I don’t do shit for exercise, I’m on my phone six hours a day, and I loathe almost everyone I meet… with that said, I’m almost certain I could kill and eat you based on this video.
New Dem. Prog. Base
•Newly Laid off fed. Wkrs
•Students Loan Forgiveness
•Progressives patiently awaiting PROGRESS
•Farmers (victims of doge)
•Bernie's Gang: we needn't fear the "S" word
•LGBTQ b/c all ppl. deserve Freedom Liberty
•American Worker
•2 State'rs
We've got a potential base.
We need fearless Americans able to explain why these bulleted groups represent The Ideal American Future Direction For us All!
maga-muskies have already painted their gross picture where to Lie-usurp-demean-exploit & cheat "US" are their only solutions for us Americans.
eehhh, yes and no. But I get your point.
Generally i would say:
Find your humanity, respect women, respect yourself, listen,
read the room, read good books, VOTE!
Hey, if that's what people are picking up from the reel, the message ain't doing its job 😅.
It just feels like Prof Galloway is using some key words here to get the attention of young men. Too bad that's needed and not more emphasis is placed on empathy and vulnerability.
It really isn't "worth it" in my opinion. If you're diluting your message to the point where it's almost indistinguishable from the rest of the masculinity-influencer slop then that's what most people will take away from it.
Even if you're doing it under the pretense of sound moral values, it's still hammering in the ideas that money is all that matters and you need to lock in and ignore your feelings and focus solely on being productive no matter how miserable you are 🤷♂️
If you can't separate feelings from action, then you need therapy. I don't think pro football players or competitive bodybuilders are unhinged just because they're super strong and could probably kill me easily in a fight.
Ever tried not focusing every molecule of your existence on trying to dominate and win? I promise, relaxing for five fckn seconds won't kill you, dude. Or maybe it will. Who CARES? You're just a meatsack like the rest of us and you're gonna kick the bucket someday. It's OK! Calm down. Smell the🌹.
Why would anyone listen to an old guy that looks like this that makes Facebook shorts classical music jump cut to camera dogshit? Sad. Get a better hobby.
That’s easy: All American males need to grow the hell up. Be a grown up instead of an insecure teenager who needs a female partner to continue mothering him.
Hey Scott, your focus on cultivating healthy #masculiity is desperately needed. Your talk with Dr. K is a great example of the kinds of people to connect with to build a full-fledged replacement ecosystem to the largely toxic current one.
More discussions with creators from #Twitch and #YouTube, perhaps even a talk while gaming live, could be a key part of getting to young men where they are. Separately, emphasizing that we should all seek out a “3rd space” is part of how we rebuild community.
The fuck? If you have to believe you can kill or eat anyone in any room you're in so you can feel secure there might be something deeply wrong with you. Hell, that might be one of the most deeply insecure things I've ever heard.
Yeah I interpreted that as figurative because exercising gives you endorphins and confidence. When you’re ambitious, that type of confidence (where you know it’s just workplace competition) can only help you.
Agree with that but at some point you have to trust the person with the message knows what he’s doing and what’s good for himself. Scott has been platformed for years. I think it’s insecure to not engage with the issue at all.
I don’t. I take it at face value with the words that he is saying. People often talk without knowing what they are talking about. The fact that I am conversing with critical thinking is engaging. I can trust that he is a human and deserving of respect. It does not mean I have to respect his message.
I think it's a matter of interpretation. It also needs to be taken in context. Scott's not saying you need to be big strong man for your own ego; it's about being able to protect the people around you. Be at your best not for you, but for the people who need you.
Without that, I agree, it sounds weird. But I'm with Scott. I exercise for my kids and my wife first and foremost. I have an obligation to protect them and help them when they need me. There's nothing insecure or weird about it. I don't do it to look good or feel tough. I'm an ugly bald dude
Masculinity is a construct. And the reason boys and men are so messed up is we keep telling them that need to fit into some idealized version of masculinity that nobody can live up to.
Scott, even your “positive”construct if masculinity creates restrictive anxieties around what a “real man” is.
I know this particular bit is aimed at men, but women should have this same outlook. We live in a predatory world. Life's trying to kill us. All people should understand their capacity to defend themselves. Women can't fight men but they can kill them. It's ok to be an animal to defend yourself.
That's probably cuz there's a huge amount of young men looking for an answer to that. And unless someone gives answers that are positive and constructive, they're going to be suckered in by the Andrew Tates of the world selling them a self destructive lie.
