Rich, coming from a "man" who has no qualms using gender affirming care to get his hair plugs and cheekbones done, uses fillers and botox, not to mention diabetes pills against gaining weight (didn't help, Elon) gripe about his daughter taking care of herself. What a crybaby Elon is!
And a parent who actually lost a baby to a very real death, as Musk did (his first child died at 10 weeks due to SIDS) should be ashamed to say such a thing about that baby’s sibling.
My children died. Paragraph, end of sentence. His child transitioned to become the person she needed to be. My children are in the ground. His is in Japan. Big difference!
The 'master race' of small, petty, cruel men, and today, with hair implants, botox injections, plastic surgery...but still, like the original, ugly to the bone!
He’s pissed because he gets off on exerting control over everything. He can’t control his own child so whatever she does or is that is not vetted by him makes him furious. Children aren’t an extension of a parent. Many parents think like that and they are precisely the ones who should never have 1/2
kids. These type of parenting is extremely toxic and minimizes the children. A healthy parent should know that from birth, that child is it’s own person. A parent should be a guide and protector until those children become independent. But a parent can’t control their personality and thinking…
Yes, this is what I have always maintained throughout my life with my son, and it has given me joy. Meanwhile, parents who can never grasp this reality wonder why they’re on the outs with their kids.
I started to write a response in the same vein but yours is more succinct. I've advocated for my now 40's men for a long time. and now cheerleading for an adult grandson. it's IMPORTANT work to make them believe in themselves.
This is the exact phrasing I have used...that my children are not extensions of myself. They're their own beautiful unique humans who have the right to be themselves.
I have a trans daughter myself. I have struggled all my years of parenting against my compulsion to want to “fix everything” quickly. Which is a control issue really. I’ve been to therapy. It’s no easy to have a child you know will have to overcome hurtles bigger than their cis counterparts, 1/2
I'm reminded of the photo of Trump, Musk, and Bruce Jenner in drag. Is Musk saying we can finally say the Kardashians gave Bruce a mental illness? He's not actually trans? I never considered him a hero for changing into a woman. I always suspected it was more for publicity and maintaining ratings.
I am guessing that Elon can’t tell anyone from memory how old each of his children are and when their birthdays are. Or remember where he was when they were born. The guy should get a vasectomy. Court-ordered, maybe.
hahahahahahahahahha! Elon's father got his step-daughter pregnant. He is a narcissist and this article gives some advice in putting people like him in mental health holds for being a homicidal threat to others.
He’s such a greedy self serving jackass that he says his son is dead rather than be truthful about the child’s psychological health. He only fakes love for pay or obedience to his way of thinking! To me that gives his “dead son” a chance of being a really good good person.
Child mental abuse by a parent should be a terrorist offense. And if the parent was born in a foreign country the penalty shall be death, and carried out without due process. This executive order shall be signed with a giant sharpie to be valid immediately. Signed, bozo the fake ass president.
No child died. He's saying that he doesn't accept the reality that his daughter Vivian is trans, and that when she transitioned, his "son" died. As if she were a misfit toy.
First thing stuck out was what a dumb dead name, id change it too. 2nd thing: this is an abusive parent freaking out cuz they lost control. Ask me how i know…sigh
Hey hold on, the name Xavier is not dumb, let's not needlessly bash a lot of people named Xavier. What is dumb is knowing that it was a name that came from Elon's weird obsession with the letter X. And well, everything else that is SO easy and fair to bash
Oh yeah that and MANY other things about him are super weird. Which is to say nothing of the things about him that are so awful for the people around him and for the state of the US
Why is he not in jail for drug offensives alone. It's obvious the ketamine is screwing his mind. Just look up long term use and it's side effects he's a classic case imho.
Now you've made me curious. I've been wondering if he's using it as a crutch to cope with some sort of enormous insecurities & social anxieties. I'm sure he just orders it black market or something, no Rx needed.
Oh he's the picture book example of insecure, that's why he feels the need to control everything.
