"The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history. Then have someone write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. Before long, that nation will forget what it is and what it was." - Milan Kundera
Are we supposed to believe that these people were only involved in the war, won medals, died fighting for their country because someone decided they needed a hand up as they were not fully qualified? Seems to me it was the other way around. Whitey needed help but now he’s changed his mind.
Woooooooooow...this makes those white cis men look SO FUCKING WEAK!!! To have such fragile egos, that they can only make themselves feel like they are someone in life, by erasing TRUE heros is PATHETIC!! FUCK THEM!!!🖕🏽
It’s hard to think of a clearer example of how diversity strengthens our military. Without this diverse linguistic background our military would have lost a huge advantage
They had unbreakable codes. I highly recommend watching the movie "Windtalkers" to fill in this missing part of our history for you. Our DIVERSITY saved lives and ended the war earlier at great sacrifice by heros. Not too violent, and Adam Beach is charming in this.
These corrupt buffoons in Washington DC wouldn’t have enjoyed their privileged lives if it weren’t for brave soldiers like these and all the rest. I’ll bet if they knew what was coming today they probably would’ve thought twice for helping this country survive. For what purpose?
The principal requirement of the new ethic is not that the individual should be "good",
but that he should be psychologically autonomous ‐
that is to say, healthy and productive,
and yet at the same time not
psychologically infectious.
* https://sites.google.com/view/somnus/psychoanalysis/erich-neumann
We don’t do kings. We don’t do dictators. And we fight FN fascists - both my gpas fought Nazis…
The Trump Regime and all involved are breaking the law and violating the constitution daily. They are committing treason AND DO NOT HAVE ANY AUTHORITY.
Yeah. Culling stories abt contributions of non-white men from gov records has been taking a lot of effort bc there’s a ton of talented ppl who aren’t white men
And programs that try to attract non-white men to places where they’re underrepresented r also good bc they make that talent pool available
exactly, making sure there’s a variety of viewpoints and backgrounds can make it easier to find solutions, analyze data, be creative, etc. but they care more about power than practicality.
All DEI does is remind people to cast the net widely in finding talent. Everyone still has to pass tests to get hired, stay hired, be promoted. Licensing and credentialing are all standard tests. And when some people of color or women did better? White guys couldn't stand it.
The internet "wayback machine" (https://web.archive.org) saves links to lots of websites. The article links to archived versions of those pages, but it doesn't do a great job calling them out. Here's one archived page:
From the article it sounds like they were captured by @archive.org's @waybackmachine.bsky.social. This is about the best we could hope for at this point.
As a veteran, I’m overwhelmed by what’s going on with this administration. Trump is in bed with Russia, the SecyOfDefense wants doesn’t want to adhere to the GenevaConvention. The DoJ is full of conspiracy theorists that ignore orders from a federal judge. The country is collapsing.
🤬The eugenicists are out in full force. Anyone that is not white and male is considered less than by default. How weak and fragile must those in agent 🟠's regime be, to think that hiding a history that recognizes everyone, is so threatening.
Removing the Code Talkers' history is a profound act of disrespect to their service & sacrifice. Service & sacrifice is something the the draft dodger criminal rapist know not what MFing thing about! #NativePride
Ah, not so. MAGA jumped on a Navajo Assembly Member in AZ and demanded to know if he was legal and told him to go back where he came from. Apparently they did this IN the Capitol building. There is no bottom for them.
it certainly racism encoded in some crappy script written by BigBallz or one of those other doge pieces of shit running and deleting content based on keywords in the text
This just pisses me off. These gentlemen made a tremendous difference in the outcome of the war and saving the skin color of the people trying to erase them from history. You will not be forgotten.
As I recall the only ones with the merit to solve the code problem at that time were Navajo. This has nothing to do with DEI or merit but everything to do with bigotry and racism
No, its DEI, erasing White USA culture and history bc its "evil and racist" - replacing with an anti-White false narrative of Globalism - "America is just an idea".
The irony of making that argument when talking about Native Americans is well...hard to ignore.
The logical conclusion of your point is that European colonists are woke and should have "gone back home" to the White country of their choice (e.g. England), rather than set up the 13 colonies.
To be clear I'm not saying that European colonies in North America *are* "woke" or "DEI" (or are not), or that white Americans should "go home" (said groups *are* at home in North America) but that the logic which underlies your argument is incoherent.
