Working at a grocery store, it feels like this comic reached into my soul and gently placed its hand on my shoulder, nodding in a comforting and understanding manner. It gets me.
Hearing Love Will Tear Us Apart occasionally mixed into the Safeway playlist is just a bizarre experience. Generally the employees are not fans of someone weeping on the floor
I used to work in a grocery store and after a certain point the soundtrack starts to feel like it has life and death implications. Tears for Fears always slapped though.
I walked out of a shop last week as the store music was so loud, a different song in each area, a total cacophony of sensory overload. Maybe just for a moment I caught a tiny snippet of what life feels like for some autistic people.
I was having a little cheeky mental breakdown in Walmart once and Radiohead's Everything In It's Right Place started playing and I was so baffled that it snapped me out of it.
Muzak should be illegal in all public accommodations. It's an accessibility issue. People should be allowed to use their headphones while shopping, but muzak interferes with headphones.
Sometimes you're just having that kind of day where grocery store music seems to have always been a maliciously manufactured torture experiment, crafted to test the limits of the human psyche.
This is funny but it's also not funny because this happened to me recently because I walked I to a church group in home goods, a big one, AND THEY ALL LOOKED AND DRESSED THE SAME it freaked me the fuck out like I found the NPC spawn room
The Bee Gees were playing in a grocery store during one of the lowest points of my life and I was just sitting there holding milk about to explode listening to Night Fever
Sitting in the ER waiting with my wife, who seems to be miscarrying. She's not hurting, but we want to make sure she's ok. The TV in the ER is playing an episode of Star Trek: TNG where Worf must make the right decision to prevent a timeline where HIS SON WILL NEVER BE BORN.
I heard Judas Priest at my local grocery store recently, and it was during the hours where it's peak old people shopping time. That felt a little weird.
I generally start avoiding grocery stores right after Thanksgiving, when they all start playing the same, old, tired Christmas music. I send my SO, since he tunes it out.
Its funny because I have a viceral reaction to "Zou bisou bisou" by Gillian Hills because it used to play at the store i used to work at. I feel like a sleeper agent being awaken each time I hear it in the wild. I have retail flashbacks.
Post the next one seven times to spite the haters. Make each version progressively more unhinged so viewers question their sanity as they notice the discrepancies.
i miss with store music was instrumental and ambient to give you a vibe and not lyrical pop songs where you usually can only hear the chorus over and over
I like Jpop, so I have a large playlist of original XMas or Winter themed music, but yes, retail & radio needs a much wider selection, especially if the newest track is 25-30 years old or yet another cover of a century old classic.
Grocery stores should play level music from Sonic the Hedgehog... Green Hills Zone most of the day, but as it gets close to closing swap to that drowning music, you know the sounds...
I hate grocery store music. I just want to get in, get what I need, and get out, and I already have high anxiety, so I'll be standing and waiting behind other people in line, and you just hear the shitty crunching guitars of a song from the 90s grating your ear drums over and over again.
God i hear that song every day because it's in my mother's aerobics playlist on youtube and this is now my legitimate reaction to hearing it
eternal damnation wo-oah
eternal damnation wo-oah
Omg I feel seen! Tbh, this is why I rly wish there were more public spaces that didn’t play music. Sometimes I just wanna go perform a task without listening to someone else’s music taste.
Once I was listening to In the House, In a Heartbeat on my headphones and the louder guitars came in right as I realized they were out of my favorite flavor of yogurt
One time my pharmacy gave me the wrong med so I went cold turkey off my anti anxiety. I only realized about a week in when the Grocery Store Panic Attacks started up. WHY are supermarkets soooo scary raw 🥲
One time I'd just gotten my heart ripped out, (metaphorically, not literally,) and the grocery store was playing "Friday, I'm in Love" and for the first and probably last moment in my life I fucking *despised* Robert Smith
I once got extremely devastating news while "Best Day of My Life" by American Authors blared over my job's PA system and to this day think about it whenever that terrible song comes on.
Confirming here your girl singing voice is working because assuming basically no else one noticed (there’s a podcast?) Also here is playlist of normal but very sad songs on tape when I worked at department store
I already didn’t care for watermelon sugar and its stupid two note chorus, but then I worked retail and I’d clench my teeth so hard when I heard it I’m surprised they haven’t cracked. I would rather have xmas music year round than allow that song to remain on the store playlist
The band started up a ukulele-heavy cover of Mazzy Star's "Fade into You"
I walked out into a field and hoped to get eaten by a bear.
checks out!
XMas music would be far more tolerable if it wasn’t an endless loop of the same 20-50 songs. There should be a push to introduce new original works!
eternal damnation wo-oah
eternal damnation wo-oah
like... yeah it is, you're so right grocery store
hell i could make a list of songs I fucking despise coming on or am generally not a huge fan of such as got to be real or true to your heart