I’m a gun owner, and I respect the rights of responsible gun owners. That said, the second amendment will continue to be watered with the blood of children until the laws change.
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The sad thing is, most of us don’t. It’s just normal—because if it weren’t, you wouldn’t be able to function. The incredible human ability to adapt to almost anything does not work in our favor here. It makes us oblivious, and allows the insanity to continue.
I am for gun control. But I wonder what laws can we pass that would effectively address school shootings? Sure, we can restrict access. I don't think that gets at the root cause. Actually I don't understand the root cause of this at all. It seems so incomprehensible to me.
I honestly don’t understand why so many Americans are against “control” - that is, stopping guns getting into the hands of those that shouldn’t be able to get hold of them….
Strikes me that most of the opposed hear "control" and, like "communism", have no idea what it means - they rather assume it means "removal" and don't consult a dictionary.
I'm not sure, either. I'm glad I live in The Netherlands, where guns are illegal. But, being realistic, I don't know if it's possible to remove the guns from bad people in America.
I see it like cancer, where if you detect it on time, you can extract it, but once it has spread all over, it's done.☹️
It's the term "control" that us Americans have an issue with. After all, the US government is far from a saint, and we have trust issues with big, strong, governments. Just look at what we did in 1776 when the big, strong, and oppressive British government decided to tax us without representation!
America is an extremely weird country. You would expect fascists to be FOR gun control, as their "precious Reich" would faced armed insurgency if the populace was well armed.
However, if the populace isn't well informed, then the control might not even be necessary, as they will just blindly obey.
Pretty much the entire Southeast is a place I would never live in. Too hot and humid, and MAGAts are going to make it even more unbearable. The only places in the USA where I would live would be the Midwest, Mountain States or New England, everywhere else is subpar.
It’s the word “control” itself they have a problem with. They think it’s controlling the people. In reality it’s controlling industry - regulations and guidelines, not unlike the USDA.
At least that’s what they say. In reality it’s the projection of their own desires. It’s sick.
All laws are a form of control. It amazes me that some americans think abortion should be controlled but the means of killing children after they are born shouldn't.
My dad thinks cali is just gonna take guns away any day now. Its crazy how fear will let people think the gov is itching for another waco or some shit.
The USA has problems that are deeply rooted and hard to get rid of.
Since the founding of the USA it puts the individual and "freedom" first.
Which sounds nice, unless you take a step back and actually watch. And wonder.
"What does this mean?"
You are spot on with this whole assessment. And I’m very sorry that someone jumped on you the way they did about it. You said and did nothing wrong—just told the truth.
In the USA everything is built on the "american dream" that "anyone can become rich and powerful". It's the greatest gaslighting ever.
Because it basically tells you, that you have to achieve everything by yourself.
You can't rely on anybody else.
This is single-handedly my problem with American culture. I was lucky; I lived overseas after I graduated high school and seen how the US could improve if it wanted to, but even before I left I hated American culture. That hate has only grown with MAGA. I’m embarrassed to be American.
Interesting idea…
But doesn’t their beloved second amendment begin with the words “A well regulated militia being necessary…”? So their entire belief structure is based on the need to control people being armed in the first place?
What I want to know is, how often is your gun, or anyone else's used in defence?
Obviously responsible people with don't go on shooting sprees, but it's so easy for irresponsible people to get hold of guns.
There should be no restrictions on gun ownership except nuclear weapons. People commit violence for reasons that are understandable but most of those reasons will disappear once we have freedom.
Well they only want gun control when it pushes the agenda they peddle. When the ceo of United healthcare is shot they celebrate the shooter…… selective activism is the word of the day.
I know, right? Couple kids get shot, news coverage for a day or two, maybe more depending on how many people are killed. Rich guy in power gets shot, it’s been nearly 2 weeks and I see it every time I turn on the news.
The issue is more the enforcement rather than the existence of sensible gun laws. Between racism and how mental health care is in this country, the law isn't going to do anything.
I couldn't agree more with Stephen King. Unfortunately due to the last election being purchased by right-wing billionaires, we can expect things to get much worse before we can make it better some time in the future.
