That's the official version. I used to have a small camp in Western Maine years ago. Sheriffs out there are all right wing. You just stay away from them.
The regime is banking on people being skeptical. It's how they get away with it. Err on the side of it being true. We witnessed, live on TV, dozens of men being shipped to El Salvador because "they were terrorists". It started with them being disappeared from their communities.
This is in every fascist playbook. If you have a fascist in your life do what you can to at least make mitigate the damage they do. Fascists are not created by bad parenting or environment. They are born that way. They are an infestation. We all know people like that. Some are family members.
Proof that tolerating fascists causes death and destruction.
After Mussolini destroyed Italy with his fascism, the peasants rose up, shot him in the streets and hung him by his feet. His own followers turned on him. Some MAGATS are getting slightly woke.
Disgusting. This is why if we ever have a legitimate government again, the entire DHS, especially ICE, needs to be disbanded and its leaders need to be sent to the Hague.
Anyone who voted Trump in 2024 is responsible and complicit for the evil being perpetrated by these fascist thugs.
A ver cómo os lo digo, pará o haceros mas daño, habéis tenido todavía vida para acabar con un sistema ultra, q ha cometido infinidad d genocidios en todo el planeta, votarías lo q votarais, siempre votasteis asesinar a otros ..y no os importó, se llama carma
The United States has never ratified the treaty behind the International Court of Justice. It does not accept the court's juristiction over US citizens.
That is unlikely to change even after a regime change.
I'm afraid i won't survive holding my breath for that to happen 😅
Always thought it's an amazing controversy for the country that invaded the most countries in the world on behalf of their moral superiority to not sign the treaty for the ICJ. Seems like it's showing why now 😕
fwiw, they're most immediate needs are likely met, but their legal expenses could easily extend beyond what has been donated so far I'd imagine -- and this is a legal fight that needs to be won not just for them, but for all of us, to protect the rights guaranteed by the constitution
Literally, straight out of the Nazi playbook from 1933 onwards. Terrifying times for people just trying to live a good life. I hope he is released soon.
also should be remembered that this is within the US playbook since the 1950s at least - used in countries like chile, indonesia, argentina, brazil, iraq, and many others. now they’re just doing it domestically too. if we want to be a better country we’ve gotta be honest about our history
That’s the part that stuck out to me. So if you are unable to enforce any federal laws, why did you cop call boarder patrol? He should have issued a ticket and went about his way.
Nope...not by any stretch. Just being sarcastic.... I've experienced firsthand what apes they (almost) all are growing up in SELA and adulting in San Pedro. (Los Angeles)
Wow. The amount that has been raised gives me hope for humanity. That is amazing. It will help them with their legal costs and living.
I do hope this all will change soon, but I fear for the violence americans will have to suffer getting the fascists out of office.
Just donated. I’m a multi-generational (as in Mayflower) New Englander - in other words, the 1st immigrants. Immigrants are critical to our economy. That this is happening in Maine, of all places, is mind-blowing. Keep sharing this far & wide.
I’m not trying to pay with PayPal, I’m paying with a card (and that’s the payment method I’m selecting). Unless PayPal handles the donations for the platform? Not sure where the problem lies here. ☹️
Thanks. Still can’t get it to work this morning, including with a different card. The issue is clearly on my end and if it’s what I suspect, not currently fixable. But it makes me feel a bit better to see that so far they’ve raised more than 7x their goal!
So disturbing! I have reposted and hope people watch. This is not going to go away. We need to come together in masses and fight for those that cannot. It is inhumane and that is not who we are as Americans.
I'm just a Dutchman but in English shouldn't you say 'people disappear'? Or possibly that somebody makes someone disappear? Looks and sounds weird to say that somebody disappears somebody else.
I’m going to assume you are asking this in good faith: OP’s usage is a standard one in English, and indicates that the “disappearing” was carried out by a force acting maliciously, and it may end badly. See, for example, The Disappeared in Northern Ireland during the Troubles.
Making someone disappear is what you do in a magic trick, and somebody who disappears may have done it of their own volition. To say that this man was disappeared by the police underlines the fact that what happened was wrong and sinister.
