Schumer and these 10 Senate Democrats overplayed their hand. They think people will forget and move on. They won't. Schumer just sealed the end of his leadership. It's done. Just a matter of when. Tick Tock.
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You missed the point they would’ve made all of those workers nonessential workers. If the government was shut down, they would’ve taken away snap Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security, while the government was shut down. Don’t think people really understand that’s the problem. Wake up.
Nope, they are done. So disappointed in Schumer and Gillebrand. I contributed to both, including Gillebrand within the last two weeks before I knew where she stood. Wish I could revoke it.
Because shutting down the federal courts is better? Tell me, why do you think the 1st felon wants this? You don't think he's looking for an excuse to send in the troops because it's a national emergency? And you think we'd have free and fair elections? Why would he ever open the govt again?
He deserves everything coming to him. Especially the fact he will be remembered as a stain in history for his inability to stand up when it was most needed
Vote for that come from states that are heavily dependent on Jewish funds and support is really lobby. The only assumption I can make is there massive amount of money in Israel or Israel, running out of our money mark my words.
Do not donate to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) for a set period of time, etc. and make it publicly known you are doing it until he is ousted as leader. They will pay attention. That's one way.
Schumer is done. He's a bitch ass leader that specializes in bitch-assness. He needs to go immediately. As Gen Xer, I've had my fill of this nonsense from the old guard that can't read the room. Protests are popping off all over the country. The people are speaking, and this mofo is tone deaf.
Not soon enough! I want representation that will stand up for those of us in the line of fire…Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security matter! If the Republicans gut these then they will indeed have killed Obamacare and a whole lot of innocent people along with it. 🤬
If those traitors make part of a political party, why aren’t they expelled from that party? Then that political party is accomplice and those who remain in it too. Blow up that useless organisation and build a new one!
Voted for Durbin when he first ran. A sad day for Illinois. He’s lost touch with what counts and, with hope, at 80 will not run again. Although the damage is done.
A lifetime of disappointment from Democrats, who seemed to stop fighting for what they believe in in 1973, coupled with MASSIVE recent failures, like a penchant for accepting the results of elections that they know were compromised by foreign influence, have driven me away from the Democratic Party.
I'm getting a LOT of hate from OG Dems, but I just can't do this anymore. It takes a LOT of chutzpah to insist that I'm the problem, here, and that I'm probably a MAGA plant, but it's happening.
I believe that we DESERVE better.
I got called a MAGA because I told someone I was switching for my own good. Another person said I was Right Wing because I wrote Democrat instead of Democratic Party. 😆 🤣
I understand everyone's disappointment. I am still going to volunteer to help special election candidates. I believe in incremental strategy. Just like Repubs have had a plan since Nixon & have executed it, we [not the party, but the people] should have a plan & vote out those who've betrayed us.
IMHO, elections that can be openly bought by pernicious Nazi billionaires are probably NOT a part of our solution. At least, I don't see how they possibly COULD be. Elon Musk's goons have occupied CISA, and the GOP had the voting systems (that 96% of us vote on) reverse-engineered in 2022.
They trust the "alternative facts" people more than they believe in the groundswell of opposition that is so clearly building against this administration and its destructive ways. And they'll pay the ultimate professional price for that miscalculation.
Given how only 9 others followed him I don't see how he can continue when it's now apparent he doesn't have the confidence of his Senate Dems + House Dems have made their feelings known loudly and clearly.
None are up for reelection in 26 so they do probably think nobody will remember after that. Good chance if they had GOP constituents but the left is far more plugged in and paying closer attention. This will not be forgiven nor forgotten. Nor should we.
I might not agree on every policy that is a proponent on but WOW is she good at politicking! I would MUCH rather have someone like her in the Senate then someone like
The fight has never been Dem vs GOP, it's about democracy vs iliberalism.
