That’s not what they were intended for. That was the given reason but multitudes of interviewable experts will present the likely real reason(s) to you if you ask. Good grief. Is AI writing your articles now?
The tariffs were *never* intended to stop fentanyl entering the US. That was a lie Trump told, since he has never shown one tiny bit of understanding how tariffs work.
According to Journalism Professor Laura Leff of Northeastern University, “No American newspaper was better positioned to highlight the Holocaust than the Times, and no American newspaper so influenced public discourse by its failure to do so.”
NYT is often allergic to the right side of history.
Trump pardoned the Silk Road founder who was doing life in prison. He doesn’t give a fuck about fentanyl. Wake the fuck up NYT and do your fucking job.
Haven't said it in a while, so fuck you NYT, for your sane-washing bullshit. There is no flow of fentanyl from Canada in the US. Yours is a shithole country that exports guns, drugs, and insanity northward. Clean your own fucking house, assholes.
Let’s be honest. He suspended tariffs he fabricated to deal with the imagined flood of fentanyl from Canada so he can break our economy, take over our country and hand Putin the northwest passage. That’s why he wants Greenland too. Tariffs and all the chaos is a distraction.
“Nominally intended to stop fentanyl.” You fatuous dopes at the nyt are buying into Trump’s framing. Anyone could see that his stated reasoning was bs, yet there you go putting it in a headline as if it were true.
What to know? Know that it's a lie!!!! All of it!!!
Trump doesnt care about Fentanyl.
Its a made up excuse for him to destroy the economy on purpose.
Then ask why? Who benefits from this?
Answer: Billionaires and foreign entities looking to control the US for their purposes. Russia 95!
He’s a LIAR. It’s clearly not about fentanyl. Gives Mexico reprieve on tariffs but keeps going on Canada (practically no fentanyl coming in). As Mexico said, it’s US citizens bringing it in too. #elbowup #USdictator
More lies from
The tariffs have absolutely nothing to do with fentanyl and the reporters and editors responsible for this claim fucking know that.
Free the drug market for safer recreational drugs and cheaper medicinal drugs. Change the war on drugs to the war on drug ignorance. Cancel all the fascist trash who don’t know what medicine is without approval.
Hi, I'm the wallet inspector. I need to see all the wallets of all the Times reporters. I'm also going to need social security cards, mothers' maiden names, and PIN numbers for everyone. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
“President Trump suspended tariffs he’d purportedly enacted to stop fentanyl from entering the U.S. Here’s why he really enacted the tariffs, and what they actually would have done.”
Fentanyl is an opiate produced by the American Pharma company Purdue owned by the billionaire Republican Sackler family. Canada and Mexico aren't poisoning Americans. The Sackler family is.
In China, Vietnam and other countries, business corruption and drug trafficking are sometimes punished with the death penalty. I do think there is a cogent argument for the Sacklers to be punished for manslaughter or negligent homicide. Anger about corporate cruelty motivated Luigi Mangione.
Any doctors that genuinely didn’t know should lose their license to practice medicine.
And the doctors that willingly addicted people while they eagerly and greedily accepted big Pharma bribes deserve life in prison with the execs n Sacklers
Why are you obsessed with trashing what remains of your brand? It was never “intended” to stop fentanyl. There’s no fentanyl pipeline coming in from Canada. They’re liars. Just say that. We are not as stupid as you seem to think.
What is wrong with the NYT these days? His tariffs have never had ANYTHING to do with Fentanyl- those are empty words from an empty, psychotic man. I used to turn to NYT for great reporting, but since he took office there has been a VERY noticeable change in your reporting - for the worse!
Trump already has Fox News and rightwing outlets to parrot his obvious lies and pretexts for being a corrupt dumb bully - and they do it better than you, NYT.
So why are your editorial staff allowing it? What's worth throwing journalism overboard in favor of cheap lazy talking points?
That’s absolutely not what the tariffs are intended to do. That’s what the president says they’re intended to do. But taking this at his word is journalistic malpractice.
