I am working on tolerating the discomfort of not correcting my many typos and errors as an anti-perfectionism practice 😂. But I sure would like an edit button.
I just noticed a typo of my own and regretted my lack of editing ability.
Thank you.
Gone are the days of seeing a typo and the twinge of shame followed my an edit or *oops...
I'm freeeeeee
I agree because dictation often makes mistakes, and today was no exception. I had to delete a post I replied to because of badly spelled names of people. This app desperately needs an edit button.
A basic feature. Sure, we don't want people editing out controversial statements that backfire on them later, but a one-minute edit window, or even 'edit before first comment' would be a game changer.
There are still 46 months left, I wouldn't rule it out quite yet. Once Biff Tannen realizes he can't make champagne in America, he'll sell Lady Liberty to subsidize Kentucky.
Yeah, happened to me many times. I quickly copy, delete post, paste the previous post into the new post, edit the new post, and send out the new edited post. See how simple that is? Anyway, I misread your post correctly! I am a fan Kara!
Yes you can, until the post has received engagement and then you’re erasing the input of others. And one doesn’t correct one’s mistakes for the sake of appearances.
I’ve been trying to downshift and pump the brakes since I was six years old. There’s just a point in my life where I have to put the pedal to the metal. And go bowels to the walz! Throw cushion to the wind 💨 or admit I’m flawed like the sod.
If you or if you know anybody who has been caught in the jaws of the legal system you know firsthand the constitution has been gone for a long time he’s just reaffirming that. Law and order has always been determined by your bank account the more money you have means you don’t have to follow a law.
I think it’s disgusting this entire system is fueled by more and more and more prisoners. Richest country in the world has the highest incarceration rate by design each human life has a price tag. 90% occupancy for the highest return tells all
but have they every said thankyou?? like today did they say thankyou?? im pretty sure it was a loan... yeah it was definitely loan they should get their statues back or at least a mineral deal. it was a terrible deal loaning 4 statue of liberties and none ever being sent back!
They haven't deserved it at any point. They were slavers. Then segregationists. And decades before they were done with segregation, they started toppling democracies, and installing dictatorships.
The notion of the U.S. having anything at all to do with liberty is just propaganda.
Can't say I blame them for wanting it returned. I mean the reason they gave it to America in the first place has been tarnished by a greedy asshole and a Russian asset. Honestly at this point America doesn't deserve that statue or anything else from any country. Not even eggs
It was a gift from the French to commemorate the alliance between France and the US during the American Revolution, and to recognise the US as a champion of liberty. Ha! How ironic that seems now.
Viruses evolve to survive, but medical disinformation doesn’t have to—it just needs one person to say, ‘Trust me, bro.’ And suddenly, we’re all infected.
Statue of Liberty doesn't belong in a criminal nation, send it back to France. In the meantime americans should go to school and ask for their money back because school didn't work
The regime will replace the words on the Statue of Liberty with:
Give me your strongest, your richest,
Your corporations yearning to dump,
The wretched refuse of their industrial waste.
Send these, the tech billionaires, AI-enhanced to me,
I lift my golden crown to place upon your king.
As Americans, we feel we are losing freedoms daily under the fascist Trump/GOP regime. Wouldn't it be a story for the history books if Trump was so BAD for American and for the WORLD, that France took back the Statue of Liberty?
Trump's name would be forever STAINED in history books FOREVER.
LMAO I called it out
A while back thinking France should Seeks it's return due to amenican no longer Representing democracy and freedoms that Americans has long supported under Musk Trump's Nazi Regime said they would want Ukraine to be given it, the true warriors of democracy
I’ve had reliable independent news resources, for literally decades and they are still on point, with covering what is happening. I even have a starter pack on my profile.
Lmao it's amazingly stupid grandstanding politics, not an actual request to be taken seriously. Good joke, France, thanks for the reminder. We're working on it.
I get it. But it's an expensive gesture that needn't be expressed in this age of climate change and vehicle emissions (those caused by dismantling and removal)
But the yanks (both kinds) are *so easily* distracted from thinking about their oligarch problem. I worry that they will fixate on this more than anyone else would.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
I was afraid of that, and the ramifications of it actually being dismantled and returned.
It’s honestly a flinch that the admin says it won’t return it, and I’m relieved for it.
