JUST IN: President Trump says he plans to announce a 25% tariff on all steel and aluminum imports into the US, along with other new reciprocal tariffs.
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You need to stop with the “ President” moniker and use “wanna be dictator”… until he uses the Presidency in conjunction with the other branches of government and lawfully.
Hey Americans, you should know there is next to no bauxite mining in the USA. That’s the ore that’s turned into aluminum.
Canada has lots, that’s why 39% of your aluminum comes from us.
China 9.6%, Mexico about 7%.
So, this is just going to raise your costs on all sorts of manufacturing and your prices on goods using steel and aluminum.
I am really thinking we need to trade more with other countries that don’t treat us like this. It’s turning into a really abusive relationship. And it’s not you being abused.
Hmm, you’re right. Canadian mining companies have lots, an important distinction. Of course we also have abundant green energy to refine it which is a very energy intensive process.
Wait. Is this from 2017? That’s exactly what he did then and US industries that use Steel or Aluminum had their costs increase resulting in worker lay-offs.
Trump stands for inflation and unemployment … still. Next will be the increase in national debt.
Mr.President may nationally collect some SERIOUS amount of alluminium if he puts some collecters under the toxic rain killing plants poisoning soil and water, as it may include high levels of alluminium because of Elon's starlink satellites dissolving their alluminium into atmosphere after burnt in!
J’avais déjà lu que les États-Unis ne pouvait pas produire un aluminium abordable et propre à cause du manque d’énergie. Et c’est pour ça qu’ils avaient des contrats avec nous, puisque l’hydroélectricité ne manquait pas.
Ils se tirent dans le pied.
…and the market will dip in the morning. All the finance bros will buy the dip. Then Trump will announce the tariffs are off. Market will rebound. This is starting to be a pattern every weekend.
Deflecting from Musk, and at same time manipulating stock markets/futures. Wants to be centre of attention at Super Bowl how pathetic. He’s a shitbird grifter, and players better watch out for him in locker rooms. Lol
Have fun paying more for your products. Trump is a stupid fuck!!! Get ready for the counter tariffs. The orange buffoon is really gonna fuck up the world!
This 78 year old man must have dementia. “Tariffs now! Just kidding let’s wait 30 days. 5 days later…tariffs now! What are we waiting for?! Why don’t we have tariffs yet?! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY TARIFFS” .. seventy. eight. years. old.
Great…let’s drive the cost of building homes up even more. This is creating the perfect storm to push even more people into homelessness. It would be impossible to hate him more.
And now building and other industries will be more expensive. Cheaper housing .. haha. Fixing something.. hahah new car ? Or that car that needs to get fixed Hahahah .
For any parents or caregivers of infants--remember when a baby first learns a new word? They repeat it constantly--overjoyed they have mastered a new word. The orange baby has learned a new word "TARIFF" and he can't stop saying it. Even though he has no clue what it means.
Didn’t we have that already a couple years ago? Ending at the point where nobody inside the US could produce the special sheet metal to built cars according to nowadays safety standards?
US alum tariffs have no effect other than to raise US prices. Most steel imported from 🇨🇦 is very high grade & again not replaceable, so same thing.
The world should bypass the US on trade except for items like
alum where the US is just rearranging the deck chairs on their ship of state (Titanic).
I hereby announce a 250% tariff on all childish bullshit being imported by the rest of the world from the White House, Washington DC, USA, as if there were a great market for it anyway.
Canada needs to retaliate immediately and harshly. It's response should be a multiple of whatever trump puts in place. And if he retaliates to that then cut off the supply of electricity, oil and critical raw materials. Fk trump and his threats.
It appears, from the outside, that 47, broligarchs and GOP think this is a way to shift taxation from progressive income taxes, which ideally hit the wealthiest hardest, to retrogressive sales taxes that hit the poorest hardest.
That’s what it seems like. But somebody must be making money off this. I know it’s not the general public. If I know who benefits then maybe I can understand the why.
He said the same thing in last term. Nothing happened. He’s just grifting, and setting things up so he can die of syphilis in Mar - a - Lardo vs. federal prison.
North Americans are often stupid. Educated primarily by TV and Hollywood, many genuinely believe that countries like Iran, China and Russia pose significant threats, without recognizing that the United States itself is, arguably, the greatest threat to global stability today.
It's astonishing how Trump supporters are still ignorant about how these tariffs will impact their own finances. Of course, when the damage hits home, they will blame the resultant Depression on the Democrats as usual.