People like to cherry pick the 2nd amendment. "Well-regulated militia" is ignored. And refusing to allow our laws and constitution to change with the times is just stupid. The founding fathers intended it to do just that, and that is why we have amendments, and a legislative body in the first place.
i mean if i'm out deer hunting and a bear rolls up on me i'd much rather have my AK on hand than my bolt action that has fewer and slower shots, if a more powerful cartridge
Lots do I would believe they are cheaper, lighter and in certain cases more powerful. I would agree that if you are in bear territory, it should be mandatory to carry. To many people end up being their supper every year. It cost taxpayers a ton to save them as well.
Deaths resulting from animal attacks in the United States - PubMed
Deaths resulting from animal attacks in the United States - PubMed
You may need to look up the facts before you post.
People aren't keeping guns to defend themselves from wildlife. IMHO they're keeping weapons to shoot other humans.
The Truth About So-Called “Assault Weapons”
Gun control advocates bring up “assault weapons” time and time again. It seems almost impossible to a have discussion about Second Amendment rights without hearing the term. it’s not even a real term.
Would you like "multi-round per second slaughter machines" instead? You know what people mean. The type designed for war specifically, to kill and/or maime as many humans beings as possible, as quickly as possible. The type your average citizen does not need for hunting or home defense 🙄
Every gun owner should support sensible gun control. There's NO good reason why anyone, other than our military and law enforcement, needs assault style weapons. Additionally, red flag laws & universal background checks are a no brainer. The Republicans have American children's blood on their hands.
I've always believed that the right underestimates the number of lefties that ARE gun owners. They may have more weapons, but in reality, cannot shoot more than one at a time. And often, cannot hit anything with that one.
I never be convinced otherwise that guns are for people who can't fight. Having one is the most punk move as a human being to me and such a fear tactic especially in America, when most won't even shoot. Plus another tool to say black people are dangerous but we as a country allow it...
"...watered with the blood of children" is an odd turn of phrase. Poisoned? Weakened? Rendered less meaningful? 2nd amendment isn't just possession, but also organized gun ownership. We shouldn't have this "freedom" w/out responsibility?
I thought the same thing. If a kindergarten class getting gunned down does not change anything...
The fact that the NRA had one of the first boots on the ground to spin the incident didn't help either.
As an outsider, my assumption is a sizeable contingent of Americans have somehow come to love (their) guns more than they love the idea of children being safe. They may like the second idea. But they like guns more, surely.
If You don't have to worry so it's easy to say. I caught three people trying to murder me. If I didn't have a gun I wouldn't be here. And the police did nothing but misconduct. If we had good police in America, the people wouldn't need a firearm nearly as much as we do now.
The responses concerning licensing and testing are, I think just about right. I'd suggest, in addition, _background_and mental health checks. I'd also like the training to be rigorous, with a regular recheck. It's harder to get a pet than a gun.
I refuse to own a gun, but I respect the position of gun safety experts calling for laws that will protect children from killing people with their parents' guns and mentally ill people from killing themselves, family and friends, which are the most frequent causes of gun death today.
Why can’t we in this country understand common sense gun laws. Universal Background checks, ban on assault weapons, Red Flag law. Not everyone is stable enough to own a gun. Kids can just walk into class with a gun in their backpack.
I am a LTCP holder, when I received my license I provided 3 non-relative references that were never contacted. When my wife and I adopted a rescue kitten, 5 references and all were contacted. The adoption form for the kitten was 5 pages long. The license to carry was 2. Something is a little off.
Don’t they say that the The Tree of Liberty needs to be watered with the blood of patriots? Except these patriots are wearing Disney backpacks and My Little Pony T-shirts.
There is no need for people to own assault weapons. A pistol, a rifle and a shotgun should be plenty for both hunt and protection. What does people having automatic and high caliber/high mussle velocity weapons for the society? What does it add? It enables mass shootings is what it does.
As a hunter at a young age, then 30 years as a LEO, I have carried some type of firearm literally all my life. I still do. I don't have the answers, but I agree that something has to be done. The blood of our kids cry out for it.
People who allow their kids access to guns are irresponsible. Especially when a teacher at your child’s school catches him ordering ammo online and all mom tells him is don’t get caught next time. After the parent is called the cops should be next.
I'm not against guns in principle, but they're like microwave ovens. The people who are most enthusiastic about them are the ones who can't be trusted with them.