This could have lead to a major escalation.
France said “en guarde!”
And fortunately there was no allez.
That could be the left hand. Right hand in Elon salute, Left hand out to get paid. A mysterious, third hand coming out from behind and groping the former Lady Liberty.
We've launched a full-scale advocacy, lobbying, and public messaging campaign to DEMAND Trump fire Elon Musk - will you chip in? We're not giving up - not even close - but we need you with us. Can you chip in now?
Mail us at [email protected]
Make your voices heard!
Is that the statue that says “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door”?
To be honest, I expected something like this during the "freedom fries" stuff after 9/11. Our love-hate relationship with the French is long and mutual.
I think France could sneak in one night and disappear the statue. I believe the govt has gotten rid of all our national security protections. Should be a peace of cake.
It wouldn't take much. The statue is so old, rusted, and had to be braced so many times that someone could just crash a drone or throw a decent sized rock at it and it'll be nothing dust and girders.
Ya, its in Halifax, so not that far. We could do a controlled demolition, like they did for the twin towers and building 7, save the statue strap it to the roof of the sub and bring to Canada
The Frenchman in question is Raphaël Glucksmann, a member of the European Parliament & co-president of a small left-wing party in France.
He said in a speech this weekend that some Americans “have chosen to switch to the side of the tyrants”.
No, but let’s face it. She’s really really old. Needs a facelift. Kind of a hatchet face, to be honest. That’s why we’re going to make Liberty great again by putting our tremendous First Lady, Melania’s face on there. A statue like the world has never seen. And we’re adding a“No Immigrants” plaque.
Weve been declining for a while which is strange bc we have also barely gotten started. We were an imperfect multi-racial democracy for like an hour and then immediately started to undo it.
Wait until King Krasnov gets the idea to replace Lady Liberty with a statue of himself. He would like nothing better than to gift that to New York, where he has been held in contempt for more years than we can count.
Alas, not just once. Within the past few days I saw a photo of a "sculpture" on a table at Mar-a-Lardo that has his ugly mug and bust included on Mt Rushmore. And a bimbo legislator named Rep. Luna(tic) intro'd a bill to "make it so."
Stephen Miller just wants to send back the Emma Lazarus poem on the pedestal, welcoming immigrants. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free….”
France should tell Trump that Lady Liberty was always Trans ... technically Transatlantic but these MAGA rubes wouldn't know the difference and would happily give her back if they found out she was Trans... (Atlantic)
I guess the left hand will carry both Mein Kampf and Art of the Deal while the right hand will be in a Sieg Heil position, holding a phone with Putin yelling orders at him
I’d love to see them try. Genuinely. I want them to do it with a madness that fits our complete psycho cartoon timeline. Like send giant drones with hooks to lift it, or stonemasons at night to heist it, with tools 🤣
Like the little boys who won't play nice so mommy has to take it away until you learn how to play well with others. I was probably 4 years old and I remember riding the Staten Island ferry and my mom holding us girls so close because she was terrified of water. I would understand France but 🥺
You're not wrong. My guess is he plans to bankrupt the Kennedy Center quicker than his casino's and turn it into the Drump Grand Ballroom 🙈 I'd love to be wrong about this.
I haven't slept well since November, I don't know that I can stay in the States much longer. Somethings gotta give soon, other Countries are showing us the way 🙏💙
The monument is beacon of wokeness and DEI so if enough folks drum that into his thick skull then I'm sure it will be on a boat back to France faster than a diaper dump.😂
Karoline KKK Levitt said we wouldn't return it in that France should be grateful to the United States they would still be speaking German if it weren't for the United States, little did she forget England and other countries, but we wouldn't even be a country without France and those countries🤣🤣
She sounds just like they always have, pretend stuff didn't happen, lie about it and expect that no one knows the truth, which is dum as f it's online for everyone, it's just people are to lazy to do their homework, that's why Americans are so lazy and dumb. Not all, but a bunch these days.
I thought he dug low his last administration to find a spokesperson but this one is just plain stupid! Isn't she the bimbo from the Project 2025 training videos?
Apparently Ms. KKK 2025 does not remember that we wouldn't have won the Revolutionary war without France. There is a reason a key to the Bastille, presented to Washington by Lafayette, hangs in Mount Vernon to this day!
