But you have to go through a whole-ass process with the regular library including getting what you need to even start using it
The little library is great for both people with social anxiety and people who have their public ones far away
There is some sort of little free library hatred I’ve heard a few vague reasons why but it’s absolutely not competing with a real library it’s just kind of a way to recycle books in your nieghrbhood
That’s what THEY want you to believe. just like ohhh charter schools are harmless they’re not a thinly veiled excuse for union busting. I can’t prove so-called little free libraries are an op to destroy public libraries, but by the time we have proof, it could already be too late
“Oh, honey what do we need the public library for when we have that neighborhood library. AND it’s free, good luck matching that pricing, public library!
Also, these small ones are in places that have no library close, at least for me. I put a lot of old books that are from my childhood in them since I dont read them much anymore.
When it's "hatred" of stuff that's obviously good, I assume this kind of stuff is just people making extreme jokes.
If it's of NEUTRAL stuff, then well, great, I'm about to find out why I'm wrong thinking it's neutral, & should have probably seen that earlier (e.g. slip lanes)
Rural eastTennessee near the Smoky Mountains . I drive about 40 minutes to go to a large city library in the next county. That's why I love the Libby App on my phone and the Ecard
The little library is great for both people with social anxiety and people who have their public ones far away
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:looks at the copy of the swift boat book I found in the stacks in 2021:
Favorite memories include "Build Your Own Coffin" & "The Grand Strategy of the Soviet Union" (still in the stacks during the Obama Administration.)
So not a library at all.
They're not in competition with the real library or anything, just a fun grassroots urban feature .. or so I think. Edify me?
If it's of NEUTRAL stuff, then well, great, I'm about to find out why I'm wrong thinking it's neutral, & should have probably seen that earlier (e.g. slip lanes)