He's an insecure nerd masquerading as an evil genius although the evil bit isn't an act. A man so insecure he bought twitter to stop folk calling him out. Who thinks empathy is a danger to civilisation.
I don't understand why we're not screaming that from the rooftops. I know I do. South African apartheid raised, government assisted, ketamine addicted, soulless freak
He needs to talk to his VP about that since all of those deaths from covid was under his leadership. Did he try the remedies 45 recommended? And what did he do as a parent to keep his child safe?
I am mentally ill and I'm not a miserable person and a fascist. Don't use mental health to attack a clearly vivid and sane person that knows exactly what he's doing. I do understand your point but it deviates reality: he's a perfectly capable normal person that is simply fascist and bad at choice
He has a personality disorder, which is a form of mental illness. His assholery stems from that, in combination with the megalomania that is associated with his extreme wealth.
Don't you DARE equate his neurodivergencies with his being a cartoon supervillain.
Elon Musk is the most hurtful and malicious (and also false) stereotype we've ever seen, the single gravest insult for autistic people to be compared to, and we've lived through Sheldon Cooper AND Raymond Babbitt.
I'm sorry if I've caused offence, and I have enough neurodivergent people in my life, that I appreciate the harm and hurt that misapprehensions and thoughtlessness can cause.
I didn't suggest that he is autistic. I said that he has a personality disorder, likely IMO narcissism or sociopathy.
Personality disorders don't automatically make you evil, either.
I mean, certain ones certainly don't *help* when they leave you lacking empathy, for example. But neither does addiction, and people can work hard to overcome that one, too.
That said, apology accepted, and thank you. Friends. :)
No. His megalomonia is a result of being told regularly from the age of 3 by this mother, that he is important and will be responsible for changing the world. I don't see how anyone will grow up emotional balanced in that environment.
As for his autism.... As someone with autism, who knows a lot of people with autism. I just don't see it.
For example - Hyperfocus, there is a limit to how long we can hyperfocus, and then we crash and need to recover, for anything up to a week. I don't see him doing any of that.
I wish people could understand having a transgender child. After a brief (still supportive) period of figuring things out in my own head, it became obvious he is still the same kind, funny, artistic, smart person he always was. He just became 'brighter' - like sharpening the focus on a telescope.
Yet you helped to promote QEloon for a decade. Time to attack him, and not in a nice way. Call his lies and hate out daily. Loud. And louder. Attack QEloon. He’s as far from a genius as anyone. He’s just another conman that used his Nazi daddies money.
Musk&his"DOGE"Saboteurs"should all B arrested,restrained by Court Order&the Congress should have Oversight Hearings&Pass Laws 2 Outlaw "DOGE" &REVERSE ALL OF THEIR ILLEGAL& UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACTIONS. HIRE BACK ALL OF THE FIRED EMPLOYEES & REOPEN ALL OF THE CLOSED DEPTS & AGENCIES.
All that money and his chin still looks like the underside of an old man’s testicles. And fuck that stupid evil villain hand gesture the colossal dork makes. 😂
Elon's father got his step-daughter pregnant. He is a narcissist and this article gives some advice in putting people like him in mental health holds for being a homicidal threat to others.
I remember when he talked about her, and then she said that none of what Elon said ever happened, but those actions perfectly fit a character in an Adam Sandler movie
Pretty sure he's just selling the idea of going to Mars and doesn't actually want to go himself 🤔 I've heard that economic theory is the art of pulling a rabbit out of a hat except the audience saw you put the rabbit in the hat and are still in awe.
Isn’t it so weird how we’ve fought that prayer for so many years and now it needs to be used but not for the blacks but in these be used for Elon and anyone like him
It will take too long to send him to Mars! He needs to be Luigied! And I would imagine there are thousands of Vets/Louigis out there - who would love to do the Job. Would not want to be Freakon these days.
His daughter is probably better off without him in her life. If he can't see the beauty of his child, as a grown adult, then he doesn't deserve to be her father. A parent is supposed to support their children even if they don't agree with their decisions. We raise our kids to be independent adults.