If Hitler had not confiscated the guns of German citizens there’s a good chance that the third Reich would never have happened. There would’ve been no holocaust.
Ann Frank had a brave family hide her from Nazis.
We are there… under Trump’s white nation.
If you aren’t rising up against him…You’re one of them.
I wonder if the Trump Nazis are gonna differentiate between who is Aryan and who is not.
I don’t think Trump has ever been with a woman who is “ethnic looking“. He definitely prefers blondes and that’s kind of weird. He’s a shallow bastard. He believes in Arian superiority and a master race.
It's horrifying. Five legal permanent Bhutanese residents were abducted out of Harrisburg recently. I want to know how often this happens and the public doesn't hear about it.
I cannot bear this. other than sharing this & stories like it far & wide so that people know what is happening, donating to organizations like & immigrant rights organizations, & peacefully protesting, WHAT ELSE can regular people be doing to stop these evil fucks?
The whole world supports you. Except terrorist countries. We hope with you that you'll still turn things around. The Nazis in 1933 only needed 6 months to bring the Germans "into line". You have one advantage: the knowledge of German history and what the Germans should have done to counter it. 👍
A lot of people also have no idea because, as the song goes, living is easy with eyes closed. My family tells me they don't follow the news and don't talk about politics with anyone. They also say I'm catastrophizing and all will be fine, but how do they know it if they don't know what's going on?
I'm guessing since nobody wants to send these people an Edible Arrangement that you're suggesting we go door to door making ghosts. Is that what we're saying-but-not-saying here?
Here we see one fine example with no knowledge of history outside their own border and so helpless that they refuse to even search a phrase. It's a spicy one, crikey.
One thing about the internet-> it lasts forever. They can claim but it's all there. They can blend in but the mark doesn't disappear.
These people are the grime of the country that yearn to enslave/conquer others because they have wee little egos and are beyond insecure parasitic trash!
The Republicans have been trending towards authoritarianism for years, but not many could have gotten project 2025 over the finish line....that's Trump and his cult worshippers. It was a charismatic dictator and a bunch of lemmings.
That’s what’s truly frightening. It’s not just Trump. Whenever someone says “America, this is not who we are…” my reaction now is “Well… actually…”. Please prove me wrong.
This has been happening in Russia for years it has never stopped. The US government doesn’t have to look to Germany. It just has to look to their friends in Russia.
I work from home but on the rare chance I venture into the public, I wear a protest shirt in the a cherry red town/county/state. And I meet the glare of every hateful look I get. The die is cast there is little when can do until the next election
They are human beings. We are all human beings. There are no monsters, just people doing horrible things, or people doing nothing. Dehumanization is the tool of the enemy. I won't use it. Success, and our own humanity, depends on acknowledging that we are struggling against a very human endeavor.
I'd rather lose my own humanity and let the abyss stare back into me than watch ordinary people lose their literal lives to this shit. This animosity is being unleashed by a group of people who threw theirs away a long time ago.
I'd have greater success negotiating with a horde of zombies.
II'm not saying we need to turn the other cheek. I'm just saying they're human and this is a human problem. I think it is easier to effectivrly change things when we have an honest and clear-eyed assessment of the problem, part of which is dehumanizstion. I want directed rage, not blind rage.
Thank you for sharing. I have spent time in Strong and Farmington and my heart goes out to this family. Much of Maine has Spanish named cities. It's heartbreaking. I have donated and shared. Let's continue to help each other through these tough times.
I saw this yesterday I cried so hard I’m pissed then I saw the iA video where the head of the IA was asking for assistance because he can’t gain the access that he needs into the ice detention facility in Miami Florida. 3 people have passed away in a government facility they were starved to death
They used their personal phones for public duty? Take this to court, essentially they're phones should then be taken as evidence and God knows what they'll find on there. This is rule #1 as a public employee, don't conduct public work on private devices. Something happens, and that device - gone
When the day comes that Republicans are ousted, ICE needs to be completely gutted. There's no way that it can continue with people who were so willingly complicit it atrocities.
