Oh what a great way to remember it! I always end up guessing and somehow manage to get it right way less than 50% of the time! I will try and use this in the future
I still remember north east south west with the mnemonic “never eat soggy worms”.
And the classes of animal types with “Prince Charles purchases nudie mags at almost every corner”. Porifera, cnidarians, platyhelminthes, nematode, mollusc, annelid, arthropod, echinoderm, chordata.
Except for "just deserts." It's a rare use of "desert" pronounced like "dessert" and means "that which is deserved." It's almost never used outside of criminal justice contexts.
“too has too many Os” and “> and < are alligators trying to eat the bigger number” are things I can still hear my 1st grade teacher say in my head every time
nothing wrong with remembering the little tricks we were taught for our language. though, i will always posit that english isn't really a language, it's 3 languages in a trenchcoat that hides in alleys and beats up other languages for spare nouns and adverbs.
I was taught that dessert/desert as a child, but I grew up in a desert and felt conflicted because I loved it and also wanted more deserts even though we need water (cuz we’re living beings).
Plus, two desserts always made my stomach ache.
I cannot tell you which month is before or after a specific month without starting at January and counting off each one in order.
I’ve not had many such parties. 😔
English is a nightmare.
And the classes of animal types with “Prince Charles purchases nudie mags at almost every corner”. Porifera, cnidarians, platyhelminthes, nematode, mollusc, annelid, arthropod, echinoderm, chordata.
Me: remember E for envelope
You are not alone
Plus, two desserts always made my stomach ache.