I think it’s fascinating how this administration’s guiding principle on every single policy is just “be evil.”
Starving children? Take away their food. AIDS patients? Take away their treatments. Refugees from conflict zones? Deport them. Nations under attack? Cut off assistance. VA? Fire everyone.
Starving children? Take away their food. AIDS patients? Take away their treatments. Refugees from conflict zones? Deport them. Nations under attack? Cut off assistance. VA? Fire everyone.
Considering that evangelicals overwhelmingly went for Trump in the last three elections I think e know what it means to be “Christian”.
It creates a toxic work environment, lowers morale, high turnover rates and poor performance.
It took Russia only 45 days to invade half of America, and three years to invade only 20% of Ukraine.
Fuck Trumputin!
Slava Ukraine!
There is no better version of them, they cannot be fixed. They can only be excised.
What’s bizarre is that there is literally zero organized opposition from any area of American life. Nobody is organizing any kind of sustained, effective opposition. Churches? Nope. Business groups? Nope. Unions? Nope.
Every supposed “leader” is just letting it happen.
I know the hits keep coming, but where is civil society? Where is the pushback from fired federal workers? From teachers? From unions? From business leaders? From Atlanticists? From war hawks? From free trade advocates? Congress?
There's just... nothing.
-Lyndon Johnson.
Break apart the U.S. and turn us into “Freedom Cities”!! Turn the U.S. government into a bullshit non-entity, and deregulate everything.
Wake up, people.
Musk Thiel city-state Curtis Yarvin Andreessen
Destroy the economy, ruin public health, & weaken national defense, things aren't going to turn out well for rich people either. We've blown past tax cuts.
Damn auto-incorrect
But come on. No response to eviscerating the VA and NPS???
How much money makes these people just turn off their voices over this. It's cartoonish.
Republicans, who tout their Christianity should be saying “Get thee behind me Satan.”
Instead they either gleefully join in the destruction, or remain silent.