Any org that is complying right now. GONE. and all officials who are failing ot stop this, stand up, speak out - do their jobs. All GONE. No second chances-they're blowing their last chance. New people. Better to stumble with ethical people than "win" with creeps.
Not just ICE. After WW II many organisations were restructured and many people lost their position: local police, armed forces. The US shouldn’t be different. So FBI, Secret Service, sheriff’s departments etc.
As a German: I wish.
Unfortunately this only took place on the surface and with some high profile Nazis, but lots of police, courts and agencies are full of right wing structure (to say the least) to this day.
German denazification is a myth.
In 1957, Bauer passed the information to Mossad director Isser Harel, who assigned operatives to undertake surveillance, but no concrete evidence was initially found.
Bauer trusted neither Germany's police nor the country's legal system, as he feared that if he had informed them, they would likely have tipped off Eichmann. Thus he decided to turn directly to Israel authorities.
I have to speak out: I'm a bit mad that "this man was here completely legally" is someone who has witnessed a man being abducted feels is necessary to mention.
There is no such thing as an illegal person. That doesn't exist. That doesn't mean anything. If your government says it does: revolt!
Don't take the frame of the enemy to make what is a horrible story sound "even worse" because it doesn't change a goddamn thing. A family was torn apart by your government, and you still haven't understood that 'legal' and 'illegal' are concepts only worth shit if you accept this injustice.
Thank you to everybody in the USA, who takes care and is speaking out. Thank you from Germany. We know how it begins and how it ends. And we grew up with parents who told us: "but we didn't know and not everything was bad". Horrible.
Very soon people are going to start shooting their way out of these apprehensions, and the ICE Nazi scumbag fucks deserve everything that’s coming to them
Sharpen your pitchforks, light your torches. Your government is murdering your neighbours, you're going to be next. You don't need to wait for someone to ask for your help, you need to protect yourself.
Also yesterday. And the day before yesterday. Last month. Also anywhere in the 1980s. Pretty much throughout the 1600s. It happened a lot in Feudal Europe. The Roman Empire comes to mind. Egyptians, Babylonians, Aztecs, Ancient Chinese... I'm not 100% sure, but I bet even the Sumerians abused power.
you won't be able to solve all disappearances by fundraising. Please, US citizens, show up and protest now - in large numbers. In a town of 1,200 people, 200 protesters in front of the police station could leave an impression.
You have to shame the police find out where they live. You have to shame them to do their job and protect the public. Ukrainians did this in 2014. They toppled a Russian pro government and they’re corrupt leader fled to Russia.
Campout For Freedom April 20th York Nebraska, we will pitch tents til they cave.
I am with you. Action is needed. We have to shut them down. A national strike. Every state. Every business. No profit, no power. No money, honey, no, Trump. No Elon, no tyrant.
50 camps in 50 states.
United, we stand
Disappointed neighbors by a secret police is EXACTLY WHAT EVERY SINGLE DICTATORSHIP DOES.
I’m only pointing to Maine here bc the “plan” was go deport MILLIONS starting in the “big Democratic cities”, not a city of 1200 in Maine. This was targeted EXPLICITLY bc of their governor. This isn’t any different than the “deal” they made with Columbia University, tbh. Or 🇺🇦.
And not to mention that the courts give the executive branch A LOT of deference in matters concerning immigration. Just look at the shit show going on right now and how that judge has had just about enough of the DoJ's bullshit.
Getting detained by ICE/CBP is often characterized as a "black hole."
These are the stories. Thank you for sharing., take this and bring it to the floor of the Senate. Call on ICE to be accountable.
This administration can't and won't be held accountable by the means that used to exist prior to the election last November. They've made it clear that they only understand violence
If you’ve been looking for an opportunity to help an immigrants survival, or make life better for black 🏳️🌈 + LGBTQ victims and survivors of abuse? ⬇️ I’m trying to find community support🥺
Were here because in 1945 we missed our chance to show fascists that we had a backbone. Rank and file nazis got away with the "we were only following orders" defense and were sent home to think about how to do it better next time.