My biggest concern with a shutdown was the courts. We need to keep the cases against the insanity moving through the system. If Exec Branch lawyers are not working, the cases would be rescheduled after gov opens. Do you trust Trump not to mess with the courts during a shutdown?
Perhaps the majority of true Dems (D) should leave that party, declare themselves to be Independents (I) and force the ten bozos to join them or be left to languish alone.
They support maga (R) anyway so there is nothing to lose.
Watching this initial capitulation from Canada is nauseating. The threats are real, and if your politicians won't stand up for their own people, they most definitely won't stop trump from whatever he plans for us.
People will forget and move on. They always do because they're in a cult. This is not the first time this has happened. It's not even close to the first time. And yet, they're still there.
I went to Schumer's old high school, James Madison class of '05. (TWENTY YEARS AGO)/ I called his office and left an even tempered but scorching message. My PolSci professor at CUNY Baruch used to say, "The shortest distance between two things is the distance between Charles Schumer and a camera."
Well, he was one of those privately urging President Biden to step aside so... time for someone to tell him to do the same. After today, he most likely won't run for another election, but he still needs to step aside from Senate Minority Leader. He failed us.
I believe Dan Pfeiffer is right. They banked on the House, then when the House passed it they had no plan. They refused to have a conversation about it with voters because they were cowards and caught off-guard. Now here we are and the base is angrier than I’ve seen in years!
Schumer’s best play is to resign and move out of the US. If not, he will lead a very noisy life from here on out. He will have no peace when in public. He will hear cries of, “surrender,” “wussy,” “loser,” “traitor,” and my personal favorite, “are you French?” NYers are insult masters.
Years ago, I saw him smirking, wearing tassled loafers on his feet and I knew he had to be replaced. I'm glad others are finally waking up to something that was that obvious for so long. Schumer needs to step down from leadership, announce he's not running for re-election and start his lobbying firm
Do you NOT know what is in the CR? The CR legalizes what DOGE is doing. No more going to court to stop it or reverse it. Congress also ceded power to the Executive to divert appropriated funds among other things. Now it will be done and legal.
I keep saying this, but what is also really despicable: 8 of the 10 that sold the American ppl out today & made "principled" posts about why they did it... turned around & made a meaningless vote against the CR later. Doesn't sound principled; more like politics as usual w another shell game vote.
It was rigged. Many of the nays were in on it. Unless they call for Schumer to step down, that’s what I believe. The Vichy Dems are complicit, wait is that redundant?
Oh, I absolutely agree with you. They've done absolutely nothing since January 20 to truly try to obstruct what's going on. Yeah, it's pretty despicable. How they sold out the house Democrats too.
You are way smarter than I on these things; don't really see what hand these 10 had; so overplaying was not hard. Two are retiring-so-wtf ?those two votes seem to be part of clubbiness to protect the backs of others sorta of BS, and Schatz baffles me-is this bc he's part of Dem Sen "leaership" ?
They are thinking: “It will mostly piss off Progressives, and they don’t matter”! They can’t read the room because they don’t live there and couldn’t find it if their life depended upon it.
I think he sealed more than that. I think he sealed the end of the Democratic Party. That was the last straw after Newsom platforming Bannon this week: proof positive they don’t give a shit about their constituents; just their ill-advised consultants.
The “Leadership” doesn’t matter anymore. The Legislative Branch has abdicated its role in government to the Executive. The Judicial Branch is only one Justice away from a complete capitulation.
The nation I defended for 12 years and took an oath to protect and defend no longer exists.
Dems have proven over and over they are wussies. Are therd ten (I think it’s ten) senators who will step up and formally call for his ouster? I don’t think so.
would venture to guess that Schumer was planning to not run again
and thought he had nothing to lose.
He’s launching a book tour, let’s make sure that goes over like a fart in church, it probably was going to anyways, but let’s not leave it to chance. Torch this motherfucker.
He could have at least pretended to fight. Voting no, having Democrats in Congress on the steps of the Capitol calling for Republicans to stop vacations with the country shutdown would have helped. Instead he surrendered without a fight.