"A well regulated Militia"
Why is this opening phrase ignored and/or considered toothless? Why don't leading advocates of gun regulation repeat it endlessly? Don't say "because it doesn't work." It hasn't been tried. Hammer it home the way Republicans hammered constantly on Hillary's emails.
Yes Shayne, I think that's what is implied. But don't be surprised if you're told that "trained" isn't in the Second Amendment. This is the sort of distraction meant to divert the debate away from the phrase in question. That, I think is the strategy. Constant distraction. Sincere thanks.
It also very specifically referred to troops that would be called up by the government when needed for defense, NOT some random bunch of self-appointed yahoos sputtering nonsense about defending against a tyrannical government every time they're expected to act like part of a civilized society.
Our forefathers just fought off a tyrannical government, and then created a document protecting our right to the same firearms used to fight off that tyrannical government and you don't believe the 2A was meant for us to posses firearms in case we need to fight off a tyrannical government?? Okay
No, but then again, I've actually read real history, contemporaneous writings, and enough case histories to fill a fairly good-sized book as opposed to just repeating random shit that agrees with what I already wanted to believe.
But by all means, share your source with me. Let's see what ya got.
Correct.. 2A refers to what we now know as the National Guard. The originators of 2A did not want a standing army of any kind. 2A refers to a volunteer militia that would provide defense if required... I.E. The national guard...
"the right of the people to keep and bear Arms" We The People. The 2nd Amendment is written in a way that is open to interpretation. It doesn't specifically say "Only a militia can have guns" Back then it was common for everyone to posses a firearm. Some are twisting the 2A to fit their narrative
You've rearranged the 2nd Amendment to put the right to keep and bear arms first. You've quoted it exactly. Then you've mentioned the word militia within your own narrative.. You finish by claiming that some are twisting the 2A.
The key point is that the 2A is 250 years old, its idea and intent is outdated, no longer relevant and it needs to be repealed. You are correct that the interpretation is skewed to fit the agenda of the group or individuals because of perception ambiguity.
Regulated, means that it is in working order. In the parlance of the time. However that terminology only applies to militias. 2A's original intent was to have a ready militia to protect states since a standing army was never intended to exist. 2A is referring to the National Guard as we know it.
This drives me mad, yeah. America was founded on the idea of not having a military, but instead having a militia so the country could defend but not attack.
Neat idea, but now that America has an army and no militia, the amendment should be annulled.
Or perhaps until all the raving lunatics who profess to be liberals are locked up for mental disorders. Seeing as it looks like they're not going to be arrested for paedophilia. Especially so called celebrities & authors.
In the 50’s and 60’s we had drills for nuclear attack from Russia. I suspect the nervousness we felt then also affects the children who have shooter drills now. It is not pleasant.
Not enough to sway Boomer sympathies to Russia tbh. Anecdotal, but for someone being in middle/high school during Sandy Hook(ignoring elementary lockdowns), the mental and emotional impact pales in comparison to social ostracization and bullying. Children's Mental Health cripple at the interpersonal
Not since Columbine. Not sure when they began, but I graduated in 2003, and lockdown wasn't yet a thing (in my area, at least). Maybe they got going after Virginia Tech?
The ppl who fight against gun control are the ones who DON’T need them. The ones who get angry at the very idea of gun control are the same ones that NEED to be put in check by gun control. Sorry not sorry!
And this is coming from a gun owner herself. I have no issues with adding more restrictions because hell, Ik I’ll pass all checks. Even red flag checks.
Same here. Happy to do the background checks. Willing to carry liability insurance. When I hear another gun owner complain about regulation it's a huge red flag that they shouldn't own one.
Background checks, licensure, insurance, and liability for crimes committed with your guns. Hold irresponsible gun owners accountable for their irresponsibility.
Why is that? You don't think that we need gun regulations in this country, or did I read this wrong?
I've been a gun owner for more than 40 years, and I think we need more gun laws. We're the only country that has to mourn shot children in schools on a monthly basis. Ban assault weapons.
I think you read that wrong. Pretty sure they were saying they’re willing to do all that; we all should; and that anyone who complains about it are red flags
Yep. Saying you want to save children in schools, people in churches & grocery stores by removing weapons of mass destruction from people who Do Not Need them is a death knell for politicians, for far too many cowardly mean self absorbed Americans to handle.
