More talk, no cattle here since he’s not going anytime soon: There has never been a manned Starship flight ever and there will not be until it is safe (last two launches went boom and most of others, eight in total, except a shaky 4th and an excellent 5th, have had an explosive result).
Get this child out of the sandbox !!!!!,not%20exceed%201%20in%20500.
These people are trying to fix broken systems.You all are just complaining to try to get people afraid. "Outsiders" It not working. 😂 You Lost and are still losing
Oh I’m comfortably set.$.Thanks
"insiders" managing the data and doing the job of one person. I feel saddened for you that understand almost nothing about how things work honestly. Things will be OK and they will get better. Eggs are cheap now 👍🫡
And, take Trump and all his MAGgots with you!!
2. No, it won't shut us up. Because when you go up in flames, we'll talk about it for 100 years.
And the adults will laugh, and the children will cheer, because fuck you, Elon.
There should be a new idiom based on him. "Never trust someone who claims to be a gamer but isn't."
I'll never take that idiot seriously
Nevertheless I do think he would if this isn't all overtaken by other events by then. Not that it would bring the future mission planner any joy.
Not that it actually needs it as it would just scatter your bits over several square miles.
Kinda like that submersible did....
Everyone hates you Elon. Get therapy. It's not too late.
AND it goes as successfully as the last one.
The only good thing has been a reusable booster and the raptor methalox. Though, the jury is still out on the reliability.
In contrast, SLS surpassed numerous milestones as compared to Starship. This means, Musk will try to cancel SLS or have it redesignated.
Starship will likely never carry ppl. Looks more likely to be a heavy lift vehicle.
be a next. Don’t believe the hype.
This will ensure the safety of the rockets. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Win-win situation:
- everything goes well: yay Starship made some progress and no new perforation of the ozone layer
- Starship goes boom: that makes for some excellent television 😇
Silver lining on the horizon
Elon, you are cleared for liftoff. 👍
Just between the rest of us... I think Musk would look spectacular as a fireworks display. 😁
Go on Leon, go hard!!! 1000%
Trump, always one to find an escape hatch, and have scapegoat ready, decides to go for the Kill Shot!
I really need him to go to space.
But this idea will shut you up, Mr Musk. Permanently.