@timothysnyder.bsky.social said on @maddow.msnbc.com last night that he thought undercounting was happening due to the lack of local news.
Thanks for your important work, which buoys the spirit and shows others that they aren’t alone!
I feel like the press is ignoring the protests. The only ones that get coverage are the encampments. That said, I’ll be joining a protest on April 5 and I hope it will be a big day - too big to ignore.
If your protest doesn't have a media strategy, it probably won't get covered. You have to have a spokesperson, send out notice ahead of time, have a 150-250 word press release (no longer) and *do something different*, not just repeat the same tired old chants. That's how you get attention.
local outlets may - @tucsonsentinel.com sent someone to each of ours. lift up your local indy outlets and even bloggers. subscribe to whoever will cover yours!
Town Hall for missing Senator Susan Collins (vacant chair) with over 500 in attendance last night 3/19/25 in Gorham, Maine. Sponsored by Indivisible Cumberland County, Maine.
I had a popular chain clothing store call me on the phone to remind me it was my birthday month and that they have great new things. That has NEVER happened before. Stores are feeling the consumer boycotts 👍🏼❤️
Is this number of protests or number of people protesting? If it is the former, that could suggest people are disorganized rather than mass action is happening.
Don't get me wrong. This is all fine. It's great . Sometimes courageous.
But if you dont get at least 200 thousand ( more like double that figure) on the street in a big city, it's way too little and will be ignored.
You are referring to the
Covid vaccine which I oppose. However, there are vaccines a parent should never pass on, such as for polio and the Rubella vaccines.
I am not referring to the covid vaccine which it's ridiculous to oppose. I'm referring to the fact that they will feel an artificial boost from his policies until they get sick and die.
We need to stage protests outside their offices and call out their reporters when we see them on the street. Also we should reach out more to foreign media, BBC, Al Jazeera, get them to start regularly covering the #resistance.
‘And when the Nazis invaded and occupied Denmark in the 1940s, noncooperation was near-total… Factory workers slowed down or stopped production altogether. Danes obscured the identities of their Jewish neighbors, gave them temporary haven, and secured their passage… saving thousands of lives.’
More protests, but smaller and more dispersed across issues/locations. In 2017-2020 they seemed to coalesce around BLM, Women’s march, FL school shooting, etc..
Is it more effective to combine efforts into less but larger protests? For media coverage and ‘visual’ effect?
Yes the media should be covering it. Just keep in mind that a lot of small town media no longer exists. Small town newspapers are the exception not the norm these days.
If you want to see more local news coverage, let them know. Newsrooms are much smaller now than eight years ago. Tell them you'll follow the news that provides in depth coverage of protests.
This piece gave me hope for the future. I am sharing it everywhere and with everyone who is looking for meaningful and effective ways to resist. Thank you.
It seems like now would be a good time for some RECALL elections of these MAGA Congresspeople in PA, WI, MI etc... People are motivated and petitions would fill up quickly. We can't wait until the next election cycle!
Looking forward to hitting the streets to protest. I’m bringing a plus one, plus two, plus three…No better way to get our message heard and seen. A simple hand held sign at a protest can motivate a thousand more. Fed up. Let’s GO!
“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
George Orwell, 1984
WM own the MSM.
I was at the International Women's Day march in Chicago a few weeks ago and there were easily several thousand people there. Media reports said there were "hundreds".
Thousand at the Vets march in DC and no national media outlet covered it. They just cover Levitt lying over and over from her WH perch. When the super wealthy control the media this is the outcome.
In February 2025 alone, we tallied 2085+ protests, incl major protests in support of federal workers, LGBTQ rights, immigrant rights, Palestinian self-determination, Ukraine, demonstrations against Tesla, & protests against Trump’s agenda more generally. This compares w/ 937 protests in Feb 2017.
@chenoweth.bsky.social Let me know if you or your team would like a JSON source for everything on theblop. I've similarly logged around 2k events/flyers so far 😳😳😳
Given how much data is being ‘disappeared’ under the current coup policy of reality rewriting & WM-washing, is your data safe on other decentralised servers? This is too important to have it get destroyed by these bozos.
I’m so glad you released this! I heard @adamconover.net say something like there was millions in the street for 2017 women’s march but where are the protesters now? We’re here in the streets! Join us! Also, Adam if youre arent featuring Erica Chenoweth’s work then you &your audience are missing out!
I'm so frustrated by this as well! A familiar pattern: I see a protest announced online, find plenty of video of it posted later, but crickets from local/national media. Only on Maddow.
I know, totally sucks. That’s why it’s extra important to share our pics and videos here on social media. Speaking of which, this protest got hardly any coverage, but it’s awesome, so sharing it here! 💙
It's maddening, but not surprising. Look at how quickly ABC and CNN bent the knee after Trump won. Not to mention Fox essentially being state propaganda.
Interesting. I'm really keyed in and would have assumed that protest activity is way down. Maybe this is because there are fewer really big protests like the women's march that would get a lot of attention.