Yeah living in a nice White neighborhood, while engaging political lynch mobbing of "racists" targets. You aren't racist bc you cous cous is your favorite ethnic food!
You are moral hypocrite of the WORSE kind. Seeking to destroy the lives of others based on accusations you yourself practice!
🤣🤣🤣 Child, you do know a whole bunch of Africa looks like this, right? Look at you, thinking Africa is the worst thing you could threaten a person with, when YOUR neighborhood is right there. White man so dumb you couldn't even invent the zero. 🤣🤣🤣 Buh-bye
You too. You are the WORSE kind of evil. You engage in political lynch mobbing of "racists" while heading back home to your heavily White demographic neighborhood, afterwards.
To be fair I'm all for acknowledging pass wrongs. But if you think you can just erase centuries of civilisation, you are in la la land (a racially segregated one of course, bc thats how you live now)
(What is your race, sex, sexual orientation and economic class?)
It's pathetic you came all the way to bluesky just for attention from leftists.
These people own you. I hope you understand that. You are so empty you have to come rile up your political enemies for a small modicum of power in your life.
You are a joyless broken thing that both man and god pity.
The white folx weren't invited to learn Navajo or Comanche or Choctaw or Mohawk and now the cowardly descendants are whining, believing we Indigenous were DEI hires in the early 1940s
Native Americans literally serving in US military, using literally their ancestral language for US war effort, on the other side of planet earth because this is what US government intended.
>anti white
Ketamine is a helluva drug
You idiot, they where American WWII heroes. You are a prime example of Trump derangement syndrome if I ever saw it. (Trump Derangement Syndrome: You believe whatever Trump says no matter how idiotic or deranged it is)
Stop lying. Its not "inclusive", its erasing White USA history and culture with a fake narrative of Globalism. Why don't you have a problem with China being Chinese?
How about it’s just a piece of our history? It’s fact-really happened- give credit where credit is due- or is your superior whiteness too fragile to acknowledge that?
Stop lying. You are erasing White history and culture. Making shit up.
Go live in China and screech at the Chinese about their superior yellowness fragility. I'm sure you would have the time of your life feeling oh so morally superior. Bet you avoid dating Asian men, Tracey - but that's not racist!
Go live in a black neighborhood then, if White USA culture and history does not exist. I'm sure you will find it just the same experience as living in the racially segregated neighborhood you enjoy now.
(What is your race, sex, sexual identity and economic class please?)
Let's hope your prediction proves to be false somehow. And that he and his kind are in prison before they kill everyone who's not their approved type of human being.
This is the height of disrespect for Indigenous people who, despite being victims of genocide, somehow still fought for a country that hates them. Even though the anti-DEI and anti-“woke” movements clearly target Black people (always the main target), lots of other groups are catching strays.
What I despise more than what Trump is doing is the woefully wrong framing of recipients of DEI opportunities as unqualified, undeserving, or taking space from inherently deserving whites.
It’s 2025 and a HUGE subset of racist whites and anti-Black “POC” think of us as entertainment.
We’re good enough to sing, dance, and play sports for the consumption of others, but leading organizations or being in other spaces where they don’t believe we deserve to be is problematic to them
Shameful. There is doubt about whether the US would have secured Iwo Jima or Utah Beach without the Code Talkers. Their sacrifice never should be forgotten or erased.
BTW…If you are in Monument Valley area, stop at the Burger King in Kayenta, AZ-there is an impressive code talker exhibit there.
🌄👁️👁️☕🪶 morning my friend, am from the four corners area...my uncle was a Vietnam vet who became a ranger at #MonumentValley so you know I am half Dineh 🏜️ 45 is just one F-d up thing who is too demented to admit his stupidity 🤡🚫🖕 take care please 🪶
I thank your uncle for his service and your people for preserving beautiful, sacred lands. I was blessed to witness the annular eclipse from just outside Monument Valley not
long ago.
These trifling motherfuckers!!! Of all the people to remove. Mediocre white men rewriting history so that MAGA boys and girls can feel good about themselves. Now even being exceptional doesn't matter because if you are brown or black no one will ever see your story. This is undeniably fascist.
This has nothing to do with diversity, equity, or inclusion, and everything to do with a white supremacist attempt to write non-white Americans out of history.