I'm not saying it's the wrong intention. I'm saying it's the wrong way to send the message. It's tough. But before change you need a position of power to exact c change.
If I was intent on hurting a lot of people, I wouldn't use an AR-15. I'd use a shotgun.
People pick that rifle because they don't know any better and everyone wets themselves over it. Not because it's a hyper deadly killing machine. Who tf are u to decide "need"
First of all we need to recognize that a shotgun is not going to kill as many people as a 5.56 or a 300 blackout. A shotgun would maim but probably not kill humans unless it was point blank. There is a reason soldiers carry those kinds of weapons and not shotguns.
For good reason. The 2nd amendment is an anachronism. It was created in a time when muskets were available, and in some sense necessary given frontier America, for use by civilians, and were at the same time, standard issue military infamtry weapons.
I keep waiting until people figure out that we don't have a right to guns - it's ARMS.
So, lasers, masers, tasers, phasers, rail guns, gauss guns and phased plasma rifles in the 40w range are coming soon.
Let's get our shit together on guns first.
Bullshit! No one is taking anyone's guns unless it's the MAGAts! republicans have become so utterly stupid that they think that liberals and Democrats don't own guns. Make NO mistake, Jethro, we are locked and loaded. No one takes our guns, either. Try!
Yeah, agreed; but, if you see one of those mysterious lexus-sized drones, do us all a solid and take that sumbitch down, and sit on it. Might be a story in who shows up to fetch it.
The gun lobby doesn’t represent responsible owners. It exists to make it easy for a person who wants to shoot up a school to get access to military grade weapons.
That may be how it feels, but I think we all know the real reason...
Corporate greed and broken political finance system. As long as corporations are permitted to buy politicians, there will be pressure to legislate in favor of, gun manufacturers' profit margins.
If you don’t have time to train or attend safety classes for gun ownership then you won’t have time to use a gun. So you won’t need to own one. Get it? .
Depending on your situation, even $1,000 for a shitty car could be difficult. The most difficult part about putting roadblocks in firearm ownership is the blanket wording of the Second Amendment. You'd need to amend it tbh.
Maybe guns could be insured out of reach (or denied) for people who're a risky bet. We're sure-as-hell not going to altruistic our way out of the problem. But that's a solution for another era. We're kinda fucked for awhile, seems like.
Nah we only care about them when they’re developing in the womb, that’s when their life matters, when they’re alive and going to school, we don’t give a shit about their safety apparently.
Every emissary of the "right" that murders an innocent should tell us that change is needed. The fact that every murder is simply ignored by that same "right", especially when it is children, only reflects upon how evil the
right" has become. And yet they pretend to be "pro-life"? True hypocrisy.
The concept of human "races" is stupid, arbitrary and a lie. If you actually believe the color of your skin makes you a separate species you are an idiot, There is only one human race. Since you racists are the ones that suppressed others because of your evil nature, you have no moral right to judge
In 2023, the number of murder victims in the United States by race was:
Black: 9,284
White: 7,289
Other race: 586
However, not all law enforcement agencies submitted homicide data to the FBI, so the actual number of murder offenders of each race may be higher
You unsubstantiated opinion is noted and duly rejected and ignored. I don't have much respect for racists. Excerpt;
What race does the most murders?
Number of murder offenders in the United States in 2023, by race
Characteristic Number of offenders
White 8,842
Black 6,405
Unknown 5,796
Other* 461
Your 'White' numbers includes arabs, latinos, north africans and people from the middle east. Even with that it still shows that blacks are more likely to be murders
FBI stats shows most murders are african american.
Joe today in his letter to Americans called for "universal background checks" for firearms. That definitely would keep anyone from misusing a pistol they took from someone...you go Joe!!
It’s clear it’s going to take more than our children. Only when the security detail of those in power and control becomes ineffectual will they feel compelled to act. And then they will overreact.
I don’t mind people, owning as many guns as they can find room for; however, in my magic world, a gun owner would only qualify to purchase ammunition for his or her weapon if s/he is licensed, registered, and insured. In other words, treating gun ownership exactly as we do automobiles.
Describe swifter justice than death either by a self-inflicted gunshot wound, or by a police officer's bullet. Murder will not end before the Parousia but if it must occur then justice that ensures the criminal never leaves the crime scene is the best.