If you can’t get off your ass and fight for everything this iconic statue stands for then you’re burnt toast. Signed, concerned and friendly neighbour.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a nomination for “post of the night “ !! Bravo, I salute you madam 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👍🏾 (Informative/International + since when did dictators and authoritarians, give, in ANY shape, form or fashion ??!! categories)
I've actually been waiting and thinking about this. After all the Lady says on her tablet "Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch
2/3 whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
'Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!' cries she
3/3 With silent lips. 'Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!'"
jhfc, now I'm wondering what the orange jenius is planning to do to Ms Liberty... paint her a MAGAt shade of red or something? send her to be disassembled and sold for scrap? Give her to the Space Nazi to be blasted toward space (and probably blown into bits somewhere over the Caribbean)?
JD *idiot* Vance n’a jamais dit Merci. As he has never said Thank You for the allied troops sent after 9/11, or Mr Lafayette and all the help during the Independence and decades of unconditional support for our American friends. Today we feel deeply betrayed by the American people.
Don't know where you've been, the election was stolen. The american people do not want this. Is your government trying to kill you right now? Your feelings.......smmfh
While we feel for USians plight, it is their country. Take a look around the globe. Try doing what the Serbs, Romanians, Hungarian and Georgians are doing. Take your country back.
That's not our job. Our job is to protect democracy and ourselves from the regime currently ruining yours.
There is just one problem with that. As long a repubs control the house and senate he will never be impeached. Hell maybe not even then. And even if he is impeached there is no guarantee he'll be removed from office. He was impeached twice last time and nothing happened.
Tremendous pressure has to be put on Republicans to impeach and remove him. And that will have to take form in mass demonstrations in DC and elsewhere. Republicans must be held to account for Trump’s actions. And as Trump’s poll numbers sink it will be easier to get him out of there.
I wouldn't hold out hope for an impeachment. They want an oligarchy just as much as trump does. They're tired of serving the people and want to rule over them instead.
The only thing saving Trump is the base. Republicans will impeach and remove him faster than shit through a goose if his numbers fall enough with the base. Nobody wants to live in a dictatorship. We can’t wait for them to find their spine though. Too much damage is being done. We need to force it.
They're too far gone. I mean they just allowed their reps to vote on a cr that cuts funding to medicaid and va benefits. And they've said fuck all about the mass firings and illegal deportations of legal US residents and citizens. And their retirement is threatened but say nothing about it
His numbers are not going up, and he only represents about 30% of our country. About 70% voted for Kamala or didn't vote. I'm just as angry at those non-voters as I am at the people who voted for a felon to run our country.
It doesn't matter who voted for who anymore. What does matter is what we do now. Do we keep sitting here passing blame bitching on social media on whose fault it is or do we go up to the White House and drag his fucking ass out of it?!! Because honestly if we aren't getting him out then I'm done 😠
When the MAGA fucks cheered "immigrants are poisoning the blood of America," I said we need to return the Statue of Liberty because we don't believe it anymore.
If we were a decent society, Trump would've been booed off the stage and ended his campaign.
I'm sorry Kara, the headline that you never expected to see is "White House to Dismantle Statue of Liberty and Return It to France." That'll be next month or so.
What an effed up result of this ridiculously embarrassing and effed up Presidency. Come on… this is unpesidented (misspell & pun intended). We are the crazy uncle of the world. Thanks Don! In 2 months you’ve reduced our GREAT NATION to this. God help us!!
…I’ve kinda been waiting for FOTUS to send a muskrat to cover her up in a giant garbage bag because she doesn’t represent current MAGAt values: “pArtY oF ruLe of LaW…” 🙄🤷♂️
Oh, France wants Lady Liberty back? 🤡 The same France that colonized Africa, looted treasures, and still taxes its ex-colonies? 💀 America ain’t innocent (slavery, stolen land, mass incarceration), but y’all BOTH need to log out. 🗽🔥 #ColonizerClash #HypocrisyOn10
Given that it/she hasn’t bothered to put on a suit, her disrespect for The White House means she’s definitely heading somewhere, even if it’s only into trouble!
Mission Impossible… French Edition. Da da da.. Da da da… Jaque, an evil industrialist has taken over United States of America. They are holding hostage our lady of freedom.. your mission if you decide to accept is to bring her home to us.