The reason that we can trust most dogs is because they have had the wild viciousness bred out of them. We have allowed and tolerated Nazis for far too long and we need to erase their DNA from the gene pool.
The depravity of a Nazi/billionaire is their heredity. There’s no arguing that.
What you do is crush the ideology. Make nazi/confederate history a death sentence let it remain in museums and books for history but no more should they be allowed in homes! These people need to be torn out and not allowed to pass on their ideology to their kids.
The difference between the depravity of the German and MAGAT is Germans were against Nazi statues but Southerners who are genetically defective celebrate their slavery and call it heritage. Their sinfulness is heredity.
After the Civil War there should’ve been mass executions of slave owners
You see that's a mistake. There are wonderfully 'woke' southern folk who understand the evil of their ancestry just like how there are EVIL white supremacists in the west. This is no longer just north v south this is everywhere and there are yt supremacy chapters in EVERY state.
It's gonna b a fight
A lot of people in the south are Yankee transplants. I lived in North Carolina for 20. I campaigned for Obama door-to-door. Two people I worked with were black. They were scared.
The racist ones on the coast treated the Marines like crap. The rural ones in the mountains ran meth labs.
America’s new President is just following tradition .. it’s an old Cambodian tradition but a tradition nonetheless.
The good news, he hasn’t even got started yet.
#LandOfTheFree 🇺🇸 🇷🇺 🇰🇭
This is horrible. Just awful. But not accidental. Americans voted for fascism. This is what they voted for. This is what they wanted. Some of this guy's neighbors wanted this and voted for it.
Which is pretty wild because ten years ago it was pretty obvious where this country was headed, it just wasn't obvious it was going to happen under Putin
Well I’m Danish 🇩🇰, Didn’t follow American politics that closely then. And I was convinced he wouldn’t be re-elected after his first term. “Inject yourself with antiseptic..”, he was also spouting nonsense back then
Oh....sorry that was so pissy. I am obviously from the US and assume everyone else is too. Sadly I've been watching how tribally hateful this country has gotten for three decades and the depths of our short sighted idiocy knows no bounds.
No worries 😉 debating is necessary for democracy to work… and to widen our horizons. But I get that it’s frustrating that so many people buy his BS. I mean: “they are eating the pets!”, “nuke the storm” he looks like a bad cartoon villain.
I think part of our (those who are not entranced in the cult) problem is that we keep assuming they believe any of it. Yes, there are obviously the stupid, but I think many of not most don't care about dishonestly as long as they can imagine personal benefit. I sadly don't know how to battle that.
I prefer people not being bloviating assholes who think they’re smarter than they actually are, resulting in devastating results. He can get fucked for his participation in what’s happening today.
Are you able to confirm if this is? BC I've got people calling me a 'moralistic, bloviating dick' for having an issue with the wording when my family could absolutely be affected next. But if this guy really said that, then he can fuck all the way off.
If he's in a rural town of 1,200 then it's quite possible he's one of the people who didn't realize what was going on until it was literally on his doorstep. He knows how and is taking action now. thank you for sharing this with us. Being a Mainer myself, I'm so sick for this family and others. We had a roofer in our park disappeared, while on the job. Which means one of our neighbors is a Nazi!
I live a world away from the states and have no means to be of any help but to listen to and share these stories and it makes me SO ANGRY! hearing about all the things that are happening there.
Truly sad what the worlds come to...
I’ll pray for the family and pray that #trump&fiends all get absolutely everything a Loving God would believe they deserve. We we had such wonderful neighbors, you and that family also.
Stop believing everything you see on TikTok and do a minuscule amount of research yourself.
Driving with a suspended license and both him and the uncle had expired green cards. This isn’t the US government “disappearing” neighbors it’s simply enforcing the laws
Nonsense. They are still legal permanent residents even if a card has expired. And driving with an expired license is a civil offense just like speeding or jay walking.
Local Deputies have no way of knowing your citizenship or immigration status. There is no database they can check. Some of these yokels think everyone of Latin heritage are "illegal" until proven otherwise. Do you carry your citizenship papers around with you every day?