The protests are also much more targeted at pressure points. I don't recall a similar town hall campaign in 2017, and the Tesla stuff has a lot of leverage.
Its not in the medias interest to cover these because their complicity up till now means if this continues they will also start to be the target of mass protest
Excellent article. Gives me some hope. I'm in Montana, and feel isolated and powerless in this fight. The only way I can resist is participating in the buycott/boycott efforts. I try to support local farmers and ranchers who are struggling, local business, etc.
Of course not. But making it easy for them to disappear you is a great way to lose your ability to contribute to the cause… don’t tie your social media to your face and name
I am an older male, very white and grey-haired - so I make a smol target. Police generally call me “sir”, even at protests. I try to get and stay between them and more attractive targets.
Never at night
But your perspective is sage and appreciated nonetheless.
Yes, and that makes you very helpful to those of us who are more targeted. We need you in this fight and I'm grateful for your part in the movement. When we fight we win. Stay safe!
It would be interesting to see other POTUS’ peak months. Has there been this many since Vietnam?
As a Gen X taking Gen Alpha kids with me, I am proud of all the Boomers that I see at these protests. They didn’t march in the 60s to return to the 30s!
Hopefully enough people join @generalstrikeus.bsky.social & the US will emulate Denmark: "...noncooperation was near-total. No one remembered how to run the railroad. Teachers had to leave school early to tend to their gardens. Factory workers slowed down or stopped production altogether."
I can’t put into words how I feel about Trump/Musk and what they are doing. My sadness for allies is so great. I love you all in Canada. Don’t give up on us.
We will keep sharing this over and over. People without guns win! This is a documentary from the Albert Einstein Institution whose mission is to advance the study and use of strategic nonviolent action in conflict. Take time to watch. Inspiring and hopeful. Exactly what we need! 💙
These protest are good and important but the media don’t co er because they look like outliers. Sorry, we need a massive effort that shakes the rafters!
Does this data include the number of actual people protesting or just the number of protest? Seems like a small number of people/ groups putting in more work while a much larger portion of people consider complaining on social media protesting. Maybe just not making into the media like during BLM.
There are hundreds of thousands of people participating - maybe more - but we have much less data on # of participants, in part because of less detailed reporting than 8 years ago.
Thanks for that. I live in a very small rural town so I rarely get to see protests around me other than from the media which have shown very few. I did find and Indivisible group less than an hour away and looking for events to attend in my area.
Seems to be some of each. As Erica mentioned, there's a solid overall total but honestly, little advance notice and/or coordination has led to them being smaller than they have the potential to surely be.
Then again, any excessively promoted, large protests present their own risks, Re: this admin.
Yeah, I think a lot of people are worried about that. Tons of decentralized protests simultaneously or grander protests such as general strikes might be the way to go.
But once all protests are illegal and folk start getting flown to el Salvador and then the media is banned from reporting protests....they'll soon drop off
Thanks for your important work, which buoys the spirit and shows others that they aren’t alone!
Summaries like that have value re: derermining how to move forward.
This is heartening to read. And we’re just getting started.
But if you dont get at least 200 thousand ( more like double that figure) on the street in a big city, it's way too little and will be ignored.
The number of people was between 200 and 350 except for the 1st one, which was a very cold day, maybe 50 people
calls to boycott multiple companies (Boycott walmart amazon target !!!) are super unhelpful
boycotts are hard; you need to focus on one company and show that you have strength, or they just laugh at you
Covid vaccine which I oppose. However, there are vaccines a parent should never pass on, such as for polio and the Rubella vaccines.
I agree with him, and setting aside time off/vacation.
I needed this
Thank you for this.
Is it more effective to combine efforts into less but larger protests? For media coverage and ‘visual’ effect?
George Orwell, 1984
WM own the MSM.
Let’s get 200,000 to the April 5th protest at the National Mall! I’ll be there.
We must…or we will lose this great country!
If we don’t stand up for our rights, our kids won’t have any.
Makes you wonder what is in their interest /s
It’s time!
It’s our responsibility to spread the word
I am an older male, very white and grey-haired - so I make a smol target. Police generally call me “sir”, even at protests. I try to get and stay between them and more attractive targets.
Never at night
But your perspective is sage and appreciated nonetheless.
At least that's the case in the "top stories", which I try to check daily.. just silence for the most part.
It would be interesting to see other POTUS’ peak months. Has there been this many since Vietnam?
As a Gen X taking Gen Alpha kids with me, I am proud of all the Boomers that I see at these protests. They didn’t march in the 60s to return to the 30s!
But it absolutely gives reason for optimism.
Also, you can download a free copy of "Pranksters vs Autocrats" from the Cornell University Press web site.
Hoping for some rain”
Thank you for posting the findings here. Appreciate it muchly.
Then again, any excessively promoted, large protests present their own risks, Re: this admin.
But once all protests are illegal and folk start getting flown to el Salvador and then the media is banned from reporting protests....they'll soon drop off