His daughter IS better off completely disassociating from him! He invalidates her identity because she doesn’t fulfill HIS expectations & thus considers her “dead”. Any person or especially a parent willing to negate the existence of their child & seek to kill those “responsible” is clearly insane.
It’s giving: “You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!” “No, you got your peanut butter in my chocolate!” “Hey. The two taste great together.” Either way, their choices to indulge in any kind of nose candy, hopefully, will take one or both of them out at some point. 🤞🏽🙏🏽👃👃😵😵
Elon wants to multiply without any responsibility to the children he’s bringing into the world. To have WHATEVER he considers a relationship with them… What TYPES of relationships do they have with each other? Or was it never given consideration? These kids will be CONFUSED and ANGRY with him!
Nah. He needs to get one of his cybertrucks and drive it out on Highway 1, at night, in a storm. There's nothing like a nice road trip to clear the head except maybe wingsuit jumping.
And probably a race war. That's what Manson said he was trying to start, *Helter skelter*.. Elongated already said something about war and he's surely trying to (is) take over our gov.. I'm not even into conspiracy stuff but they got me like this now.. Lol
Oh Elmo was all about race war and civil war in the US.
Then he got all whiney when few Teslas got vandalized. Guess his heart is not in it if the other side could shoot back :)
Here's little tid bit of strange trivia I learned the other day.. Charles Manson, (idk if you're American, and know who that is,) when he was on his first trial carved an X on his forehead, and then later on in life it was switched to a swastika. Coincidence? I think not.. Both obsessed with the USA
So basically Elon wants to kill his daughter and all Trans people too. Trans people are just the first group he wants eradicated. When we are gone he will just move down the list. Homicidal maniacs never stop, until someone stops them. Be warned.
He’s a sociopath so he probably only cares as much as he thinks he has to publicly, depending on how the Supreme Court rules on conversion therapy, he’d probably be in favor of trying to do this to her.
You have to be extremely stupid or malicious to consider trans identity a passing virus rather than a part of the rich and complex human reality that deserves attention and care.
Being woke, if anything, means being attentive to that reality — and that’s a damn good thing.
A homicidal maniac, all too human, no less than Trump, they hate the fact that they are failures as human beings, think being successful thieves and destroyers of the human species is an adequate substitute? Don't think they reckon Jesus coming back, they do it out of spite, and anger they will die?
He's a man with an oversized ego and a deeply fragile masculinity, shaped by a father’s oppressive upbringing and the legacy of being an outcast and pariah of Apartheid — a man utterly devoid of empathy, wrecked by ketamine.
Teased as a little boy by classmates, seems to me. The rich boy nerd at school whose father owned an emerald mine. How many black workers would've died in Musk's dad-holes in the ground? That's why he such a racist, taught to hate black people and non-special, non-racist, non-rulers, unlike himself.
Why his child see's right through and why she hates him so much, presumably. Can't imagine too many of his other adult children are keen, poor bastards of they are, go and hang out with Baron, ride a lion to work. I'm going to laugh so hard when that Saudi kid is mauled by a live lion he castigates.
Clearly sees children as nothing more than an extension of himself. Hates the affront to his ego and treats the child as a cancerous tumour to be excised blaming everyone but himself for his own perceived failings rather than loving the child as an independent being worthy of love and respect.
He literally watched Lex Luthor be obsessed with naming his children with an X in there and just went with his evil hero’s plan. He couldn’t even come up with that on his own.
how he treats his kid reminds me of the many people i grew up around who abused and hurt me as a kid, this kind of rhetoric is really fucked up and frustrating for me. i've had to stop looking at the news because of how triggering it all is.
Said his DAUGHTER is dead to him and pretty much said trans ill too for his Daughter finding herself. yea I knew he was A piece of shit. but he really outdone himself with this.
All. Only the first child who died soon after birth was naturally conceived. And I might be mistaken. But the rest are lab-produced. I wonder if the females were intentional or dud the labs get it gender selection wrong. In any case what the actual fuck is wrong with these dumb fuck women?