This kind of brazen comparisons drawn to nazi germany for the most basic actions governments perform is precisely why the left’s messaging is horrible and didn’t resonate with the voters.
The two men both knew what the consequences of breaking the law is. The fact that the wife and the kids are left without a breadwinner isn't the cop's, border patrol, the judge or the government's fault.
Casey, I’m a former Senior Patrol Agent w/USBP. I know how we disappear people. Stop thinking you’re an expert at everything & do a minuscule amount of research yourself & you will see I am one of a handful of Border Patrol research experts. Both those are civil offenses. Feel free to read my book.
It is a civil offense and should be handled with fines and fixing of paperwork. It is not work for the US Border Patrol who should be concentrating on guarding the damn border bc there is some actual criminals coming across. F*ck! Wake up!
I fear for anyone that is not 100% well documented caucasian in the US. I have friends and family down there ... and we got someone running for federal office up here in Canada who Trump feels "aligned with" I think is how he put it .... which scares the crap out of me! I am reposting this.
Releasing people in the middle of the woods was one of the tactics used by the secret police in communist Czechoslovakia in the 1970s and 80s (following the Soviet invasion of 1968) to 'persuade' dissidents to emigrate.
Lots of this and worse was happening in communist Poland too, especially for those who dared to say anything critical of "The Party". Which is why it pisses me off to no end how many people here use their symbols and have the audacity to tell us Eastern Europeans how commies were the good guys
New Orleans cops drove a guy I know out into a remote swamp and left him there disoriented with the clothes on his back… this would have been 25 years ago
We need to keep a list of these people (ICE employees) and make them publicly available like sex offender registries. ICE agents are not safe for our communities. It is only a matter of time before they come for each of us, for whatever arbitrary indiscretion is next.
These were the reasons that the allies decided to conduct the Nuremberg trials in order to read the world of the Nazis of the day. This has to happen again and we should start in Washington DC and then go to Moscow and have justice done.
They did this here to native Americans not that long ago assuming they ever actually stopped. I read a story where one man froze to death walking home. Awful stuff.
If there is a God and/or Karma, then these monsters will get what's coming to them many times over. Homan and his ilk have a special place in hell waiting for them, along with all of these other human stains. To be clear, I am not advocating any violence toward anyone whatsoever.
Despicable behaviour. I am so sorry your country is going through this. I can’t help but feel the rest of the world didn’t do enough to warn you about Trump. We could have done more!
A reckoning will come for every lawyer, judge and attorney who participates in legalising or enforcing every one of these unconstitutional acts of violence , kidnappings, jailing, and every Nazi atrocity.
F’n cruel sadistic Trump era, ICE SS army- there will be a reckoning for every single ICE officer , every police and military who are participating by enforcing and implementing all these barbaric and illegal kidnappings, and any and every unconstitutional atrocity
Sounds like Germany circa 1930's & 1940's🤷♂️great stuff America, the greatest generation would turn in their graves if they could see what has become of the country they gave their lives for🤷♂️FFS 🇺🇸wake up.
I agree. My father came to the US as a boy from East Prussia. He expressed concern the first time DT ran for office. He died before he was first elected. Although I miss him, I’m glad he is not here to see what is unfolding.
My mother lived across the Achterhuis, never knew there were people hidden there untill that morning.. when the Gestapo came, with dutch fascist police, and took them out and away. She saw it happen every week, year after year. Whole neigbourhoods emptied and never filled again.
This is EXACTLY what the nazis did in Europe.
There is NOTHING that is even close to legal or right in this.
This is fascism in its most pure and evil form.
A Nazi shuts off every avenue of recourse against them in order to abuse, enslave, and kill whomever they want.
The only recourse they cannot shield themselves from is violence.
You need to get over yourself. The drumbeat of this is more important than you. Each of us needs to take every platform possible and repeat the urgent truth over and over again.
*You* didn't need to hear. Great.
That doesn't mean it shouldn't be shouted over and over again.
It's not about you.
