I enjoy seeing your mushroom photos. I had a philosophy professor who said, "for every known species of poisonous mushroom, there is at least one dead or very sick human.
I've always wondered how we, as a species, ever find out which mushrooms are edible and which are not. And then some, like "Gyromitra esculenta", are edible only after 2-3 times vigorous boiling and 100% lethal without.
In addition to the beautiful mushrooms themselves, I love that your introductory comment is always the same. There's something comforting and stable about that during these uncertain times.
Thank you! 🍄🤍🇨🇦
Do you want letters in your mail with stickers and post cards and other mushroom themed goodies sent to you 🙂↕️🙂↕️🙂↕️ yes. More info here! https://Patreon.com/luke_venechuk
Oh darlin no letters. No worries just this please. Please please I mean!
Holy moly when did every single aspect of life sheesh oh ur here… never freakin mind sorry no thanks. These are gorgeous btw & Happy Sunday there 3x 2All 🌻🌻🌻
I’m always amazed at how nature impersonates itself. These mushrooms look like fan coral; mushrooms posted yesterday look like agates. It’s all so incredible. It’s also sad how much humanity blinds itself to so much beauty while simultaneously doing so little to cherish and preserve what we have.
Ok sand no Ai Dang! There ya go sorry Anna! Well ask Dad to wait a second then please. Sheesh 🙄 ok ready?
Anna, take those u can’t cut urself scissors away from Dad please. I do believe he’s placing these gorgeous cutouts that are just far too pretty where fungus could have lived. It’s beautiful but
My hub is from the mushroom capitol of the world 😄 Giffone, Italy. Every single store has charts put up to warn which ones are poisonous & which are safe. They must've liked me since I'm still here!
Probably tasty.
Good shot!!
Will repost + share.
Curious if the walls of your home are adorned with huge blowups of your best ones.
Great picture
Here's the usage in Denmark today by priests
[holds up hand for fives]
Thank you! 🍄🤍🇨🇦
Do you want letters in your mail with stickers and post cards and other mushroom themed goodies sent to you 🙂↕️🙂↕️🙂↕️ yes. More info here! https://Patreon.com/luke_venechuk
Holy moly when did every single aspect of life sheesh oh ur here… never freakin mind sorry no thanks. These are gorgeous btw & Happy Sunday there 3x 2All 🌻🌻🌻
Anna, take those u can’t cut urself scissors away from Dad please. I do believe he’s placing these gorgeous cutouts that are just far too pretty where fungus could have lived. It’s beautiful but
They are fascinating.
You might say I'm a fan of fungi!
Plus, it glows.