Tanking market futures on Sunday, to have market dip Monday morning, have his billionaire cronies buy low and make $$ when he backs down from tariffs Monday afternoon.
Have a Fuckken backbone CNN. Report truth, America is in this position because you are Useless and un American.. truly despise the Americans that voted for Trump.. Canadians BUY ONLY CANADIAN.. willing to spend a little more for our own products
Tariffs on all steel and aluminum. So why don't we stop shipping for say a week or two. Let's see how the US auto industry deals with that. Just in time manufacturing will crash and burn
It’s time that we, the rest of the world, including your former friends and allies, tariff the US into oblivion until the American people finally wake the hell up and find a backbone and some decency.
the goverment is in a state where most of the positions are filled with hardcore republicans and they've militarized cities seemingly prepared for an uprising
they have all the control in the situation & they didn't even earn it considering 1/2
that shit was so obviously rigged with many left voters receiving news soon after their votes were lost or not counted ON TOP OF ALL THAT the democrat left party just rolled over and didn't contest the election results to demand recounts or anything 2/2
Do what literally any other country would have been doing for the last fortnight: millions of you on the streets, general strikes.
For decades we’ve listened to Americans justify the mass shooting of children because you need to be able to defend yourselves from rogue govts. Well here you are.
If people won't buy their crap? Like economically Cuz they have like 5 lifetimes of money bro
If you mean won't buy their crap as in won't put up with their shit, they all have willing militias
The police & military here serve the rich, not the people. 1/2
Trump is just an ugly American, convicted felon, and international terrorist.
Trump has made me disrespect Americans, and NEVER to trust Americans.
Congrats to Trump!
Apparently, dim-witted, short-attention-span Donald Trump was told about the EU's Climate Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) which invokes taxes on certain non-low carbon imports & reminding us of the Lisa Simpson quote:
"As usual, the playground has the facts right, but missed the point entirely."
And morons at the Super Bowl cheered him. Groceries did not go down day 1. Ukraine war not over day 1. Prices will go up. People are just really dumb or love Big Balls and twink hackers
We negotiated 2 trade deals with "a country". Trump bragged version 2 was the "best trade deal ever". That deal he signed is the one he wants to break a year before it is due to be renegotiated. So, again, what's the point of making a deal with a guy who has no problem breaking it?
It's one guy causing all this chaos. Do you honestly think anyone else is actually influencing his decisions? (Maybe his little Project 2025 club, certainly none of the other branches of government!)
Can no one rid us of this turbulent fool?
Canada has lots, that’s why 39% of your aluminum comes from us.
China 9.6%, Mexico about 7%.
I am really thinking we need to trade more with other countries that don’t treat us like this. It’s turning into a really abusive relationship. And it’s not you being abused.
Trump stands for inflation and unemployment … still. Next will be the increase in national debt.
Will he (or his followers) never learn?
Ils se tirent dans le pied.
I got a thousand on it never actually happening
In other words we spent $643,000 per each job created.
Wait. What do you mean he's a hot bag of shit and won't actually do it?
The world should bypass the US on trade except for items like
alum where the US is just rearranging the deck chairs on their ship of state (Titanic).
Say hello to higher fuel prices and food packaging prices.
There. Fixed it for you CNN. Do better.
Then Felon Trump will let them know when he will reverse course.
So oligarchs can then sell when the mkt goes back up to reap the gains.
Pure. Market. Manipulation.
He did this his 1st admin with threats of tariffs. He’s rinsing & repeating.
Trump is a chicken.
MAGAs: It’s okay. Just keep hating the same people we hate
the goverment is in a state where most of the positions are filled with hardcore republicans and they've militarized cities seemingly prepared for an uprising
they have all the control in the situation & they didn't even earn it considering 1/2
For decades we’ve listened to Americans justify the mass shooting of children because you need to be able to defend yourselves from rogue govts. Well here you are.
they seem genuinely convinced they can get rid of us and thrive without a people to rule over
If you mean won't buy their crap as in won't put up with their shit, they all have willing militias
The police & military here serve the rich, not the people. 1/2
Trump has made me disrespect Americans, and NEVER to trust Americans.
Congrats to Trump!
"As usual, the playground has the facts right, but missed the point entirely."
All followers are appreciated
Trump divided America but unified Canada...Trump did for Canada what Justin Trudeau could not
And the CBS poll today seems to indicate that the American people still have no idea what is happening.