The liberals want to find their Joe Rogan. Scott thinks maybe he is the answer they're looking for. Maybe he is. Rogan goes for the young men through appeals to masculinity. That said all of what he's saying is primal. Women have primal instincts too. And it's important to remember that too.
This is actually really concerning thinking. While yes, there are bad people, there are WAY more good people in the world. It’s easy to get caught up in fear, but this will demolish most relationships due to a lack of trust. I used to be this way. It’s not a good time
Its healthy to have fear. It's unhealthy to let fear take over. Are there people who do good things? Yes. Do most people want destruction? No. Is there a very significant population of people who are gleefully destructive? Yes! It's important to have clarity on how and why to proceed in this life.
Oh I see the toxicity in some of the messaging as well. And that's why I say that women can walk with this perspective as well! All people can. It's not great or desirable. But it's becoming a fact of life. Some men want to open this door, I remind ALL that this power is within all to be primal.
I define healthy masculinity as loving AND strong. Protective AND nurturing. Like a courageous firefighter entering a fire, then emerging gently cradling a baby or a child. Lovingly. So, yes to making meaningful connections - healthy relationships rooted in love and mutual respect are the best!
Does anyone find this guy masculine? Arrogant and self-absorbed, maybe.. Perhaps verbose, and he loves to hear himself talk. Who gives a s*** in the middle of the crisis we are in the last thing we need is toxic masculinity. The world would be better off if women ran it. That's for damn sure.
He's got millions, and he winges on about men and how they can't make it, and they can't get laid .. irrelevant. They are taking women back hundreds of years, and he's gonna complain about how men can't get laid!? You should have heard him complain about Joe's age. I will never forget that!
The phone is part of the one-on-one "connection" for youth.
I get it, it's about teaching other males how to contribute. That so many don't get it, reveals a big double-standard: Modern masculinity is no longer about agency and reward. Now, nothing belongs to males and they are rarely rewarded.
Wel out sir, that is exactly what’s fucking wrong with men and women today. They’re stuck in fucking stupid with this social media sites believing that’s reality.
This is like the opposite of everything I find good in the world and in no way connected to or related to anyone or anything I care about.
Why is this in my face apropros of anything, Bluesky?
How very Twitter of you.
Who the actual fuck are you and why do you think we give a shit what you have to say? Enjoy sniffing your own gas chud. These Andrew Taint mother fuckers are sad.
I think you might not know too much about Scott. He is *not* an AT type, at all. I’m not saying you can’t disagree with him, of course, but he is not coming from that side.
I don’t believe AT speaks about the importance of meaningful connections and relationships, about joining community groups to meet people and be part of the community.
I get that, but I think context matters, because masculinity should not be a toxic word per se. Feeling masculine should not be ‘frowned upon’; how that masculinity is expressed and how it’s nurtured makes all the difference IMO.
Calling out Zionism and posting dates from Israeli hate crimes and crimes against humanity isn't hate speech. Israelis who hate Palestinians are also antisemites. Islam is a semitic religious belief system. Different branches same tree. You're ignorant as fuck.
Well, can’t say I agree with all of them as tenets for anyone, but most of these things apply to people in general, not just those striving for ‘masculinity.’
Your click is cash use it wisely. Your social media account is worth more than you think. Want to end Musk, Bezos and Zuck. Cancel your accounts. Organized targeted socialmedia account cancellation are the route forward @warren.senate.gov @aoc.bsky.social @sanders.senate.gov @benstiller.redhour.com
Will you amplify? This will change America. If 50% of America does:
5 simple things:
1. Turn away from Facebook and Instagram
2. Stop buying online especially Amazon 3. Get rid of X (twitter)
4. Sell your Tesla stock.
5. Focus local
End Bezos, Musk, and Zuck.
Damn Scott you’re not getting love on bluesky because the people here are libs comfortable with their masculinity.
If you want to target the group you’re really seeking to influence with these great suggestions, get on twitch, X, discord, TikTok. There are no positive masculinity influencers out.
I’m a long time listener of your pod and I’ve been hearing your message for years but man, these 20somethin dudes are in deep shit. It’s almost like there are innumerable forces designed to keep them weak, cucked, skill less and angry. All the masc influencers are either fascists or communists rn
I'm a liberal, secure in my masculinity. This content is overexploited by Rogan, Tate, and other so-called 'masculine' idiots who misguide young people. A guy swinging his dick and reminding others they have one too is just childish. Sorry you don’t understand that.