Similar people who wanted to restrict reproductive rights, ban books, get rid of DEI, etc, have accomplished their goals. Yet, those same people who witness kids being unalived at schools regularly do absolutely nothing. And they wonder why the overall general public doesn’t care about that ONE CEO.
Slavery was written into the Constitution. Would MAGA today be supporting it as their Constitutional right had it not been amended way back when? The answer probably wouldn’t surprise you.
God forbid you treat animals with the concept of justice. You water your meals with their injustice why wouldnt you follow suit with your precious murder weapon..
We responsible gun owners should push, not for bans but TRAINING requirements for purchases. Just like owning a car, TRAINING and insurance are required before you can drive. It should be that simple to own a deadly weapon!🤔
No amount of training is going to stop someone taking a gun and shooting other people with it. Less guns in less hands equals less dead. You can wave your Constitution about all you like, but 600 mass shootings a year pisses all over it.
A driving license is needed, too.
License gun ownership, with rules around amounts of ammo and secure storage.
Follow the rules and nothing to fear, as responsible owners should be doing that any way.
America need only decide what level of gun violence , dead school kids ,it finds acceptable and then pick a country and laws it needs to copy to achieve that ,as it has proven incapable and/or unwilling of solving it's own chronic problem.
For the record Canada is larger than the US , but gun mass murders are rare and gun violence and homicides far , far less, as highlighted in red on the chart
I did not indicate that policing is the solution, nor that it is one dimensional, as in fact it is multi -factorial , and no one else in the whole wide world has America's failure, murder issues ,and excuses for never learning or addressing gun violence in any meaningful way .
Agreed. Some people think liberals don’t own guns. Don’t get it twisted. I’m also a gun owner. However; I don’t believe we need to own military grade weapons I.e. AK’s or AR’s in order to protect ourselves. #GunControl
EXACTLY!! SAME!! I'm a native, 5th gen Texan. Grew up w guns & hunting was common, thus ppl respected the killing 'device.' Today, diff ballgame. 🚫respect 4 killing 'device,' & mild restrictions on firearms. #GunRefom is MANDATORY at this point... imo.🤷♀️🤨
Let me introduce you to TX gov... Gre-gor A-Butt. SUCH a lover of life... NOT!! How has this yt trash POS NOT been excommunicated from the Catholic church by the Pope Himself!! 🙄🤷♀️🤮⚰️🪦⚱️
The shooter today didn’t have either of those, and many mass shootings are committed with simple semi-auto handguns. The issue isn’t regulating just the kind of guns, but being more stringent in how many, who can have them, how they’re trained, and who is punished when things go wrong.
America allows the slaughter of elementary students for an archaic right perverted from its original intent and misapplied for political and economic gain.
Chief Justice Warren Berger said contemporary claims about 2A are a fraud perpetrated by interest groups:
"a state militia was the predicate of the "right"... in order to have a state military force to protect the security of the state. A huge national defense establishment has taken over the role of the militia of 200 years ago."
Many of those authors owned human beings and had no issue profiting off it, they also didn't believe women should vote and thier God was cool with them eradicating the indigenous people for mre land. Maybe we need to get with the times and update a few outdated rules.
As a Scandinavian I get a bit annoyed when americans complain about mass shootings, school shootings and overall gun violence while at the same time claiming it's a right to own firearms.
Keeping the cookie while eating it doesn't work.
Arms are embedded not guns. Some folks should be restricted to just melee ones only (and that so as not to be infringed on bearing). Preferably blunt and padded until appropriate training completed.
Your constitution can be changed. If you all believe that it can’t then you’ve got a problem. No, it shouldn’t be an easy thing to do, but it can be changed. Your country would be very different if you got rid of the guns.
a) embedded, not imbedded.
b) It wasn't until 2008 that the Supreme Court decided that the 2nd amendment provided any individual right. It could be reversed, same as Roe v. Wade provided an individual right to abortion.
Embed and imbed are the same thing according to https://dictionsry.com. Imbed is just used less.
I got curious and looked it up to improve my English. 😊
Same as everything. The law says what the courts say it does, and that can change. In the case of the 2nd amendment, for most of the country's history it wasn't read as guaranteeing an individual's right to firearms, so acting like it always has is disingenuous.
And THAT is really the problem. We govern our people with a 240 year old piece of paper that is very out of touch and should be updated every 5 years or so. I fear the worst to make that happen.
