Yeah go ahead and grab me two squirming coils, a Lament Configuration, some unspeakably indescribable creeping dread, oh and see if they still have Spam on sale too. Thanks!
Input 惊爆商品 into google translate; in simple Chinese, it translates to “hot products”
But in traditional Chinese, it translates to “shocking products”!! I like both!
I'm not an expert but I don't think "shocking" is an accurate translation either. It's more like "amazing" or "bowl-you-over" quality goods. Never seen these two characters together before though.
Yeah! I checked Pleco too. I did a little more digging and this phrase means like generating shock or surprise from low prices on the goods. So it's "amazing" or "crazy" goods where the prices will drive people crazy and stampede the store... Lol
First 2 characters are defined as “making a person surprised”. Last 2 characters mean “goods”. Could used in context of having cause alarm, shock, surprise, amazed, greatly surprised, etc.
Like wishing a favor on someone because you have crafted exactly how it will backfire.
No, no. It's secure, consume, profit here.
1 unexpected
2 staggering (news etc)
commodity; goods; merchandise
But in traditional Chinese, it translates to “shocking products”!! I like both!
1 unexpected
2 staggering (news etc)