These tariffs have absolutely nothing to do with fentanyl. More fentanyl crosses the border into Canada from the US than vice versa. This is just economic terrorism. Try hiring some actual reporters instead of parroting trump.
To be perfectly clear; the notion that these tariffs were a security measure intended to have an impact on fentanyl trafficking is a myth no longer worthy of reporting.
Trump loves tariffs and has said so many times
Any conversation about Trump tariffs should begin with that.
Don’t repeat the lie. Trump’s tariffs are not related to fentanyl. That is the ruse that is being used to give his tariffs a patina of legitimacy. He has stated his real reason for the tariffs: to damage Canada’s economy to the point that annexation becomes a possibility.
NYT, you are bloody idiots!
Nearly all of the 21,900 pounds that U.S. law enforcement seized last year was *at the southern border* while only 43 pounds of fentanyl was seized at the Canadian border, according to U.S. data - that’s like .002 % entering from Canada!
‘tariffs intended to stop fentanyl from entering the U.S.’???
how dare you repeat Trump’s lies about these tariffs!
try stating exactly what they are actually intended to do!
That is not even the justification Trump gives anymore! His (illogical and bad) reasoning is that previous trade was "unfair" and countries were "taking advantage " of the US. You aren't even lying well.
NYT handles this moment in history just like they did the Holocaust during WW2. I sent them a letter to the editor when I unsubscribed last year over their ongoing transphobia and complicity in the rising fascism in this country to remind them of that history
Oh and if it's coming into our country it is our weak border policy, if it's flowing into Canada it would be Canada's border policy. Our responsibility to vet things coming into OUR country, not Canada's job. Though, fentanyl is a problem born here, so Canada has 0 responsibility here. He's a idiot.
The NYT, which helped Cheney Bush lie the US into the Iraq War while suppressing news of the treasonous warrantless mass spying program, repeats the ludicrous Trump lie that tariffs are about stopping fentanyl.
Please stop. By that, I mean all operations. Stories like this show how long ago truth was lost.
The tariffs had NOTHING to do with fentanyl. Don't you remember? Tariffs are the most beautiful word in the english language? They will make America great again?
Remember the bipartisan border bill that Trump tanked last year so he could run against immigration? That bill included technology to detect smuggled fentanyl at the border. Republicans and Trump killed the bill.
It would be a bummer if you were gonna do some drugs recreationally like once a year, on vacation, and it had fentanyl in it and then you died from that. get it together, America.
Never report what public figures "believe" or "intend" based on their statements, Katie. You mean they CLAIM to believe or intend. You'd think a journalist would be smart enough to understand such a basic fact about these lying motherfuckers.
What is Fentanyl?? We know this!
Tell us why Americans can't stop doing illicit drugs?
Tell us why Americans are overwhelming the saddest most addicted country in the world?
Tell us why we provide protections for those who create and deceive us of such dangerous products?
What evidence is there that
a) Trump thought these tariffs would stop fentanyl?
b) tariffs would actually stop fentanyl?
None, absolutely zero. Just the NYT doing the fascists' work for them. Get in the sea
That shits already here. He’s just trying to make his way of making $ seem like it’s in the best interest of us Americans. He doesn’t care about any of US (A). Especially people of color 🤔
In related news, suspended coverage of the Republican nominee’s literal campaign promise of dictatorship in a doomed bid to placate Nazis.
Labelling people with poor mental health as potential addicts is not helpful. Addiction is genetically determined and should be the subject of scientific research to eliminate the problem.
Addiction itself is considered a mental illness. But, from a lifetime of being surrounded by addiction, I find that people, a lot of the time, not always, will start using to treat depression, trauma, insomnia and other illnesses. This was not a scapegoat post nor a anti-mental illness post.
Pathetic shit. Nobody likes a quisling, not your remaining readers (as few as they are) and certainly not potential readers. The New York Post does this kind of slimy yellow journalism too well, you're not going to compete with them.