He's not having sex with them... They only bear his children because he thinks himself as a machine god and probably they can spill him money menacing some sort of divorce (or benefit for being mothers of his offsprings).
Wow, what a fucking CUNT musk is. My neices eldest child came out as trans and she fully supports them, and I do to. As some one of the older generation I will struggle with the the identity of who they where before and after they transitioned, but I still love them.
Accepting trans people is not woke.
It‘s quite the contrary - common sense.
The sometimes over-burdening ridiculous trend towards virtue signaling aka. wokeness perhaps lies in the details, but not in the over arching concept of „not discriminating and hating on people“.
What a piece of shit he is. “woke mind virus” = having empathy, compassion & wisdom. Being a Nazi means suppressing others, stealing money, forcing your BS on everyone else…. Elon Musk = Nazi. To his trans child, none of us can choose our parents. Fuck him. We love you just the way you are.
This sounds more like a manifesto against people with different political viewpoints. Sort of goes along with the attitude someone would have thinking a Nazi salute was okay.
That red hat has really done a number on the people who wear it with pride. Wonder what chemicals were soaked into the fabric because there's alot of delusional folks in that community.
Your willingness to be supportive and to try to do it right is half the battle. If (when 😀) you mess up acknowledging your error, apologizing then doing better goes a long way.
Doubling down and being butthurt helps nobody. (Not to say you did this!)
I'm actually very introspective and self reflecting and I think it's in my best interest to recognize and own my mistakes.
Social media is mostly the problem. You can't read person's attitude through a post, so I often get misunderstood and it takes 10 times as much work to explain and apologize.
JFC, educate yourself just a tiny fucking bit before posting this. You sound like you want to be a good person, but this is nearly as offensive as what Musk wrote. Stop using her dead name and incorrect pronouns.
The best way to think is that they've always been the way they are, it was just pre-transition. Vivian has always been Vivian, and has always been a woman. She just just born into a body who's gender assigned at birth doesn't match reality.
There is nothing wrong with explaining backstory, and everything wrong with how you referred to her. Even when explaining backstory you should use the correct name/pronouns. Maybe say " 'he' is actually a she, his daughter." Then you could talk about how *she* transitioned, without misgendering.
He was a boy though before he transitioned to a girl-fact. Pretending it didn’t happen is so delusional. Musk is a very terrible parent for not loving his daughter unconditionally and saying he’s dead, but let’s not deny reality.
This is completely false. Transitioning is not going from gender A to gender B. It's changing your lifestyle (and sometimes body) to match your gender. She was never a boy. Please learn more before you talk about trans people anymore.
... so if you have a lot of anger and resentment in you, and you therefore enjoy abusing people, then you can pretend that you're only doing it because these enemies of yours are so bad, and if it wasn't for them you'd actually be good-natured and courteous or rational.
HOLY MOTHER GODDESSES. If I had ever thought, much less said, that my Younger Spawn had died when he alerted us to his real gender, I would deserve to lose him. He is very alive & well. Our misconception is what ended. I have a great kid (two, really) who I know is growing and trusts me.
someone tell elon i said to bring it on you little bitch. i am glad his son died. kid is better off. elon deserves the same. yall know elon was beaten very badly as a kid for his Nazi beliefs, he spent a ton of money reconstructing his fugly face, he has always been a hateful bigot and deserves hate
And also to add some clarification, he did have a son die as an infant, but that child is not who he is speaking of in this post. And to say you are glad someone's son died, no matter who it is, is a choice I guess.
His "son" didn't die - she is trans and transitioned into his daughter, Vivian. He just would rather consider her dead than alive and happy thriving as her authentic self, because he's a bigoted asshole.
Your son Xavier never died because he never existed. She was always she. You suddenly don't change up and become the other sex. You are the other sex from the day you are born. The only catch was Musk, you were too blind and too stupid to see that. It's on you not her.