Alex, I have just reached my limit on women, ALL women, being part of the catch phrase DEI, yet women NEVER being mentioned. I fought those battles long ago. They are just as important as racial hatred and prejudice. Your post just happened to come up at the moment my stress and fear blew.😢
This is my great-grandmother's brother. I haven't yet found anything about Comanche Code Talkers on military sites (though I admit I've only started googling now and don't know what previously existed). Any chance you all came across more info? https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50071470/morris-tabbyyetchy
They will never disappear the Navajo Code Talkers or anyone else. Read your history. Know the achievements of all minorities because our diversity makes us great. We will never forget! #ImpeachTrump #BuildtheResistance
Let's call it for what it is. Racism and sexism. Our treatment of Native Americans is one of the sorriest chapters in the history of this country. Obviously this maltreatment continues to this day.
Where are our elected representatives? Are they all “out to lunch” or hiding under their desks because they are afraid of Trump and MAGA. You are going down in history as worst Congress ever.
They are convinced that the only people having any merit are white men and so history must be white-(and male) washed until it reflects exactly that. Minorities and women must be shown to be inherently inferior. This attitude makes me sick. 🤮
Much respect to the Navajo Code Talkers and code talkers from the other 33 (?) tribes across the nation. My father had a Navajo roommate while USAAF training during WWII. Dad always spoke highly of the man who went on to the Pacific upon graduation. For certain this group of men helped win the war.
I'm not originally from Navajo land, but I've lived in a place where the Diné language still survives, is taught, is spoken for the last 7 years. this is disgraceful
They are trying to erase people dead and alive. This is going to get much worse. Everyone who cares and is able-bodied must participate and fight back.
The Navajo codes were very important in World War II because the Nazis were able to crack a lot of the American codes. This is what happens when you have simple people in charge of complex things.
My mother told me it was the Code Talkers who won WWII for us. Neither the Germans nor the Japanese were able to unlock this code because it was based on the Navajo language. If ur ever in Kayenta,AZ stop at the Burger King. They have a lovely exhibit highlighting the code talkers’ work.
They may be trying to change history, but we, the people, will never forget. It is up to us to always remember the heroes who fought and died for our freedom no matter their sex, color, religion, or sexual orientation. This is one of our most important jobs. I will never forget.
Let's not lie he has nothing against WHITE wmn. He just made women's month an official holiday. He has many WHITE women in his cabinet but 1 scared 2 death negro POTUS celebrated St Patrick's Day, not MLK. He is not fair in his mistreatment he's only targeting blk ppl Natives & non-white Hispanics
Nothing against white women ?
This rapist?
Just wait until Margaret Atwood's Handmaid's Tale becomes fully an instruction manual instead of a fiction...
Like Europeans haven't already done enough damage to Native Americans. They should demand all their land back. Mexico too. And Russia. The US would no longer exist. Which, right now, is OK by me.
What that started out was the notion DEI was 'preferential hiring' which it is NOT, but now it's full blown racism, sexism. Any indigenous, Black, Brown, Asian person and all women are to be erased. DEI was never about hiring. Always about "we can't stand being equal to others."
We stole their language, land, culture. When we needed their language they joined the army in WW2 and served in dangerous situations to give us a unique secure communications advantage. This is outrageous.
At Utah Beach, Comanche troops created terms that didn't exist in the language: Bombers were "pregnant airplanes," tanks were "turtles" and Adolf Hitler was "Po'sa taiboo" — "Crazy White Man."
Revisionists-all of them. What do we expect from a "president" that does not know history, geography, the US Constitution or have any respect for anyone other than himself.
Not anti-DEI. Pro-white and white only. Let's stop sugarcoating the truth. The felon47s agenda is: white is right, everyone else needs to be eliminated.
When I was a kid, we were taught that the evil Soviet Union rewrote history (literally erasing people from photos, for example)—something that the free USA would NEVER stoop to and it’s people would never fall for. Are we going to fall for THIS?!
I remember the picture in my textbook with Trotsky erased and someone's now-flat arm in his place. We all made fun of how silly it looked. My 11th grade history teacher just observed that the point wasn't artistic quality, was it? One of my best teachers.
This is insane! Arlington Cemetery web site deletes black and women military information because of DEI. Now this. Why is Congress - all of them - not speaking up??
