Sigh, this is why we need DEI.
Pete Hegseth tattoos Kaafir in Arabic on his arm, which means one who rejects faith and God, right under Deus Vult, which is Latin for "God wills it."
An amazing self-own.
Also, this dude hates Muslims. He allegedly said, "Kill All Muslims" years ago while drunk.
Pete Hegseth tattoos Kaafir in Arabic on his arm, which means one who rejects faith and God, right under Deus Vult, which is Latin for "God wills it."
An amazing self-own.
Also, this dude hates Muslims. He allegedly said, "Kill All Muslims" years ago while drunk.
…which of course is the same god as Allah. The idea that Muslims worship a god named Allah is like thinking French people worship Dieu and Spanish speakers worship Dios.
And the fact that the right LOVES to make themselves victims constantly, so when somebody they see as an event uses a word as an insult, they wear it like a badge of honor...
Incompetent unfuckable fascists will depend on competent people to carry out their orders. Military and govt workers need to disobey. So do we.
Straighten your spines friends, the time is coming when we’ll be asked to participate directly. Disobey.
Mommy said they are the good guys.
She wouldn’t lie.
Also does anyone want to let him that if he keeps talking shit about Muslims Turkey will never allow him a visa to get the hair transplant he desperately needs.
It’s like we’re seeing the preliminary rounds in the Cunt of the Decade Pageant and everyone came to PLAY
By the way, doesn't militant Islam hate non-Muslims as well?
In Arkansas a couple of years back two Jewish centers were vandalized with Deus Vult painted on their facility.
Nepotism DEI is the problem
Is this the person who should be in charge of the US Military?
Jus' askin'.
This chud is that level of doofus.
People bearing witness against themselves on their own bodies. Permanent tattooing being banned both in Islam & Judaism--in the latter preventing burial in a Jewish cemetery.
Am I doing this right, ICE?
I had the impression it’s a big job requiring one to bigly pay attention but I may be mistaken.
Let me know when he visits a garrison military personnel detachment.
From hater to lover
Unless you’re the drunk in charge.
Usually works to explain lots of their actions.
To me- it reminds me of the obnoxious frat boy that got a set of Chinese characters tattooed on their arm - and later found out it reads "I eat a** onions" instead of "I am the strongest"
Now it means you live a short drive from the mall.
Can't genuinely hold that against him.
It is noteworthy though and his acts of disconcern will tell all one needs to know concerning his character.
Aw fuck it, this guy is a racist piece of shit!
A horrible & dangerous secretary of defense.
Strafbar = punishable
Nicht strafbar = not punishable
Unfortunately, it worked out like the theological version of a Mafiosi showing up saying "you need protection, don'tcha. Pay me, or something bad will happen to you".