet? https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/7/6/the-eus-support-for-israel-makes-it-complicit-in-genocide
In the USA he'd be called "Dick LittleWilly" I kid you not 🤣
1. Newspaper editors actually pay good money to writers who come up with this stuff
2. There are people who pay good money to buy newspapers to read this stuff
Both politically and economically the EU seems to be coming apart at the seams!
He's the person equivalent of biting into a chocolate expecting you've got a soft centre like a coffee cream or strawberry or what have you, but actually its just a nut. That you crack a tooth on.
I can’t understand how his tiny brain can support this life form.
He's a nob.
I could be wrong but I can't get anyone to fact check it.
It's probably true.
(coincidentally it was also the day of his first plane crash)
It will never get old.