Oralè Resisters
Trump Elon DOGE whack
Social Security Phone Service forces 80,000 in office applications.
I worked at the field office and Telecenter. 20 years of modernization towards online and phone service, physical infrastructure reductions, cannot handle this foot traffic #SSA #USDemocracy
I applied in December for my benefits to start in January. It could only be done with a phone appointment. I even went to the office to apply and they could only schedule a phone appointment. It was actually very efficient but now without that how can anyone even apply?
Saturday a neighbor I have chatted w for years I NEVER knew he was trumper. His 44yo Downs Syndrome son needs SSdisability etc. He was DENYING THE WORLD HATES TRUMP! I gave him facts. He said I had trump derangement syndrome… ( he voted for trump to get rid of TRANS folks!)
You should tell him that HE has Trump Derangement Syndrome - and irrational loyalty to a felon who tried to overthrow an election. We should change the definition of TDS. ;)
See what I mean?
I just noticed a typo of my own and regretted my lack of editing ability.
Thank you.
Gone are the days of seeing a typo and the twinge of shame followed my an edit or *oops...
I'm freeeeeee
On Twitter (before times) I was able to easily see of the posts of experts I followed
Can’t show these mfs idk how to spell 🤣
so simple.
The constitution is not worth the paper it’s written on.
The notion of the U.S. having anything at all to do with liberty is just propaganda.
The rest of America just gets to look and wish they were this cool.
Give me your strongest, your richest,
Your corporations yearning to dump,
The wretched refuse of their industrial waste.
Send these, the tech billionaires, AI-enhanced to me,
I lift my golden crown to place upon your king.
Trump's name would be forever STAINED in history books FOREVER.
What’s a statue over the actual blowing up of American democracy that white people let happen?
Maga formed from a culture from hate while most of us believe in independence.
Trump grabbed right wingers by their hate & they like it.
The left needs to form a culture of social ethics to counter the right, & not just for elections.
A while back thinking France should Seeks it's return due to amenican no longer Representing democracy and freedoms that Americans has long supported under Musk Trump's Nazi Regime said they would want Ukraine to be given it, the true warriors of democracy
There, I fixed that for ya.
Seriously wtf is wrong with ppl lmao
But the yanks (both kinds) are *so easily* distracted from thinking about their oligarch problem. I worry that they will fixate on this more than anyone else would.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
(no mention of a $5M gold card)
It’s honestly a flinch that the admin says it won’t return it, and I’m relieved for it.
This could have lead to a major escalation.
France said “en guarde!”
And fortunately there was no allez.
"DOGE," Elon Musk has tried to slash our government with zero accountability.
We've launched a full-scale advocacy, lobbying, and public messaging campaign to DEMAND Trump fire Elon Musk - will you chip in? We're not giving up - not even close - but we need you with us. Can you chip in now?
Mail us at [email protected]
Make your voices heard!
The new inscription says
Fuck you
Being too stingy to educate everyone has a cost.
However this was totally " Excepted "
He said in a speech this weekend that some Americans “have chosen to switch to the side of the tyrants”.
US will be forgotten in weeks.
A failure by every measure.
They really have no sense of humour in the White House, now do they?
It is absolutely brilliant!
Thank you.
Then I remembered what the average MAGAt looks like...
It’s the right thing to do.
French have a nuke sub in Canada at the moment apropos nothing at all
Seize it for unpaid bills.
He’s an interesting comedian.
If this wasn't so serious it would be depressing.
and make it illegal to say it came from france
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
'Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!' cries she
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!'"
Please pass the word.
How about the $150 trillion to cover Revolutionary War aid from France?
Auto-correct mixed up the letters!
Eff the French!!!
That's not our job. Our job is to protect democracy and ourselves from the regime currently ruining yours.
make this up!
If we were a decent society, Trump would've been booed off the stage and ended his campaign.
💙 🇺🇦 🇨🇦
France didn't give it to us on pawn though if I remember correctly. 🤠
Trump Elon DOGE whack
Social Security Phone Service forces 80,000 in office applications.
I worked at the field office and Telecenter. 20 years of modernization towards online and phone service, physical infrastructure reductions, cannot handle this foot traffic #SSA #USDemocracy