OK, this came up in discussion again, and I’m curious:
Non-cis-dudes in TTRPG that you would consider *authorities* and *experts* in the field.
Bonus if they have a public-facing project (podcast, channel, blog, etc)
For example: @wildrosemage.bsky.social & @eldritchblep.bsky.social HORIZONS.
Non-cis-dudes in TTRPG that you would consider *authorities* and *experts* in the field.
Bonus if they have a public-facing project (podcast, channel, blog, etc)
For example: @wildrosemage.bsky.social & @eldritchblep.bsky.social HORIZONS.
@devenrue.com as TTRPG cartographer par excellence
@lauren-urban.com [email protected] for TTRPG community management
Lots of different expertises under the TTRPG banner
Amanda Hamon (lead designer at Wizards and formerly Paizo) is a consummate expert (who deserves much more recognition, imo). Lead on Vecna: Eve of Ruin, Strixhaven, Keys from the Golden Vault, and more!
@breathingstories.bsky.social on all games lyrical, and maybe all games birdical
Shelly Jones, SUNY Jessica Hammer, Carnegie Mellon
Emily Short, IF & cRPGs author
Moyra Turkington, RPG design & theory
(note is a little jumbled, I'll add more as I find them, though I'm betting you know them all better than I do since you're in the same note)
Sarah Lynne Bowman (rpg community/larps)
1. Meguey Baker @megueyb.bsky.social
2. Whitney Beltrán @brightwhitney.bsky.social
3. Jay Dragon @jdragsky.bsky.social
4. Emily Dresner @multiplexer.bsky.social
5. Alex Roberts @helloalexroberts.bsky.social
6. Cathriona Tobin @catthm.bsky.social
Fiona Howatt @fkth.bsky.social
Evie Moriarty @eviemoriarty.bsky.social
The Mandii @themandii.bsky.social
@latiajacquise.com Jacquise
@shamini.bsky.social Shamini Bundell
@satelitesnaturales.bsky.social Luna P
@evlynmoreau.bsky.social Evlyn Moreau
@taylorannnx.bsky.social Taylor Navarro
@gingerreckoning.bsky.social Amelia Antrim
@senda.bsky.social Senda
There's a LOT of people out there with opinions that I wouldn't listen to, regardless of "success"
also honestly the non-cis-dude staff of @rowanrookanddecard.bsky.social too, who have a great insight into both design and the manufacturing/distro/science of ttrpgs
I’m sure there’s a few other misspellings in here 😭 I was on mobile. Sorry!!
Hi Emily! I'm a subject matter expert at charity and fundraising in Actual Plays and production. 🤍
That honor belongs to others.
I consider you authoritative!
Lee Gold is vital to understanding the early development of RPGs.
Lizzie Stark, although I see her as more of a LARP authority.
@wildrosemage.bsky.social of course I def agree
Saige @notsaige.bsky.social
Kailey @hapabarbarian.bsky.social
Austin @sailorsctaustin.bsky.social
Jeeyon @jeeyon.bsky.social
Rue @ilananight.bsky.social
Sebastian @sebastianyue.bsky.social
Kandi @kandijeanne.bsky.social
Connie @byconniechang.bsky.social
Pelgrane Press's Cat Tobin.
Marisha Ray
There's more but my brain isn't populating the list right now.
Celeste Conowitch as a designer, GM, player, just overall;
Lauren Urban not just as a brilliant performer in APs but as an absolute expert on bringing together and maintaining communities of players and fans;
Shanna Germain as a designer, creator, and author.
I should have an Actual Play of Sundown coming down the pipe. We just did the initial meeting last week!
@bratapfel.bsky.social she worked for a german ttrpg publisher and designs and publishes her own ttrpgs(e.g. Bunny, We Bought a Dungeon) . She has a Podcast called Nerd ist ihr Hobby
@jcvogt.de she writes for german ttrpgs and designs her own games (e.g. Aces in Space), she writes her own fiction(e.g. Anarchie Deco) she was one of the editors for Diversity in ttrpgs a book auf Essays and co-hosts a podcast called Genderswapped which takes a feminist view on a lot of nerd topics
Bunny I couldn't have done without @curiouscat.bsky.social, who you rightfully mentioned further down.
It's true that I worked on a lot of things over the years. My TTRPG Kevin Bacon score would be incredible.
Their Trans Rights bundles do so much good in these challenging times.
I'll add @violetriotgames.bsky.social and @megueyb.bsky.social if they're not already on your radar.
Follows all around!
Logan from Breathing Stories
Hayley and Vee from @storybrewers.bsky.social
Jay Dragon
Rowan Zeoli
I’m glad it’s been useful for folks, though as I note elsewhere, if this devolves into yet another “X in TTRPG” list we’re not better off.
WE KNOW all kinds of folks are IN the field — but who gets to STAY & mature & be seen as wise?
Definitely an authority on the hobby, I'd say.
They are leading the way in Europe for diverse tables, high-quality production on remote recorded games, and exciting programming beyond APs. @euphoriaap.bsky.social is their project
I think we're something approaching grizzzled veterans of AP now, between us we've made and witnessed a lot of mistakes, and by trial and error found solutions. Our best practices now are still imperfect, but we're always learning. IDK if that counts as 'authority'. But thank you, Michelle <3
This is very gratifying not gonna lie! 🥰
Emily Care Boss
Ash Kreider
Vee Hendro
Hayley Gordon
Lots more I could add...
Trish Yochum
Ms. Kidd’s a designer from way back when!
Drak @drakoniques.itch.io
@rose.fantasyheartbreaker.com on Fantasy Heartbreaker
@jdragsky.bsky.social, anything they put out through their Patreon or Possum Creek
@scorchadoom.bsky.social over on Butcherbird Press
Shanna Germain
Meguey Baker
Liz Stark
This post has become a great resource in & of itself, going to be checking out all the names I don't recognize!!
April Kit Walsh designer of Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Also Emily Axford & Erica Ishii, both excellent (role)players
@eclipse.gay (great interviewer!)
This made me realize I don't know any trans guys to put here. I gotta diversify my circle. Homogeneity is for milk
-Tanya DePass
-Banana Chan
-Kate Welch
-Kienna Shaw
-Ashley Warren
-LaTia Jacques
Just to name a few!