😔my fathers best friend was Anne Franks cousin, he told us many stories about those terrible times & how his parents tried to convince the Frank Family to come to Switzerland but as I recall her father felt ‘safe’ in Holland, one of millions of such stories. Does🇺🇸 really want to copy that dark era.
There have been a lot of protests, frequently. If you aren’t seeing them, search for them because they are happening despite poor news coverage. And if you want to join, April 5th seems to be the day.
I'm a 100% supporter of all sane Americans & I will always be...from a safe distance😉stay safe.
BTW numbers have to be in the millions before the billionaire owned righwing media has no choice but to report🤞🇺🇸
An unstable pro russian America is NOT the world needs right now.
They are too lazy to march, this IS what they voted for, like Germans in ‘33 they wanted to find out what it’s like to live under a dicktatorship. When the🍊traitor declares martial law under false pretenses, all dissent will be eliminated one way or another🇺🇸 you can watch it on tv 24/7🤷♂️
People are protesting all over the country in small and large groups. There is a ton of grassroots organizing happening which is the kind of organizing we need to build out nationally.
It’s bullshit. What the fuck are people waiting for? Trump to announce that he’s fucking Hitler reincarnate? Explain it to me like I’m a fucking 6 month old.
My newsfeed on my other socials is full of friends protesting all over the U.S. As you know, we're in for a rough ride so grassroots organizing is the best course of action right now. If we organize locally we buiild mutual aid, coalitions and other networks. Hopefully we'll see big #s on 4/5.
I live in a rural area too, it's UP TO US to protect our neighbors & the Hispanic people who keep our communities going. It will be a ghost town forever unless maga gets tired of going bankrupt.
Srry to hear that, we brazillians watch the United States situation scalated too quickly and too dreadfully...
We hope you guys can rise up and take down this filth regime, hope you guys could be happy again. We know so, because we kinda live that few years ago, unfortunatelly we can live that again
Do what less decent Germans did during the Third Reich: hide your friends and neighbors for as long as necessary and provide them with everything they need to survive. For those who did that back then, it was truly life-threatening. It's not for you today.
That's a story similar to what my great-grandparents and grandparents told us when they talked about Nazi occupation of our homeland. Many of those people never came home again, that's why so many stood up and fought and died against the occupation.
They're not the only ones too. We only stop this as an immovable wall of defiance. Arm yourself, protect your neighbors. Mutually strike from all jobs. And be ready for the inevitable violence.
Americans have been comfortable for so long that most think it could never happen here. There's a huge comfortable blanket of denial across millions of Americans that is going to be ripped up very soon.
It's already incredibly holey~ it exists but those moths are eating at it with veracious appetite.
People still think we can be peaceful? Look at this! What would they do if it was THEIR loved ones? I'm beyond sick to my stomach 🤬🤬🤬~follow history follow the constitution!Only1 way2 remove a fascist
Thank you for making your videos and letting us know about this. I appreciate your efforts so much. Thank you for not letting them be disappeared completely. You matter. Please give my love to this family and all my hugs. I care and I am weeping from watching your first video.
Right out of the Gestapo playbook! So disgusting to hear another story about what the Trump Administration has done to our nation!
"Rise Up or Die!" ~ Chris Hedges
...they are working on police cities and have been. They are further along in this then people likely know funded by billionaires who are itching to 'cut costs' 🤬🤬🤬
1/4 One thing I want to say, as someone who has a spouse from another country, and people are free to disagree, but I did not like him hammering the point about they've been married 20 years and never spent a day apart.
My reasoning for this is: some of us don't get that luxury. That doesn't mean
that it's 'easier' on us. EVERY SINGLE SEPARATION causes trauma. Even if it's not due to being forced by the government, but circumstances. It is unbelievably difficult to have to live without your partner, and your children without their father, whether it's once or 10 times. It's ALWAYS damaging.
So please, don't use these qualifiers to other us. The people trying to deny our rights as humans are already cooking up plenty of ways to do it, without being thrown under the bus by people who want to be supportive. Whether we've been apart one day or none, we all deserve to have the same rights.