I’m also a liberal secure in my masculinity and I disagree. Teen boys aren’t born all knowing. They’re influenced. You admit it yourself. So what’s the issue with swinging it the other way.
To all the people freaking out because he is telling these young men to workout and have physical & mental confidence, just know that he is trying to be a positive counterpoint to the Andrew Tate's of the world. I don't think most people understand where so many young men's heads are these days.
Sadly, the young men who should be hearing this are probably not following you Prof G, but I respect your effort. The left talks about being so inclusive, but they don't seem to understand what so many young men are dealing with. There's a reason Trump went on all the 'brocasts' and won their vote.
SIGN your strike card! SHARE IT ON ALL SOCIAL MEDIA! We need 11 million to make this work! We can do it! We MUST save our country from the ruthless wannabe dictators! If we don't fight like hell, we may not have a country anymore! Sound familiar? Cripple the crooked!!
my advice to young men is when you finally get enough money to start making videos to post to people’s phones giving advice about getting off their phones, consider investing in a nose hair trimmer
My advice as a Gen Z is anything people online are telling you to do- don't. Shop local, take walks and hikes. Read and do your hobbies in your freetime. Get a low paying job you can stand and lay flat. Stop contributing to the USAs leech money scheme. We don't need any of the shit they say we do.
You’ve speculated about a centralized effort against Israel on your pod and this article goes into it specifically for subreddit takeovers: https://t.co/7bncuuE1iG
How sad. Constantly reducing yourselves to the basest most laughable versions of manhood. The white knight. Gordon Gecko. The Superman. Who is asking you to do that? For YEARS we have been screaming at you what to do…..years. Jesus such a depressing rush to the cliche.
SO tired of hearing how difficult men have it🙄 Women invest in education, fitness & all kinds of relationships Men-quit being lazy, playing video games & watching porn If you are educated, fit & interesting you might find a woman who wants to be in a relationship & then have sex with you #womanup 💪
WTFs this guys deal? His posts seem 2 always b pro-capitalism & telling young men how to act like DBs? I find it rather insulting & just a diff brand of the toxic masculinity I grew up with. Is he some hero to the left tht I dont know about? He sure the fuck doesnt speak 4 me! Rich White prick!🖕
You're the guy that wants younger people to get married, have kids, get mortgages, and pay into the system for rest of their lives. Let young adults live their lives they way they want, like you lived your life the way you wanted.
You looked great.
Masculinity as protector i have to applaud.
You will want to expand ways to implement that.
Working in the aid clinical trial group
New addiction treatment modalities
Learning advanced trauma skills
And of course stand up comedy at open mike night
I find the best way to impress people and get what you want is what i call "the trump effect".
1. Lie constantly. 2. never admit you are wrong. 3. blame others for your mistakes before they can blame you. 4. cheat everyone you can . 5. speak in a 4th grade vocabulary..
follow this plan success guar!
His program only produces dividends if u can buy into it from the beginning. Highly skewed values favoring simplistic capitalistic viewpoint. Theres more to life than...
As Ive gotten older, Ive realized how important it is to work out for mental health. Its not even about feeling all that fit, its just a biochemical change that I notice.
great stuff from the biggest fan of generational wealth transfers 😂
He does passionately advocate for all those things. I believe this video is meant as a provocation and on-ramp for those young men who wouldn’t necessarily be open to that deeper message yet.
Or is this really the core of what he believes. And the rest of it is just pretty words meant to mask it. Say what you mean mean what you say. I take it at face value and so will everyone else watching it as you can tell by the comments.
Seriously, even in this one short clip he says the pursuit of sex is about relationships. This is more Dr. Ruth than Crypto Bro. More Martin Sheen than Charlie Sheen. More Daddy Warbucks than Andrew Tate.
Lots of things to do for all the poor Americans working 2-3 minimum wage jobs. Not trying to understand how the last 40 years of unchecked capitalism has just destroyed your country and shaming "unmotivated" people is the way to go! 👍
My take on masculinity is rather to not over-prepare for what’s expected of me, but rather learn to go with the flow and adapt on the spot to what’s in front of me
It might not sound very “alpha”, but so far it’s worked pretty well
Because men are going to feel justified harming women in the coming years. They need guidance and direction. Young people need older people they can use as role models.