Its not so much that their personal futures are at stake, it's that they misread how bad things are gonna go for the country if their calculus based on past/wishful thinking is wrong
⏰ Schumer is sooooo soooo DONE. He put vulnerable House members in jeopardy (and they voted NO) but, it was all for nothing…. culminating in the ten 🔟 Senators to screw-over those poor House members in vulnerable district who voted NO.
Fuck Catherine Cortez Masto
Fuck Dick Durbin
Fuck John Fetterman
Fuck Kirsten Gillibrand
Fuck Maggie Hassan
Fuck Angus King
Fuck Gary Peters
Fuck Brian Schatz
Fuck Jeanne Shaheen
And a BIG FUCK YOU to Chuck Schumer. History will look unfavorably on all of them.
I now believe the only thing they "have" on these cowards is a dominant personality. Note Trump's recent "slur" of Schumer, calling him "Palestinian", probably after this CR deal was already cut. Acquiescence is not enough for Trump, must also humiliate the weak who cave in to him. Abuser/victim.
And Putin does it to Trump. Makes him acquiesce but takes additional pleasure in humiliating him for doing so. Not just your garden-variety sociopaths, (disregard others' pain for advantage), but appear to be sadistic sociopaths who actually enjoy the pain of another.
It goes beyond Schumer. All collaborationist, institutionalist dems need to be primaried. I'd go so far as to say we need a real left-wing party to rise up.
Bernie’s coming to Denver next week. I have never been to a Bernie rally. I’m going! All my protests this year have been to make Dems fight. I think it was too subtle. Thousands at a Bernie rally may be more to the point.
I’m Jewish person & know full well Jewish history - do you know who the Judenrat were? They were elite Jews in WWII ghettos who appeased & worked with Nazis to send other Jews to the death camps. Schumer & other 9 corporate economic neoliberal Democrats are indeed Judenrat - they sold us out.
I am FURIOUS. No more money for the DNC/ACTBLUE until they remove Schumer as leader and start fighting fascism. They didn't listen to the base, maybe lack of funds will get the point across.
If the Democrats want to continue as a viable party, then these tired old types who are using a style that wasn't working decades ago. Schumer needs to go, from leadership and from the Senate!
Is the Senate on recess now, like the house? Because when they come back, somebody needs to challenge schumer. In parliamentary systems, as you probably know, that's considered a vote of no confidence. Unfortunately we can't do that with our president, but the Senate Democrats need to do it.
Truly I think the nays are complicit. They decided who could take the hit with a yes vote, just enough to let it pass. If they don’t call for Schumer’s head, it’ll be confirmed. I expect Booker to be a fighter. (I’m from Jersey, we fight.) My 2 in CO, milquetoast. What will they fight for?
It wouldn’t be worth it if they wouldn’t fight back—you have to hit them where it will hurt. They’re not expecting to have to defend Booker, especially that he is a confirmed bachelor.
But he's not a confirmed bachelor in the same way that Lindsey Graham is, as far as I know. He had a famous girlfriend a few years back. Was it Rosario Dawson? We've ever seen Lindsey with a woman. I still think Tim Scott married that woman to get into the cabinet, but oops didn't happen.
I know Peters could take the hit because he's retiring at the end of 2026. Maybe Schumer plans to retire? He's at least 75. I think the others are much younger.
She would be great. I'm really looking for younger people. I'm almost 75, which makes me a boomer, and I think the boomers need to sit back and let the Gen-xers and even the millennials leave. Hell we have some great gen z folks too.
All the french media are asking, "Where are the democratic politicians? They lost the election, and now they are divided, lost, don't know what to do, are not a real opposition to Trump, and aren't connected with people."
I wish we could switch countries. We'd have Trump's head for you.!