Wtf doesn’t know what fentanyl is at this point?! And this is the dumbest excuse a sitting president has ever used for either controlling the border or imposing tariffs. 🤡
Suck a dick.
NYT is often allergic to the right side of history.
Who announces tariffs, then retracts them the next day?
This bozo needs to put some thought into his actions
ten years later and still just a stenographer for blatant lies, eh
Trump doesnt care about Fentanyl.
Its a made up excuse for him to destroy the economy on purpose.
Then ask why? Who benefits from this?
Answer: Billionaires and foreign entities looking to control the US for their purposes. Russia 95!
Why are you lying?
Go ahead. Try, without resorting to his lies.
either way fuck off
The tariffs have absolutely nothing to do with fentanyl and the reporters and editors responsible for this claim fucking know that.
What the hell is this?
I believe PRAVDA is available
And the doctors that willingly addicted people while they eagerly and greedily accepted big Pharma bribes deserve life in prison with the execs n Sacklers
As if Trump gives a rat fuck about someone dying from a fentanyl overdose.
The New York Times…
So why are your editorial staff allowing it? What's worth throwing journalism overboard in favor of cheap lazy talking points?
Stop putting what little (and i do mean *little*) credibility you have at Trumps disposal.
He has never made any concrete demands about stopping fentanyl to Mexico or Canada.
The tariffs have nothing to do with fentanyl.
These tariffs have absolutely nothing to do with fentanyl. More fentanyl crosses the border into Canada from the US than vice versa. This is just economic terrorism. Try hiring some actual reporters instead of parroting trump.
Respectfully, go fuck yourselves.
Trump loves tariffs and has said so many times
Any conversation about Trump tariffs should begin with that.
As for why?
There’s a better headline for you fascist coddling cunts
Nearly all of the 21,900 pounds that U.S. law enforcement seized last year was *at the southern border* while only 43 pounds of fentanyl was seized at the Canadian border, according to U.S. data - that’s like .002 % entering from Canada!
how dare you repeat Trump’s lies about these tariffs!
try stating exactly what they are actually intended to do!
Clearly they don't listen
Fixed it for ya. 😉👍
print the truth cowards
disgusting slime.
Is suspended?
Or not suspended.
Trump is a joke...
The tariffs had NOTHING to do with fentanyl. Don't you remember? Tariffs are the most beautiful word in the english language? They will make America great again?
Total scam!!
How do you keep parroting this obvious, ridiculous lie?
The tariffs have nothing to do with fentanyl. It was just a way to override normal checks and balances and make it an "emergency".
Are your columnists incredibly stupid?
Why do you buy the premise you goddamn fools ?
Are you reporters or stenographers ?
Do you also believe their shutting down all aid and intel to Ukraine is "intended to bring peace" ?
Street fent is a problem in a lot of places, but don't play into his bullshit alibi
The tariffs were always stated to be a bullying tactic.
Most fentanyl coming into the US is by US citizens.
Most of that is caught at the border.
Quit carrying his water. Fuck
Most of the ODs are related to peoples drugs being adulterated, prohibition prevent regulations & testing
US could control the cartels but prohibition prevents that
Stop propagating this lie.
Tell us why Americans can't stop doing illicit drugs?
Tell us why Americans are overwhelming the saddest most addicted country in the world?
Tell us why we provide protections for those who create and deceive us of such dangerous products?
a) Trump thought these tariffs would stop fentanyl?
b) tariffs would actually stop fentanyl?
None, absolutely zero. Just the NYT doing the fascists' work for them. Get in the sea
I hope your paper goes out of business soon.
Address the addiction problem.
Stop lying like you're demented diaper Dumbald and fight for the right to call yourselves a democracy.
If you fail this task you're worthless.
Does the NYT build baseline credulity and gullibility into its news analysis?
(At a bare minimum, woulda been nice to see a “purported” or a “non-credible but repeatedly stated rationale”.)