Can we... Can we stop asking if 30 is too old for videogames? Lol.
I know my second most viewed video on YouTube is about this topic, so I may come off a bit hypocritical - but my stance is clear EARLY, even if it is a bit.. clickbait-y.
Can we... Can we stop asking if 30 is too old for videogames? Lol.
I know my second most viewed video on YouTube is about this topic, so I may come off a bit hypocritical - but my stance is clear EARLY, even if it is a bit.. clickbait-y.
There's no age limit on fun.
As long as you're still enjoying your time with gaming, keep doing it 👏🏾
My mother turns 69 next month. You can't pry her away from Elder Scrolls or Fallout.
My grandfather had a blast throwing chickens in Wild Arms when he was 76.
I won't listen to anyone saying I'm too old to game.
Good luck stopping me
I don't understand why someone insist on keeping having this conversation.
As long as i have a way to play games. I will play games. Screw that noise.
Enjoy what you enjoy for as long as you can. Life is too short.
I'm 45.🤷♀️
Yeah gaming is fun at any age.
Been gaming since I was 5 and as long as I am having fun I don't plan on stopping any time soon!!
Just like anything I just make sure my family always comes first. ❤️🎮
Recently, mostly Elden Ring (I bought it only a few months ago) and GT7 (it's absolutely amazing in VR).
Pranking strangers?
Gaming might be for everybody, but don't generalize. If you want to prove me wrong - go play in your local playground. Ride the swings and the slides. See how that goes.
I just don't like generalization. Gaming is for all ages. Same as Lego or Harry Potter.
Some hobbies are just... Not. And that's also fine.
(The shaming not the question, I ask, having just bought a new console)
There's so much utility in gaming as we age beyond just the fun.
Working on God of War Ragnorock right now
Finished Elden Ring and it's DLC a few times
i would rather game then mindlessly watching some stupid singing show or who gets a rose
In other words, no upper limit on gaming.
Play what you want, when you want, for as long as you want.
Grow up.
Grow old.
Game on!
My great great aunt didn't play videogames- she predated them by... a lot lol- but she had this electronic Bridge (card game) that she played every night. She'd ride her little stationary bike and play.
She lived to 103- still lucid at death.
(also, the title refers to competitive gaming lol but you know, sometimes you have to draw them in. people put their pitchforks away quick in the comments 😂)
My partner is a research professor and she helped me with the research on this video. So it's all based on real studies about gaming and aging!
No, I don't really care about the rest of the rooms or stores.
I remember a date I went on before I started dating my partner of 8 years, so this was... like 8 1/2 years ago. I was barely 30. And this girl was like...... "you play videogames???"
Like it was an affront to her senses.
Never called her again lol
And I sometimes get that when I talk to colleagues- especially older ones.
There's this weird belief that persists that... gaming is only for kids.
I blame the 90s. lol.
My partner *makes* video games and he's over 30. So are the majority of the people he works with.
In ten years, "Is 40 too old...?"
In twenty years "Is 50 too old...?"
Like, bitch I'm gonna be playing until I'm 100, maybe you're too young for this. 🤣
For SURE. I'm playing as long as my hands allow me-- and probably even after then, I'll figure out another way! There's lots of great accessibility options these days, and they're only getting better.
Video games are fun.
Wrapping up a no estus flask run on Dark Souls 3
Make of that what you will
This might be a dunk on me, but I don't care. That shit's funny 😂
Funny thing... I could stare at a screen for 2 hours without any interaction and don't get judged for that.
I’ll probably step off this mortal coil with an Xbox controller in my hands
And this is the type of research no longer being funded because eff old people amiright?
I’ll be on some RPG/action-adventure on whatever iteration of console or PC is about!
It ain’t no hobby, it’s a lifestyle ✌🏼
Too old to game…the same people saying that play candy crush and act as if it’s not the same
I wish I could go back to the young me who was playing Atari and show them what was coming.
I’ll do you one better - I play Splatoon 3 and play against little kids half my age!
I’ll stop gaming when they pry my controller from my dead hands.
Give it UP!!
There’s no age limit on playing video games.
It's not weird or uncommon.
I think this'll fade in time, but it will remain a stigma.
I'll never forget a girl I went on a date with when I was barely 30 and told her I was a gamer... she genuinely recoiled. lol
Have fun while you can.
Anyone who asks this question must be young and self-important and thinks anyone who grew up in the 1st/2nd gen era is dead or something.
The only person you have to make happy is holding the controller in your hands.
"Better keep ol' Anthony inside, he won't hurt anyone in there!"
"Heheh, that was the plan suckerrrrs"
Awaiting Assassin’s Creed Shadows.
Keep going 👏🏾
I'll be dead and my spirit will still be playing games
Currently playing Ghost Recon: Wildlands.
You are never too old to game.
I don't think... I've seen it on here yet? 👀
God I hope not lol
It's the same vibe as "hey I'm looking for streamers to follow. Let me know in the replies so I can check you out" 😅
I'm over 50 now, and still play computer games, every single day. I play TTRPG's every week with friends.
The idea of age as a restrictor is ludicrous.
I'm 38 too ;)
My dad is 62 and he plays the hell out of Street Fighter IV still lol
Why are video games seen differently?
I've been playing video games as early as I can remember. (~1982?)
I'm still playing them at over 50.
I have no intention of stopping unless I CAN'T play them bc of a medical issue. I'm certainly not an esports-level gamer, but I love playing a lot of non-competitive games.
Currently enjoying all the campaigns of the Destiny 2 expansions, which I picked up for a song from Humble.
My fave game of recent years is this:
52 now, own a PS5, a Switch, a gaming PC and a Steamdeck. It’s bizarre that anyone would think there’s a time limit….
A quote from George Bernard Shaw
Was playing OW with some younger gamers and after discovering my age they verified by checking my Gamerscore - their reaction to it was like Indiana Jones discovering an ancient artefact.
Anyway this is Lappy
Young person's game.
Gaming? No. lol
Enjoy them
Still waiting to feel too old to play games....will let you know when it happens.
Video games have shaped my entire life, and anyone telling me that I can't be myself and have fun with them because "video games are for kids" or a "waste of time" can go floof right off.
But the generations who did grow up with it are well into adulthood at this point. We can and are changing that mentality.
Signed: 41 and still playing.
I do not.