For all the TRUMP = STRONG propaganda this is *exactly* what his “leadership” was like in Covid. Constant zigging and zagging, self-contradictory, incapable of commitment, wanting to have it both ways. It was a disaster!
Reposted from
Seth Cotlar
This is what weak, flailing leadership looks like. His inability to make meaningful change in areas like this explains the desperate, authoritarian bluster of his largely illegal Executive Orders. This is the sort of leader who opposing politicians should definitely NOT cater to.
Just a vacillating, preening, Dunning-Krueger dumbass.
Does anyone remember Maxwell Smart? [KAOS]
It’s one way I gauge how broken most media outlets are by refusing to do this.
It's a common req. reading in college Russian studies courses. Unfortunately super relevant to the climate now in the US.
When in doubt, they will reduce or keep flat.
The President’s words matter.
Even with no tariffs, the economy’s going to significantly contract because of this fool.
"It takes a bomb under his arse to make Hitler see logic."
Joseph Goebbels
Birds of a feather!
With no checks from his current bunglers this will become a disaster.
He is not a strong leader!
He’s a dangerous idiot.
yup, exactly what I have been thinking since this administration started. at least the skillset I developed then has become handy again.
I am glad she isn’t here to see the mess the republicans have made. It’s appalling on every level.
They are ignorant, inept, full of themselves, and causing great harm.
When market crashes stock price goes down that's when you do your buying.
Then announces no tariffs which then the market goes back up which is when you sell.
Crash market intentionally
Have you checked your 401K today? Mine misses Biden
So ... ? Why do this? Won't these actions be bad for the country?
The GOP defending everything he says has destroyed all of their own credibility on everything. Too bad for them.
Next time you VOTE, choose leaders who serve the public, NOT THEMSELVES. #VoteWisely
From last time
Thankfully Rachel Maddow and a couple of others are still telling the truth.
- Donald Trump, in reality
If we could just tune him out, he would die.
trump is shit.
I'm not convinced that trump actually won last fall... did musk tweak things in a few swing states?
The only outsiders are the buffoon agency heads who may align with Heritage, but not exactly an agent of the agenda.
Now they're gone, he's relying on other idiots and it's all on fire.
I grew up in the Northeast in the 80s - he was thought of as a joke and a loser. His moves in Atlantic City, NJ, etc...mocked.
The rest of the country got hoodwinked thanks to that show.
Hes a failure
Get analyst from schools, streets, public/private sector, religion, governance like: fload right media; Rogan, FOX etc., to debate facts
Then golf.
Now to find some spines for members of congress.
Do you think Amazon would deliver? Lol
He wants to make Russia stronger and make Europe weaker.
Because he wants to make America just like Russia!
Trump is a danger to America and to the World..!
We have ignorant cultists dictating who gets elected to the WH - and this is what we get.
We have elections problems.
1 Million+ Dead Americans and a shattered US economy
30 Million Americans unemployed
Trump left the US unprotected and unprepared
-HE's an IDIOT.
-A MOBSTER who uses ***EXTORTION***
to get what he wants.
- I am imposing 25% tariffs on everything
- I am suspending all tariffs for 30 days
- I am imposing 25% tariffs on everything
- I am suspending all tariffs on cars and car parts
- I am suspending most tariffs for 30 days.