Exactly. Also even if he backs down, the uncertainty really lingers and has its own weird toxic effect
Reposted from
Jeff Sharlet
The *best* case scenario now is that Trump declares a phony victory and backs down from trade war, leaving everyone exhausted, uncertain what's up and what's not. But there's the real prospect this gets worse, and the not-impossible prospect that it gets crazily worse.
Trump wants in on Russia and China’s promise of a new world order, he wants to be dictator #3.
The plan is to destabilize and destroy and have the oligarchs buy the remains.
Or just kill their economy and attempt to take over with all of the savings from the checkbook that’s not being spent on what it should be.
I feel horrible with this view as it will harm many who voted for Harris, but how can this spell of cult be otherwise broken?
Obviously voting rights need to stay intact.
Trump LOVES to jerk around the stock market to make his rich friends richer.
Better to know his crazy plans and put contingencies in place.
This guy only knows forward.
For better or worse, this is what America voted for and they are "getting what they paid for"
Buckle up.
*Trump throws a tantrum and implements something stupid.
*It goes bad.
*__Fill in the blank____ walk on eggshells and frame it that he’s getting something when he’s not.
*Trump claims victory and moves on to the next nonsense.
For all of us.
1. Back off
2. Double down
History says 2. He'll blame someone else (of course), and trade war HARDER. It's going to get worse.
I don’t even trust my goddamned neighbors, and I will carry this resentment deep in my bones and the blackened cockles of my heart until my dying day.
Of course our international neighbors will not be willing to trust us again. And fair enough.
Maybe after he gets Mexico to agree to 5000 border troops less than what they already have
With all the different trade wars that America is starting, we may reach a point where an adversary or coalition of adversaries see a benefit in continued protectionism even if the USA backs down.
He's essentially convinced Canada to search out more reliable trading partners in Asia and Europe.
Who wants to put all their apples in the same basket, held by a fickle orange idiot?
Or does he have some other issue?
He is moody, emotional, has irrational outbursts …
Changes his mind after making a BIG deal about something, and then pretends it never happened. Or “forgets” he said it.
That is NOT normal behavior.
VERY undesirable qualities
in a President.
Exactly. You could describe this whole era that way.
The point of these tariffs is mostly in bribes.
Make him a bunker baby again.
I would not trust Trump with sensitive intel, ever!
What did they think "I want a government small enough to drown in the bathtub" means?
So Americans..EVOLVE as if your life depended on it
We all know they have the intel that can crush trump for good. Start making it public!
All these elicit nowadays is an eye roll and a sigh.
No one is paying attention to that shit anymore. And that assumes they ever were....
It only means you get the playbook and the vocab list.
Have a thought of your own. Grow up a little
It's ok. I'm not interested in making you feel bad.
I just wish people would grow up and start thinking for themselves. It's liberating
Trump and Musk are the definition of fascism, and Musk is a Nazi. They're who you are backing. Nice job.
What you just did is exactly what exhausts me. People using a word as their exclamation point thinking it means something.
It does not.
It just means that person is a follower
Look up shit on Google. It's all there.
I'm tired of giving Trumpists & Muskists like you my attention. Piss off.
Insta Block.
If you are going to use the term then should have a sliver if intellect to be able to describe it yourself.
People think they're edgy or cool by tagging along and saying "Elon is a fascist" but all it does is make people look like morons when they cannot even use it in a sentence
This just isn’t right.
His approval ratings are in the tank; like the stock market.
As a business person whatever he does from here, he has already killed GDP for at least 6 months. Orders cancelled & paused, hiring and training delayed.
Its gonna get worse.
The USA can defer 1/2 of the $100 Million dollars worth of Condoms going to Gaza for your personal use!
What's a Short Penised, Gargantuan Gutted... Orange First Felon King to Do?
He's goal is to destroy as much and as many western economies as possible.
Those are his orders from Moscow.
After all, "I alone can fix it" has been his mantra since his first five? six? bankruptcies.
It's the Great Destabilization.
The rich have too much money in the market. They can't lose in this game - only you lose.
This will make the world a worse place for nearly everyone - except the filthy rich who profit from exactly this.
I've seen a lot of articles repeating a line about the cost of the 10% drop in Canadian tourism to the US.
Which... is probably underestimating the degree of what's happening since Canada is being threatened with annexation through economic force.
If it ever can be.
Canada really needs to cut the US loose. We can't afford to have them hanging around us anymore.
“ See, I tried.”😡
Game on.
Elbows up.
There is no way now to turn any of this into a victory. We have given up everything for Trump's self-aggrandizement
Do not be surprised when Canada and Mexico say that USA based companies have to sell their assets in their countries or they will be seized without compensation.