He's just jealous that Vivian is living her best life. Since she had a lovely write up in TeenVogue, and so many people can relate positively to her, he can stand it. His own gender affirming chin implant, hair plugs and billions of shady dollars can't buy him an ounce of love.
Oh, I am aware of that. He is a miserable excuse for a human being. Attracting baby mamas is also gender affirming. Another case of poor little rich kid.
He's showing his self out and how disgusting he really is NO Elon You and that cheeto lookin ma fucka are the virii and your way of thinking the worship of death and destruction.
He might want to stop right now before the woke people address him in public. The words he uses when his little fingers feel like working are very manipulative and seeking attention. What does he have up his sleeve? #psychoelon
1. Musk, you're scared because you're not in control.
2. Your fear turns to h8 & misuses terms like "woke" & "DEI" as slurs.
3. Woke. Ex: Aware the budget cuts SSI despite vague wording.
4. Diversity, equity, & inclusion. Framework for people's awareness of bias so ALL people have a chance.
That Elon is weird we know.
That he is dangerous to his own children and to the whole society is now obvious.
Let him participate in governmental decisions is unjustifiable.
That poor child not being accepted for who they are. Heartbreaking. This is child abuse and there are many many many kids in the streets who have been kicked aside from their supposed protectors and parents for being born the way they are. Not surprised at all by this, hes cruel in every way.
Neither Fathers nor Mothers own the children their bodies create. Not their property. Their responsibility is to care and nurture and provide for. Their reward is in seeing that the children are happy, strong and kind.
Please don't think I'm dumb but, is she saying he purchased her biology (in vitro fertilization sex/gender selection) and she still became what nature intended? (For her to be female..) It is she saying he treats everything like a business transaction? I could believe both. 🤣 Glad she got away!
If Elon wasn’t a selfish, self-centered, narcissist he would support his kid and be there for them but no he’d rather pretend they are dead. While there are parents out there who would give anything to spend one more day with their child but they can’t. Disgusting.
I thought the comments by the parents of the little girl who died from measles ("she's better off in heaven") set the mark for hideous parental commentary. But I clearly underestimated Leon.
Well, with parents like hers, she IS better off now.
It's her surviving (so far) sibs who are at risk... The 'evil' vax they didn't get would also have protected from rubella & mumps. With now WEAKER immune systems, they might not make it.
Americans —Elon Can Discard And Publicly Abuse His Own Child—Now You Understand How Much —“We The People’s” Humanity, Security And Wellbeing —Has Zero Value And Protection From Lawless Fascist Trump, GOPs Adm./Gov. —Who
Call Criminal Elon A Successful Partner In Their DESTRUCTION OF AMERICANS/USA!
My son, Michael, died. He was killed by corporate greed. Elon Musk is the personification of that greed. I want him to get a persistent, widespread fungus. It should itch, weep and smell really, really bad.
Wow that’s depravity in Bold Font. Hey #XavierMusk you can be in our family. We’re not billionaires but we’re loving, fun, and stable. We don’t eat ketamine for breakfast and you don’t need to worry about discovering another sibling on social media from your bio-dad’s stable of baby growers.
Elon's claim that his daughter 'died' from a 'woke mind virus' is deeply troubling. It wasn't his decision to make - it was hers. Parents should support their children's identities, not erase them. #TransRightsAreHumanRights
Ugh.... I'm sorry. Just know that the rest of us don't hate you like your POS father who believes more in hate than love.... I don't believe in afterlives but he's never gonna meet Jesus if there is.
zero ability to love. Maybe that's what his kids plural sense? As soon as they're old enough to figure it out. Devoid of parental love or affection. Shouldn't be a parent at all.
I’ve gotten myself to the point where I find myself arguing with my own side. That’s what I need to take a break. Thanks for being cool about what I said. 🌻💙🌻 , thank you for calling this out. But fyi, next time, PLEASE redact this shit. You are inadvertantly spreading Vivian's deadname, which is also harmful. If quoting someone in text, you could say something like:
You said "My son, [Vivian's deadname], is dead." etc etc.
