Shayne Currie has put a transcription of Hosking trying to get Luxon to answer a simple question if you can't face listening to it yourself #nzpol
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Otherwise? Where’s the leadership? It’s getting easier to see how the coalition partners are calling their shots. It’s all a bit above his pay grade.
I've been incredibly clear on that staying in government is my only achieved KPI.
Also, Clarke and Dawes couldn’t have written it better :P
Also RNZ (why they not here yet?).
Are the right-aligned media *finally* losing confidence in our government?
When's the vote of no confidence going to be made?
First time I've listened to Hoskings forever but worth it in this case.
It took a RW National-supporting medial personality to call out Luxon's mealy-mouthed, corporate-speak.
Up umntil now he's barely been challenged over it.
But now he has. And in a very public way.
Journos in Vietname were putting that same question to... (1)
I wouldnt be surprised if all that has come to a crashing end and journos will be less willing to accept his corporate-style talking-points without push-back.
Love him or loathe him,Hosking has led the way &reminded his colleagues what their jobs are.
But only because a supposedly friendly interview unexpectedly turned feral,and Hosking reverted to bei ng a real journalists.
Editors & News bosses around the country must've been p*ssed of that theyve been too tolerant of Luxon's...
But one thing is for certain; that is why Luxon's rati ng have plummetted. He simply can't communicate like ordinary people.
Well, people *DO* know him.
And like Hosking, they think he is pathetic. Not a leader, but a "manager". The two are not always the same thing. #NationalNotFitToGovern
"How bizarre
How bizarre, how bizarre
Ooh, baby (ooh, baby)
It's making me crazy (it's making me crazy)
Every time I look around (look around)..."