Using this sort of language only serves to further fracture, bc it gives those wanting to take away our rights an excuse. 'They've been apart before, NBD'. It is ALWAYS a big deal. And yeah, maybe I'm nitpicking, but so are those on the other side, looking for ANY excuse. Let's not give them any.
I think you are nitpicking not take away from your point. I think he was trying to garner sympathy/donations from a particular group of people (traditional white Christians) who care about stuff like that. As I watched it I thought about black families but it’s not about me now
I know what he was doing. My problem with it is, it could very well be my family affected next, but we've had to spend time apart (we are now). Will people not care because we have had to deal with separation already?
I’d posit that the twenty years points out that regardless of where they’ve been, prior circumstances, different countries or economic statuses, only these circumstances, here and now, are so dire to have allowed this. In the grand ol US of A.
I think that carries weight, just to offer a corollary
Don't underestimate them. Be like popping candy to this lot! They're an evolved species. Might discolour their human skin suits a bit, but they'd just call it a tan.
And ppl wonder why I have always hated police so deeply.
Maybe some of you are finally catching on to what they are deep inside, and always have been, and they have shown many, many clues before they become this blatant.
When ICE was created, DHS had to hire so many people so quickly that some five hundred armed agents had felony records. That is their culture even today: thugs with guns.
This is 'bloody deportations' that Trump promised, and that half the population enthusiastically supports, including many 'legal' latinos, who are probably soon going to find out that ACTUALLY they are not, and never have been, and never will be 'in the club'. It's all disgusting top-to-bottom
I’ve told friends here in Maine about this happening in Trump’s last evil reign. They had no idea. Spread the word friends. People are disappearing all over the country.
It will take decades to clean up the mess...
After Mussolini destroyed Italy with his fascism, the peasants rose up, shot him in the streets and hung him by his feet. His own followers turned on him. Some MAGATS are getting slightly woke.
Anyone who voted Trump in 2024 is responsible and complicit for the evil being perpetrated by these fascist thugs.
The United States has never ratified the treaty behind the International Court of Justice. It does not accept the court's juristiction over US citizens.
That is unlikely to change even after a regime change.
Always thought it's an amazing controversy for the country that invaded the most countries in the world on behalf of their moral superiority to not sign the treaty for the ICJ. Seems like it's showing why now 😕
This is bullshit
I do hope this all will change soon, but I fear for the violence americans will have to suffer getting the fascists out of office.
Gaza can you help me please by donating or sharing send me love❤️🌸🫶🙏
We are there… under Trump’s white nation.
If you aren’t rising up against him…You’re one of them.
I don’t think Trump has ever been with a woman who is “ethnic looking“. He definitely prefers blondes and that’s kind of weird. He’s a shallow bastard. He believes in Arian superiority and a master race. other than sharing this & stories like it far & wide so that people know what is happening, donating to organizations like & immigrant rights organizations, & peacefully protesting, WHAT ELSE can regular people be doing to stop these evil fucks?
It's gut wrenching.
"I was just doing my duty" was rejected as a plea in the Nuremberg Trials.
This is just…disgusting. As if I needed more reason to hate my own country.
I think it’s fair to publicize the names of the police.
No. This time they must be handled.
These people are the grime of the country that yearn to enslave/conquer others because they have wee little egos and are beyond insecure parasitic trash!
We all wonder how we would have personally treated the Nazis if we were alive in 1940. The answer is what we're all doing now.
That being said, you can't reason with evil. This cohort actively *mocks* empathy. Sometimes you have to be willing to fight fire with a bigger fire.
I'd have greater success negotiating with a horde of zombies.
Americans would rather use their guns on kids in schools than on the nazis.
make nazis dead again
Whatever they do now to the weak and vulnerable, they will later do to the citizens of their country whom they consider a threat.
2. buy guns.
3. make friends.
Unfortunately this only took place on the surface and with some high profile Nazis, but lots of police, courts and agencies are full of right wing structure (to say the least) to this day.
German denazification is a myth.
In 1957, Bauer passed the information to Mossad director Isser Harel, who assigned operatives to undertake surveillance, but no concrete evidence was initially found.
