So. We have 72 days. Some of it can be for mourning, but not all of it. What is on *your* list to do before then? Comment here. Mine starts with: update vaccinations for everyone in my home, new IUD, emergency supplies, reach out to neighborhood networks, talk about preparedness at school & at work
I was hoping there was some hack to get around limits set by insurance. Although I may have to finally switch to meds by mail, at least they give a 90 day supply. 🫤
We moved my phone to Apple as they've historically refused to hand stuff to the police (and won).
Need to check when our passports expire.
So, vaccines updated. Passport renewed if I can afford it. Start stockpiling pet food because who knows & they come first. Reach out to community & build connection.
Sigh. I don’t know.
The best way to start is plant some of what you love and help it grow! I love Kale and it’s easy to grow, beans do well most anywhere, zucchini is easy. Local nurseries or natural food stores may be helpful.
- Talked to my kids about scheduling any medical tests rn Looked for meds on in case we need to buy them for cash
- contacted colleagues about the need to plan for supporting our deaf students & their immigrant families,Surge%2C%20published%20in%20November%202021.
My neighbor is a teacher, her husband is a striking Boeing machinist. I worry about them.
Now: gyn appt for permanent birth control (menopause creep & no chance to risk), vax, get meds (esp antibiotics), items needed or projects considered 2+ yrs out (raw materials for reno’s, etc), safe guard investments, seeds, visas & longer term travel
that itself is fighting fascism, but after that its time to organize