deactivating your twitter account doesn't delete your tweets.
and even if you manually go through and delete everything you see, twitter doesn't let you access anything past your first 3000 tweets through your browser
this program is the only thing that worked for me (with over 76k tweets lmao)
and even if you manually go through and delete everything you see, twitter doesn't let you access anything past your first 3000 tweets through your browser
this program is the only thing that worked for me (with over 76k tweets lmao)
just as a head's up, i ran into issues with the script on chrome, but was successful in firefox
there should be a video walkthrough in the second post of the thread
if you are, please try it on firefox and let me know if the error repeats.
i've run this on 5 different accounts the last week and haven't run into any issues; i think that warning on the github is just a catchall just in case
I don't want to give people the impression that there is no risk involved when using the script.
Is it only public accounts they’re going to scrape at first? Would making the account private buy a bit more time??
their characterization of "public" and "private" may be different from the general public's definitions of those words, so i'm not chancing it.
Just need the time to sit down and start getting stuff deleted - which is not easy to find with a wild preschooler in the house 😅
feel free to reach out with any questions ; it ran pretty smooth for me !!
sorry for the delay on this response
depending on when you deactivated your account, it may be better to just leave it deactivated and let it delete prior to nov 15 when the AI scrape is occuring
otherwise, you can login and run this script, THEN deactivate
disclaimer: i do not work for x
if you deactivated on oct 13-15 then its more worth to keep it deactivated and allow it to natively delete
Now I have it running through my likes and nuking those as well
this is my bad, but i should have also recommended you follow the creator of this script who is ALSO on bsky, !!
All I want is for people to accept that Twitter is dead and X Corp no place to be. And smash the patriarchy, racism and capitalism.
Thanks for the heads up. I do keep getting these errors though.
if you've already deactivated, you should be able to login (if it hasn't been 30 days since you deactivated) and run this script and THEN deactivate
devs like you are the unsung hero of the internet for sure 💕
after running it in firefox, its been working for the last few hours, so i recommend running it there.
i'm doing this to give myself legal safety if any of my data is used in the AI scrape that twitter is enacting on Nov 15 2024 for all public twitter account
stay safe out here
i can't guarantee that twitter's database doesn't remove deleted tweets because i don't know anyone who currently works for twitter
twitter fired everyone under comms, so its kinda factually improvable at this point unless we hear from a whistleblower
i installed and ran redact on 2024-11-01, which only got rid of 3,267 of my posts
i ran it again on 2024-11-09 & when it didn't work, i ran the script through google chrome which got rid of 5,228
on 2024-11-10, i ran the script through firefox
By law, you can formally request a full data deletion from Twitter Support. This is what I did, and they are not legally allowed to hold any of your data after doing this. You just have to confirm the accounts you want the data wiped from are yours with PII.
I'm not surprised in the slightest. This sucks. But this also sadly means that putting a lot of effort into deleting tweets and deactivating accounts still may not be enough, because some data is still there even after all that effort.
i work in tech as well and have been monitoring the downfall of twitter for some time. i wanted to make everyone else aware of tools like this so we can stay compliant if a class-action does emerge, which it probably will.
I did go to Twitter Support for my formal data deletion and, at least from the surface, my stuff is not there anymore. But behind the scenes, now I doubt its completely gone which is frustrating.
I'm taking these steps to protect myself
source for twitter compliance:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: document.querySelector(...) is null
getTweetCount debugger eval code:410
init debugger eval code:37
also, make sure you're on your twitter profile page when you start the script
when i went through them, it was mostly old RT's that the script errored out on removing.
tbh, i'm happy with a free script that clears around 95% of all tweets and that's what this did