Musk makes more sense if you think of him as a 10 year old boy in a man's body. The cybertruck design is a 10 year old's idea of "cool". Likewise the obsession with the letter X.
They all have, I quit twitter a year ago as European, I couldn't handle seeing people with a way lower IQ in suits talk like a 14yo wannebe streetkid, and seeing the millions of fake accounts (bots) promote Trump, I got disgusted and deleted my 19 year old account with a smile on my face.
I semi quit when Trump was first elected but completely deleted my account after he was elected the second time.
#Xitter has always been kind of childish and toxic, even before #FelonMusk bought it. But now, it and "Truth" Social should just be shut down completely.
“The 20-year-old said she would not let him go unchallenged in what she cast as an attempt to rebuild his image as a “caring paternal father,” describing it as an “absolutely pathetic” effort.”
Elon Musk Has Used Illegal Drugs, Worrying Leaders at Tesla and SpaceX
Some executives and board members fear the billionaire’s use of drugs—including LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, mushrooms and ketamine—could harm his companies
That's why all his kids are boys, pretty much, he uses IVF so he can choose their sex (that's what Vivian asserts as well). He also is rumored to have access to the baby mama's eggs and can fertilize them without their permission. There could be dozens of children we dont know about.
She is a scapegoat for his inability to accept reality. He’s the product of never being told “no”.
He had her in a test tube in an attempt to control her sex/gender. He wanted to only have sons and now he’s having a tantrum on a global scale because he couldn’t have this one thing.
Thanks 😊
All I can do anymore at it is just laugh so
But it’s not a parody account, it’s him saying something so self-owning that even a parody account couldn’t dream it up
The 'master race' of small, petty, cruel men, and today, with hair implants, botox injections, plastic surgery...but still, like the original, ugly to the bone!
Sad that a child died, but honestly, what is he talking about?
Anyone know anything?
We are the super-infected PARASITE CLASS!!!
He's an insecure nerd masquerading as an evil genius although the evil bit isn't an act. A man so insecure he bought twitter to stop folk calling him out. Who thinks empathy is a danger to civilisation.
Their eugenics philosophy + unearned riches is at the root of their behavior
Elon Musk is the most hurtful and malicious (and also false) stereotype we've ever seen, the single gravest insult for autistic people to be compared to, and we've lived through Sheldon Cooper AND Raymond Babbitt.
I didn't suggest that he is autistic. I said that he has a personality disorder, likely IMO narcissism or sociopathy.
I mean, certain ones certainly don't *help* when they leave you lacking empathy, for example. But neither does addiction, and people can work hard to overcome that one, too.
That said, apology accepted, and thank you. Friends. :)
For example - Hyperfocus, there is a limit to how long we can hyperfocus, and then we crash and need to recover, for anything up to a week. I don't see him doing any of that.
Did he retweet himself?
Anyway, seems like this is just SissySpaceX asking for nightly bonfires and a vicious ass kicking. That’s what I read anyway.
They are telling on themselves
For the fake chainsaw weilding man-baby, not so much.
So this is going to be a long run and bad business what an idiot I would revoke his commerce license
Might not work out well for them targeting people literally trained to kill.
It get to some point even I myself got confused 😕
You have DNA CLONES.
Don’t blame them for being related to that monster
He has no bottom, it's almost impressive.
Can't wait till one of his children is named Xylophone
Then he got all whiney when few Teslas got vandalized. Guess his heart is not in it if the other side could shoot back :)
#muskmeltdown 🥸
People will die..
But I guess you’re ok with that.
and I'm OK with THAT !
Being woke, if anything, means being attentive to that reality — and that’s a damn good thing.
Also, I think he’s saying he’s going to kill us here.
ASCII is zero based, and that numerology nonsense isn't, so he hasn't even got that right.
Proof for anyone who needs or wants it.
Go figure
That explains a lot, actually.
Delusional beyond repair.
