Yes, lots. None of whom are running megachurches, buying private jets or calling for the extermination of trans people and extra-cruel expulsion of brown people. We have WAY too many of that last lot, but there are still some actual Christians you never hear about.
They keep getting away with this politically because these scammy American spin-off churches have no "Pope", no central focus for everyone's disgust and fury, so the drip-drip of child sex criming is forgotten by the end of the 30-second news cycle.
Quite the opposite! But it does help focus societal anger and a media spotlight. That spotlight seems to dissipate a lot faster without a central "authority" (target).
I've a theory- Texas was last state to free slaves (Juneteenth) and when the racists in the USA lost their ability to dominate men of other races they took it out on women and children cause they cant survive without enslaving/abusing others also they have the highest rates of domestic violence
Predators hiding behind the Bible. Both Trump and his "adviser" use the Bible as camouflage for their criminal behavior. Hustlers who enjoy hurting people who can't defend themselves.
Folks, there are WAY too many pedophile Pastures. Is something wrong with Christianity as a religion- not allowing these clergy to marry? Then they go after children? How do these abusers get to the TOP hierarchy of the church? Nobody knows they are abusers? but yet they have done this for years?
Gateway Church is a Protestant church. Protestant pastors are allowed to marry.
The problem isn't marriage or chastity (plenty of non-pastors are unmarried and chaste and don't rape children). The problem is Christianity's conservative hierarchy. Every denomination has problems with child rape.
When you ask them to name one trans person who has been arrested for sexually assaulting a woman, they can’t. Yet that’s who they find fault with. Pathetic. How many does this make, Texas?
Hah. Of course he would be an advisor to the functional illiterate in the Oval Office peddling cars out in front of the White House with the likes of Elon Musk, and not a peep from the spineless sycophants in the U.S. Congress. Makes perfect sense.
My guess is because they feel entitled to do as they please, when they please, with whom they please. I always say, the bigger the stink, the sicker the kink. They think they're above the law. Perhaps we should start putting these ass bags in gen pop and not protective custody.
Annnnd no one is surprised. We have known for 70+ years of solid research who the most likely people are to commit all forms of child abuse. Self described "very religious" people.
It makes me want to vomit. Those men out there talking about all this righteousness and other bullshit stuff. WTF? The are all cringeworthy to say the least
"In 2017, Morris was tapped by Gov. Greg Abbott to help support the so-called “Bathroom Bill” that sought to ban transgender people from using their preferred bathroom — in part by arguing that it would allow children to be sexually abused."
Hypocrites in power are the lowest form of the low. SINCE he probably was in a tax free income status as a pastor - and NOT behaving as a pastor - he should have to pay an overdue tax bill. yes from his jail cell.
Texas state law requires schools to do background checks on all teachers, volunteers, chaperones, classroom assistants, & coaches. Background checks are required for hospital volunteers.
Churches are not required to do any background checks. The last place I’d leave my child unattended is a church.
so it's the drag queen here, right? or the transgender woman using the bathroom where she's most comfortable ...
oh, wait, it's a megachurch pastor? wow! hiding in plain sight! who knew? almost if they were projecting when accusing vulnerable groups of the worst abuses of power.
These people all belong behind bars where they can't hurt people anymore.
Can Trump just hand it out before the trial even begins to save the taxpayers money?
You know, efficiency and all.
I’d argue their silence & inaction is complicity.
No shock here
Rinse repeat.
Evil shit.
(Not a trans person. Not a drag queen. Not an undocumented immigrant. As it is most often, an "upstanding" cis white man hiding behind a Bible.)
And if they have, it’s only selectively.
Because if I had a nickel for every time this happened
The problem isn't marriage or chastity (plenty of non-pastors are unmarried and chaste and don't rape children). The problem is Christianity's conservative hierarchy. Every denomination has problems with child rape.
they not like us
they not like us
This or something like it should be on billboards everywhere
Which is not a double entendre.
Why the American people put the immoral Trump regime in power is mind-boggling.
Why most of the American public is just accepting his vile regime—even as it tears apart US democracy—is astounding.
Shall we talk about the Tate brothers? Epstein perhaps?
#GOPSeditiousTraitors #TrumpCrimeFamilyForPrison #TrumpPedoFiles
Churches are not required to do any background checks. The last place I’d leave my child unattended is a church.
oh, wait, it's a megachurch pastor? wow! hiding in plain sight! who knew? almost if they were projecting when accusing vulnerable groups of the worst abuses of power.