too bad they can't put politics aside and get back to the important issues before the house like entering pornhub videos of hunter biden into the congressional record
I like to think he is still on that elevator, riding up and down in silence, radiating an aura of despair that physically prevents anyone from getting on.
"I got on the elevator with him for fifteen minutes," said one congressional aide on condition of anonymity. "He looked like he was about to cry but he wasn't crying and his phone was playing 'Hallelujah.' Every time it ended he took it out and manually started it again. He couldn't make it repeat."
But he was thinking to himself: “God, when I get back to Judiciary…I’m gonna pound Hunter Biden’s dick so hard, he’s gonna wear his prostate as a hat. Wait…did I say “pound his dick so hard?” Ha. That’s pretty funny. Dicks man. What’s up with them. That doctor at OSU really liked dicks.”
Something he learned at Ohio State when covering up sexual abuse.
The GOP is a wreck. Have been for decades, but this is just too much.