It‘s quite the contrary - common sense.
The sometimes over-burdening ridiculous trend towards virtue signaling aka. wokeness perhaps lies in the details, but not in the over arching concept of „not discriminating and hating on people“.
His son is very much alive.
He’s transgender.
His “son” now lives as a girl named Vivian.
Elon Musk refuses to accept that, and now wages war against the world for it.
Elon Musk is a horrible parent, much like his own father who got his stepdaughter pregnant.
I feel like you are trying to be supportive but please avoid using incorrect pronouns and using a deadname. There's a good education resource here:
Your willingness to be supportive and to try to do it right is half the battle. If (when 😀) you mess up acknowledging your error, apologizing then doing better goes a long way.
Doubling down and being butthurt helps nobody. (Not to say you did this!)
Social media is mostly the problem. You can't read person's attitude through a post, so I often get misunderstood and it takes 10 times as much work to explain and apologize.
What is wrong with explaining the backstory, by sharing that his son transitioned to a girl and is now Musk’s daughter?
Not everyone here might know that “my son died” is not actually true.
“Elon’s child did not die. She transitioned and is now…”.
The original post here was a summary of historical factualities. Is it insulting to articulate the ‘pre-transition’ situation?
Apologies for my ignorance..
Thus the original post was NOT factual.
My fear is that the whole point of challenging Musk’s behavior is lost if we are over-sensitive, into a semantics battle.
Glad with the explanation here, but still baffled to see how the wording in the original post is categorized as ‘almost as bad as Musk’.
"Musk has a trans daughter named Vivian. He is a bigot and does not accept her for being who she is."
Everyone would understand exactly the scenario.
Poor girl.
2. Your fear turns to h8 & misuses terms like "woke" & "DEI" as slurs.
3. Woke. Ex: Aware the budget cuts SSI despite vague wording.
4. Diversity, equity, & inclusion. Framework for people's awareness of bias so ALL people have a chance.
A very poor little rich man.
That he is dangerous to his own children and to the whole society is now obvious.
Let him participate in governmental decisions is unjustifiable.
Someone call CPS.
It's her surviving (so far) sibs who are at risk... The 'evil' vax they didn't get would also have protected from rubella & mumps. With now WEAKER immune systems, they might not make it.
Call Criminal Elon A Successful Partner In Their DESTRUCTION OF AMERICANS/USA!
Man released a 3 part sermon series on “transgenderism” the day after I came out
On his platform only. Which are his narrow-vision glasses anyway. Together with his platform.
Sounds like someone should had paid more attention in school before he starts typey typey on the interwebs.
You said "My son, [Vivian's deadname], is dead." etc etc.
It's like everyone on the 'right' has the mentality of a pre-pubescent adolescent boy.
Well educated people on economics have been telling them tarrifs are a childish idea of a solution.
When I was an early teen I thought the US being isolationist would be helpful.
Then I grew up.
They really are spectacularly ugly. Their owners are spectacularly STOOPID.
I was behind the owner in line at the recycling depot and nearly bit my tongue off rather than tell the other what I really thought.
I considered one of the sedans a long time ago but even with the rebates it was out of my budget.
Winter can wipe a charge really quick when the mercury dips below -10°C
A friend bought one before Musk went nuts and it's been a good car, but he still has buyer's remorse now due to the stigma.
#Xitter has always been kind of childish and toxic, even before #FelonMusk bought it. But now, it and "Truth" Social should just be shut down completely.
“You single-handedly disillusioned me with how gullible we are as a species,” Vivian Jenna Wilson wrote...continuing her public repudiation of her dad
Some executives and board members fear the billionaire’s use of drugs—including LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, mushrooms and ketamine—could harm his companies
From the man who NEEDS the science of IVF to make children for him.
Oh, wait. He's not a woman so... It's okay... 🤬
Hope she answers him again.
He had her in a test tube in an attempt to control her sex/gender. He wanted to only have sons and now he’s having a tantrum on a global scale because he couldn’t have this one thing.