Modern child: NO I wanted the other iPad
Victorian child; thank you for the orange
Victorian child; thank you for the orange
* did they call it pineapple or ananas back then?
Victorian child: My 8 year old older brother died in the coal mines and I have black lung from the same mines.
But here comes the Monkey's Paw Presidency.
Victorian child: I only managed level one then I ran out of fruit..
My dad bought me a silver iPod Nano and my mom sent him back to the store bc she knew I wanted the blue one 😅
Oh THIS IPAD isn't for you. It's mine
Victorian child: I said a Satsuma
"But I already had the plague this year!"
(True story)
I only got an orange (as far as fruit goes) in my stocking every year until I was a teenager.
It's origin is in the 'Little House on the Prairie' books. And 80s farm poverty. LOL
Victorian adult; why isn’t that child in a chimney?!
The more things change…am I right?😒
Thank you for the ball
Americans: I know American Kids lead the world in Self Esteem (arrogance) and not a damn thing else. (obesity?) But I want my kid to know he is more special than all the others, no matter what.