•Newly Laid off fed. Wkrs
•Students Loan Forgiveness
•Progressives patiently awaiting PROGRESS
•Farmers (victims of doge)
•Bernie's Gang: we needn't fear the "S" word
•LGBTQ b/c all ppl. deserve Freedom Liberty
•American Worker
•2 State'rs
We need fearless Americans able to explain why these bulleted groups represent The Ideal American Future Direction For us All!
maga-muskies have already painted their gross picture where to Lie-usurp-demean-exploit & cheat "US" are their only solutions for us Americans.
Fuck the man.. It's time WOMEN took control
Generally i would say:
Find your humanity, respect women, respect yourself, listen,
read the room, read good books, VOTE!
you have truly revolutionized masculinity my dude.
one of the innovators of our time
It just feels like Prof Galloway is using some key words here to get the attention of young men. Too bad that's needed and not more emphasis is placed on empathy and vulnerability.
Unhinged! is what this sounds like.
Do not care about size, ability just the thought process.
It's fucked up.
After much deliberation I believe this advice is the best for Men that has ever been given in the history of Man.
I kid, I kid.
Repeating the process won't solve the problem.
The real issue is a lack of problem-solving skills and self-awareness.
And which kneecaps any genuine expression of an individual's sapience and sentience.
Are you trying to help people become more human, or more like a more appealing fuck doll?
Lack of self awareness: pursue relationships and interactions with other people.
It's not all encompassing but it's a solid starting base.
Scott, even your “positive”construct if masculinity creates restrictive anxieties around what a “real man” is.
Scott identifies and genuinely wants to help the many men & boys that are in crisis.
What I think he fails to understand is that patriarchy is at the root of what is hurting modern males (and everyone else).
I get it, it's about teaching other males how to contribute. That so many don't get it, reveals a big double-standard: Modern masculinity is no longer about agency and reward. Now, nothing belongs to males and they are rarely rewarded.
Civilization works, because we TRUST the person in the vehicle coming toward us on an undivided highway, isn't going to swerve into our lane.
And no, 'because freedom' isn't a valid answer for why they might.
What you said... + trust. Trump doesn't.
Why is this in my face apropros of anything, Bluesky?
How very Twitter of you.
If I make money, how am I gonna dismantle you from a position of disadvantage so gloriously.
Aggregate that lil man.
Love you & hate you Scott, it's complicated ❤️
All I know is that I am a man and I am eager to protect the herd.
I despise the sheepdog analogy because it's been hijacked by maga "masculine" maggots.
But it fits.
I enjoy seeing you on TV and take your advice to heart.
5 simple things:
1. Turn away from Facebook and Instagram
2. Stop buying online especially Amazon 3. Get rid of X (twitter)
4. Sell your Tesla stock.
5. Focus local
End Bezos, Musk, and Zuck.
Set a date and begin the boycott.
If that's capitalism then sign me up for socialism, communism or any other -ism.
Please refrain from being offensive to people who are sick or dying.
If you want to target the group you’re really seeking to influence with these great suggestions, get on twitch, X, discord, TikTok. There are no positive masculinity influencers out.
Too soft for X though ....
four of my nephews!
Taking care of people Alpha. The rest beta af.
THAT is alpha.
"Go have sex" get the fuck out of here, you said it so aggressively too. Like you're whats wrong with Masculinity.
14,506 Palestinian CHILDREN were KILLED and around 1,500 are MISSING
In Gaza, “an incredible number of CHILDREN SHOT IN THE HEAD”
Dr Sidhwa, general surgeon and traumatologist
#LandBack land restitution | Decolonization
Also part-time clown I guess, for people with bad taste in clowns.
Supported Bloomberg in 2020 so maybe we shouldn't listen to him about politics either.
Masculinity as protector i have to applaud.
You will want to expand ways to implement that.
Working in the aid clinical trial group
New addiction treatment modalities
Learning advanced trauma skills
And of course stand up comedy at open mike night
1. Lie constantly. 2. never admit you are wrong. 3. blame others for your mistakes before they can blame you. 4. cheat everyone you can . 5. speak in a 4th grade vocabulary..
follow this plan success guar!
great stuff from the biggest fan of generational wealth transfers 😂
Very cartoonish
You are correct!
Scotts video is made for men I believe not women.
Ask him for clarification though!
Have a blessed day!
Advice for young woman.
My take on masculinity is rather to not over-prepare for what’s expected of me, but rather learn to go with the flow and adapt on the spot to what’s in front of me
It might not sound very “alpha”, but so far it’s worked pretty well
Frankly, the more of a gym-based eating disorder you have the more annoying you are in the team meeting, in my experience.