Am not so sure. With the amount of corporate money sloshing around. Sounding defeatist yes. But voters have short memories. They did re-elect a crazy felon…
What is it going to take for them to realize that these people will actually kill them? Hate to be blunt like that, but they would if they could and they might. I’m sick of Democrats acting like these people are normal. They’re not they’re crazy. You can’t trust crazy people.
I am done with this crop of democrats and with the political philosophy from the 1990s. We are in dire times and we need to meet the moment. It’s too bad we have a two party system because I would be long gone from this trash. Instead we have up reform what we go and quickly
The sad part is that he would see himself as a heroic martyr
He’s on TV saying history will bear him out as correct. Pretty sure Neville Chamberlain felt the same way: the alternative to the deal was war which was a worse outcome(but which came anyway). The parallels are spooky.
Chuck Schumer is the Tom Hagen of Democratic leadership. We need a wartime leader. Trump and fElon are trying to destroy our country. We need leaders who know how to fight!
I’m writing to my two Senators, Warnock and Ossoff, who I supported with cash and oh so much time .. that I’m done until they force him out.. Dems made me tired and broke and I didn’t even get a freaking T shirt
Agreed. There is something quite different about this. No one is going to let this go. Schumer is done and I think these other Democrats are going to be really surprised by the level of backlash.
It's time for the 37 Senators who had the courage and integrity to vote against Schumer and his leadership team to use their 37 vote majority to replace Schumer as Senate minority leader.
2/2 I don’t think he killed the resistance, but he definitely took the wind out of its sails. We need to regroup and find those with power to support us outside the government.
Voting against cloture and cabinet noms is easy. If we can’t count on them for this we cannot count on them for anything.
I hope to hell it’s the end - it should be and I cannot believe he has been in that position that long. This is the best we’ve got?! Where is the Democratic Party? Sack up!
It can’t even get to a primary for Schumer. He’s 74, 77 at next Election Day. Let’s salvage something from Joe Biden’s example. No more senate terms past 80. And that’s being generous. Announce retirement and give the nextgen time to run. Stop the enablers.
Anyone comes near Schumer, say, TIC TOK, as loud as you can.
Realistically, what can be done to oust him as leader before that? Will the Dems revolt?
I believe that we DESERVE better.
The fight has never been Dem vs GOP, it's about democracy vs iliberalism.
They support maga (R) anyway so there is nothing to lose.
Democratic voters should never have allowed 2000 to go the way it did, but most of them just shrugged.
Congress is the 3rd oldest since 1789. It's time for change.
The nation I defended for 12 years and took an oath to protect and defend no longer exists.
and thought he had nothing to lose.
He’s launching a book tour, let’s make sure that goes over like a fart in church, it probably was going to anyways, but let’s not leave it to chance. Torch this motherfucker.
They will all be known as collaborators
Makes no sense.
Fuck Dick Durbin
Fuck John Fetterman
Fuck Kirsten Gillibrand
Fuck Maggie Hassan
Fuck Angus King
Fuck Gary Peters
Fuck Brian Schatz
Fuck Jeanne Shaheen
And a BIG FUCK YOU to Chuck Schumer. History will look unfavorably on all of them.
Schumer just kicked off the leftwing populist insurgency.
the existing party appartus and institutional knowledge offer strategic and time advantage vs starting from whole cloth
better to control what is already in place
He cares more about Israel than his own country
I wish we could switch countries. We'd have Trump's head for you.!
At least as leader
He’s on TV saying history will bear him out as correct. Pretty sure Neville Chamberlain felt the same way: the alternative to the deal was war which was a worse outcome(but which came anyway). The parallels are spooky.
Us with
Blue dinosaurs went extinct because when faced with a threat they froze. Today's analogue would be fainting goats.
This paints it perfectly.
A lot of people were looking to the party. Many new activists who were involved in their first phone lobbying campaigns.
There was even a little bit of hope in the air.
Schumer backstabbed a movement and they will not be back to the party.
Voting against cloture and cabinet noms is easy. If we can’t count on them for this we cannot count on them for anything.