Why is the Public not speaking up? Where are the movements trying to defend Democracy? Project 2025 is doing a severe damage to the US and nobody seems to give a shit, frightening to see
Seriously? How can they be DEI when literally they were the only ones who could do the job. I don't think there were a lot of White Guys back in the 40's who spoke Navajo.
They were instrumental in our war effort. And it was precisely their *difference* that made them UNIQUELY qualified to provide a strong code based on an almost dead language.
They were a prime example of how diversity is our strength.
So they think the white race is so superior that they have to erase the accomplishments of others to achieve that. White supremacists, if you want to shine, then shine. If you were truly great, then you wouldn’t need to push others down.
SO much worse than I could have imagined.
Fuck these fucking ghouls. May they rot in hell forever.
As if the Indian Schools treatment their kids got wasn't bad enough!
The mad people have elected a lunatic to lead them ........................................ all to Hell.
Oh right this admin is full of hateful racists that will give jobs to unqualified rapists but called bipoc unqualified
SCOTUS produced this disgrace
The principal requirement of the new ethic is not that the individual should be "good",
but that he should be psychologically autonomous ‐
that is to say, healthy and productive,
and yet at the same time not
psychologically infectious.
We don’t do kings. We don’t do dictators. And we fight FN fascists - both my gpas fought Nazis…
The Trump Regime and all involved are breaking the law and violating the constitution daily. They are committing treason AND DO NOT HAVE ANY AUTHORITY.
And programs that try to attract non-white men to places where they’re underrepresented r also good bc they make that talent pool available
It transcends regardless
The logical conclusion of your point is that European colonists are woke and should have "gone back home" to the White country of their choice (e.g. England), rather than set up the 13 colonies.
You are moral hypocrite of the WORSE kind. Seeking to destroy the lives of others based on accusations you yourself practice!
(What is your race, sex, sexual orientation and economic class?)
These people own you. I hope you understand that. You are so empty you have to come rile up your political enemies for a small modicum of power in your life.
You are a joyless broken thing that both man and god pity.
>anti white
Ketamine is a helluva drug
Go live in China and screech at the Chinese about their superior yellowness fragility. I'm sure you would have the time of your life feeling oh so morally superior. Bet you avoid dating Asian men, Tracey - but that's not racist!
The Navajo Code Talkers were Navajo.
What "white culture" (LOL, that's not a thing) has been "erased"?
(What is your race, sex, sexual identity and economic class please?)
It’s 2025 and a HUGE subset of racist whites and anti-Black “POC” think of us as entertainment.
from an interview with a Code Talker:
"Why did you enlist?"
"What do you mean? We've been defending this country a lot longer than you have"
Fuck off maga
You’re lucky we’re asking for a quality and not revenge
BTW…If you are in Monument Valley area, stop at the Burger King in Kayenta, AZ-there is an impressive code talker exhibit there.
long ago.
Do they really think everyone is just going to have selective amnesia and believe their bullshit?
It's fucking pathetic.
Someone should make an ACTUAL history site.
Asked about this, Press Sec #JohnUllyot said: "As Secretary [Pete] #Hegseth has said, #DEI is dead at the Defense Department.… We are pleased by the rapid compliance across the Department with the directive removing DEI content from all platforms." https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/ej-montini/2025/03/17/navajo-code-talkers-erased-by-trumps-dei-order-opinion/82502307007/
They suffered discrimination before, during, & after their service.
Learn more about the #NavajoCodeTalkers. We owe it to them.
USA is in self destruction mode, have fun having butthurt about trans people toilets.
Oh, wait…
Racist- check
Rapist- check
Felon- check
Piece of Fkn Trash
This rapist?
Just wait until Margaret Atwood's Handmaid's Tale becomes fully an instruction manual instead of a fiction...
At Utah Beach, Comanche troops created terms that didn't exist in the language: Bombers were "pregnant airplanes," tanks were "turtles" and Adolf Hitler was "Po'sa taiboo" — "Crazy White Man."
Nice of you to at least report on the effects of your actions in the election though, axios.
There are one maybe two Navajo Code Takers still alive. They are a testimony to a Sovreign Nation overtaken by Europeans and fought for the Republic.
KKK Nazi Confederate pigs
They were a prime example of how diversity is our strength.
The National Museum of the American Indian has more information.
Learn what you can and save information to share with others.