There is no such thing as an illegal person. That doesn't exist. That doesn't mean anything. If your government says it does: revolt!
but in the USA, we have to warn people of this now
because documents will not keep you safe from this sort of thing any longer, whereas in the past, they used to offer some protection
If this doesn’t serve as a clear & glaring example of Nazis running this country I don’t know what will. Cruelty & intimidation is the point.
The authoritarian orders keep coming.
The Bill of Rights is calling, or falling.
I am with you. Action is needed. We have to shut them down. A national strike. Every state. Every business. No profit, no power. No money, honey, no, Trump. No Elon, no tyrant.
50 camps in 50 states.
United, we stand
Disappointed neighbors by a secret police is EXACTLY WHAT EVERY SINGLE DICTATORSHIP DOES.
Getting detained by ICE/CBP is often characterized as a "black hole."
This sht is real.
The depravity of a Nazi/billionaire is their heredity. There’s no arguing that.
It's all in how they are raised!
After the Civil War there should’ve been mass executions of slave owners
It's gonna b a fight
The racist ones on the coast treated the Marines like crap. The rural ones in the mountains ran meth labs.
The good news, he hasn’t even got started yet.
#LandOfTheFree 🇺🇸 🇷🇺 🇰🇭
Welcome to fascism!
This is what happened to Jews, socialists, Sinti and Romanies, some christian groups and all who fought against them.
Yes. I'm talking about the Nazis in Germany back then.
The US are a fascist state now.
Truly sad what the worlds come to...
I'm tired of feeling horrified or sad for Americans.
You get what you fuckimg deserve
Welcome in the Trump Fascism...
And that is not going to happend with impeachment.
I’m give you a spoiler
It didn’t end well for Nazis.
1) can we ALL call ICE and start asking about this person’s location, etc. ? (Like flooding the ICE lines…)
2) can do the same? Unrelenting requests for this persons location/charges/etc?
Normally I’d ask for journalists/media, but that’s dead. #3E
Driving with a suspended license and both him and the uncle had expired green cards. This isn’t the US government “disappearing” neighbors it’s simply enforcing the laws
It still sounds to me like border patrol were fully in their right to do their job.
Performing basic actions of government. Not seeing the bigger picture, not taking responsibility
The two men both knew what the consequences of breaking the law is. The fact that the wife and the kids are left without a breadwinner isn't the cop's, border patrol, the judge or the government's fault.
It's the man's fault.
It would be comical if it wasn’t so sad.
“What do you mean I can’t drive with a suspended license and a revoked residency status?? Literally 1984”
If it took me 30 seconds to take apart that guy’s video and find several bold faced lies the conservative media will have a field day with this.
Dying on this hill helps nobody.
(What Would John Brown Do?)
#killthegovernment #revolution
There is NOTHING that is even close to legal or right in this.
This is fascism in its most pure and evil form.
The only recourse they cannot shield themselves from is violence.
What happened in your childhood that made you this way?
*You* didn't need to hear. Great.
That doesn't mean it shouldn't be shouted over and over again.
It's not about you.
BTW numbers have to be in the millions before the billionaire owned righwing media has no choice but to report🤞🇺🇸
An unstable pro russian America is NOT the world needs right now.
'Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me.'🤷♂️🇺🇸
We hope you guys can rise up and take down this filth regime, hope you guys could be happy again. We know so, because we kinda live that few years ago, unfortunatelly we can live that again
Collins in DC (202) 224-2523
King in DC (202) 224-5344
Don't hold your breath.
People still think we can be peaceful? Look at this! What would they do if it was THEIR loved ones? I'm beyond sick to my stomach 🤬🤬🤬~follow history follow the constitution!Only1 way2 remove a fascist
"Rise Up or Die!" ~ Chris Hedges
The camps are coming.
My reasoning for this is: some of us don't get that luxury. That doesn't mean
I think that carries weight, just to offer a corollary
Maybe some of you are finally catching on to what they are deep inside, and always have been, and they have shown many, many clues before they become this blatant.
They want us to be afraid.
I’m fucking angry,
how about you?!!!