It’s going to be a huge production of dumb and dumber only with 77.3 million main characters all wearing red hats and sanitary napkins on their right ears.
We’ve had Michael Moore for decades and all it did was strike conversations, usually slandered by both parties calling us unreasonable and “purists”. Only youngsters replacing the old guardians of Wall Street can change that. If they want to live in a sane world.
At least Kevin Spacey will get a solid run at a few castings. They'll need a credibly dark, closeted, handsy, rapey, actor that the bro's can still really get behind.
I don’t think that will happen. I mean after 76 years of Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing, the bad guys in the movies are still the Palestinians who resist.
Yes you’re right, it will be the first time we learn some of the truth, but it will too late to make a difference. I’m looking forward to the documentaries done on the rigged election and the staged assassination, but again it’ll be too late. Sad
Movies? There will be a govt propaganda dept; it will be fine, the movies will be soothing. Perhaps Trump will star. Because he isn’t planning to leave
A hundred years from now, everyone will be convinced it was fictionalized, because of the silliness of the idea that the world's sole superpower could fall into such an insipid dictatorship because of science-denying, semiliterate bigots with smartphones.
As a German,I lived in the US for about 6 yrs and was asked by Americans how it could've been that an intelligent people like Germany could fall for Hitler.
I'd like to return that question now, although Trump is not like a Hitler figure, more like a Mussolini type who was impressed w/Hitler's acts.
I think the pathology that leads someone to aspire to dictatorship is consistent across such types, so it's probably accurate to say Hitl'Orange is like both of those tragic pieces of shit. I'd say Chump's less intelligent than either, and cares less about his country than they did about theirs.
The answer for how people could fall for dictators is probably also consistent. For starters, most people aren't nearly as smart as they want to think they are, so they lack the critical thinking to recognize the constant pandering and othering used to keep them from rising up against their rulers.
Definately. I still see in my mind's eye how Trump with a grin at a rally with his sons next to him also grinning, when he said, "I love uneducated people".
They come to believe the propaganda that they're superior and special, then, when the pain and humiliation of their persistent failures reach crisis point, they demand a reason, which the opportunistic despot wedges themselves into, coopting the already b.s. narratives to their advantage.
The aspiring tyrant floods the populace with vitriol and paranoia, crafting conspiracy theories explaining that the only reason for their woes is that the vile other is holding them back, keeping them down. Put me in charge, the despot hisses, and I'll destroy them for you and restore you to glory.
Trump is a follower, an admirer and imitator of Putin, not a leader. Mussolini wasn't as "inventive" as Hitler. But both comparisons aren't perfect. To me Trump is more a Mussolini type.
I don't know if I'm right, it's not about being right or wrong. I'm German, have our horrific crimes & Hitler's personality engraved in my psyche since early childhood watching documentaries & school curriculum. Both comparisons are flawd, but ppl call Trump Hitler while I see him more as Mussolini
Oh lord I forgot about that thing, and so did the rest of the country it seems. Barely broke even on ticket sales and not even bad enough to be memorable.
And that's the point I think. Hagiograpic puff pieces don't get treated as gospel by the general public.
If there is a film for these times, it will have to be blisteringly honest, and even then it will have to wait a generation for it to have any chance at escaping political blowback.
Even the recent "Apprentice" film was basically a wash, and it's generally recognized as a very good movie.
there should be a film of #GenocideJoe and how he proudly paid and armed the worst atrocity of our time and how hypocrites around the world stood behind him.
$30 million in box office doesn't take advertisements into account. I don't know if they spent $5 million on marketing, but a national campaign isn't cheap. It was not a particularly lucrative investment.
yeah like a million movies about poor american soldiers who murdered a million vietnames and came home broken. Or all the shit they made about heroes who comitted war crimes in Falluja.
War films in America are more about reaching some kind of catharsis. The "good guy" role we all see in ourselves versus the clearly more complex effects our actions have overseas.
A Trump era film would likely have to face that same dilemma to have any honesty, particularly as regards immigrants.
I wish I could comfortably agree. I've seen too many videos of Russian propagandists threatening to nuke cities in the West. Sooner or later those threats are going to be taken seriously.
Narrator: “That was the summer I lived in a trailer with my father, who ran something called a gimmick account online. He was obsessed with making people think Minnesotan politicians have sex with dogs, and I don’t think that was part of the gimmick.”
“I have seen this guy throw a dead spiral through a tire. I’ve seen him in Madison Square Garden with a topcoat, standing in the key, hitting shots."
- The Mooch 2017
Dibs on the Elon Musk film where I don’t try to make him sympathetic in any way because he’s not sympathetic or cool or likeable or smart or talented or funny. The actor will have to work hard to be genuinely awful.
Just imagine the history books from people who lived it and saw what destruction and what authoritarian Nazi regime tried to do to our country? And communist dictators from Russia gleefully laughing all of the time. I hope there's a whole chapter in all the history books for decades
There are poss scripts being written right now either with unfinished endings or projected endings as fiction not yet affirmed as historical fact.
It's already a rich source for documentary output which, alas, no-one significant enough is willing to touch. Even if they did would it have any impact?
What era is that you are referring to, Mike? I would like to talk more with you about your views and how you are using social media to amplify them. Would you DM me your contact information so we can talk directly? I have an Amazon gift card for your time
You would think, but there's been an absolute dearth of Trump protest films – and media, in general – made since 2016. 'Jojo Rabbit' and 'Red Rocket' are two of the only actual PROTEST films I can think of off the top of my head.
Some where there is a script writer trying to write the perfect political satire. They are drinking. Heavily. They are either surrounded by discarded drafts, or their PC's "recycle bin" is FULL. They are ignoring notifications from it and crying.
It’s the movies that got us into the mess. Trump watched too much Wall Street, Wolf of Wall Street and Untouchables and extracted all of the worst parts of those movies as good. Now we are living in his reality show and cycle of mental illness
I'm pretty sure he watched IDIOCRACY and not only thought President Camacho was the hero, but certainly thought he could do better in destroying America.
We are in the cycle of a reality show of a mentally challenged individual and his fellow insane asylum associates. Don’t know how we get out but we need to try absolutely everything.
idk I'm just grateful I won't be one of the poor students having to study this bs in 80 years because how are they ever gonna believe this actually happened the way it did? 💀
Yes, they'll be like documentaries on the destruction of Mariupol. You won't be able to watch them because of tears and foreigners will be horrified. But yes, they'll be movies.
The Purge
What, they were fiction? 🤯
I'd like to return that question now, although Trump is not like a Hitler figure, more like a Mussolini type who was impressed w/Hitler's acts.
And a historical film, without undue praise or condemnation, would just be dry and pointless. He's not that consequential on his own.
But a film of the TIMES, with Trump as one character in an ensemble of mostly "everyman" characters? Gold.
And that's the point I think. Hagiograpic puff pieces don't get treated as gospel by the general public.
Even the recent "Apprentice" film was basically a wash, and it's generally recognized as a very good movie.
The country has lost 30% of itself to traitors. It's a huge number.
Even explicitly religious films made more.
A Trump era film would likely have to face that same dilemma to have any honesty, particularly as regards immigrants.
"We have to unalive Elon Musk."
Arc’s not long enough yet.
- The Mooch 2017
And, yes I’m hoping to live long enough to see the 8 episode mini series!
All the Presidents Rubles
Jobless Prisoner Soldier Spy
Meta Park
Dumber & Dumberer & Dumberererer
The White Knight
It's already a rich source for documentary output which, alas, no-one significant enough is willing to touch. Even if they did would it have any impact?
B) If we are allowed to make them....