While among the safest people in human history, many Americans accumulated arsenals. Ironically, all that fear has sent the country around a bend that might qualify holding them tight.
Well, laws also. But lots of countries have the right to own guns. What they also have is better education systems and what they don't have is a quasi-religious infatuation with guns. It's the underlying culture that needs changing most of all.
The Republican Party is responsible for how many dead children? They stonewalled gun legislation for decades. They are guilty. The NRA is guilty. The Democratic Party needs to fight like hell against big problems or get out of the way.
When so-called leaders and elected officials are not held accountable for their crimes anymore, how can we expect gun owners to be responsible and accountable?
Guns are the number one cause of child death in the US, yet the holding us back from amending gun ownership are the ones who claim to be “pro life”. Make it make sense.
It may come as a surprise to you that your bullshit Constitution is not the word of God. It's a misguided pile of crap that has been twisted beyond recognition by your corrupt system.
You being in love with guns IS everyone's business especially those unfortunate enough to be nearby.
Reading and understanding are two different things. 2a was really about giving slave states the ability to terrorize their slaves. So, you continue to hold onto 2a some god given right if you like, but leprechauns, fairies and God doesn’t exist.
That’s because you guys are much better at killing with knives. Funny hearing someone from the country we defeated with guns telling US that we don’t need them. Seriously?? Be careful what you say, I hear they are arresting you guys now for giving your opinions online 🤣🤣
Holy cow. I'm as liberal as a person can get except on guns. I hunt, follow the traditions of my past, feed my family. I Will protect my love ones, my property and if the situation truly calls for it, I will know I did what I had to do. That said, no assault weapons are needed except by military.
I'm from the UK, where even regular police don't carry guns.
I've just looked up stats . We get one "mass" shooting a year, on average, with 4 or 5 victims.
If guns weren't widely available in US, you wouldn't need to protect your family or property.
As for hunting, supermarkets sell meat.
There is a place for the 2nd amendment but the irony I see is the only people saying they needs their guns to protect from tyranny are the same people that try to overthrow the government.
Other developed countries have solved their gun problem and so can the U.S. by getting rid of the 2nd amendment for anything other than a musket.
"Musket, muzzle-loading shoulder firearm, evolved in 16th-century Spain as a larger version of the harquebus. Muskets were matchlocks until flintlocks."
False analogy. Semi automatic weapons were owned by the Founders & other Americans before the Constitution was written. The Windbusche, 22 round magazine, semi auto, was Austrian Army issue in 1779. Jefferson gave one to Lewis and Clark for their expedition.
Every right has some restraints. We all have 1st Amendment rights, but we can't incite violence or defame others. The 2nd Amendment requires greater limitations in a civil society in order to protect our children. This isn't rocket science. Setting boundaries doesn't mean you give up your guns.
The SCOTUS has already settled that. The 2ndA protects arms "in common use, for lawful purposes", and it does not protect arms which are both dangerous and unusual.
The problem there is the explicit, textual, restraint is ignored by quack conservative judges. There is no right to consumer firearms in the Second Amendment! Consumer firearms were invented by judges and politicians corrupted by gun lobby contributions.
Partly because the Supreme Court basically threw them out and called them meaningless. It’s sad but fact. Though one of the concurrent opinions I believe did state that limits on the purchase of guns did not violate the second. So there’s that…
You support the right of the violently mentally ill to own/carry guns? People who have previously committed mass murders? Who go to buy a gun and tell the seller they are buying it to go home and kill their whole family, or to shoot up a school? That's what blanket non-infringement looks like.
Sorry you lost the thread. I'm well aware of what happens. As it should. And would not if the absolute non-infringement Stephanie is advocating were in place.
Even if knowingly selling to someone who wants to commit violence wasn’t a criminal offense, that person would be sued into oblivion by victim's families.
As an American who has lived in Scotland and spent a lot of time abroad my observation is that we are an isolated, disconnected, paranoid, and deeply unhappy people. My years in Scotland reintroduced me to community and connection. In the U.S. we have substituted that for consumerism.
I am glad you enjoyed your time over here. We do try to be a welcoming nation. I like to say to people that my door is always open for a cup of tea or a dram.
As a nation do love foreign visitors, happy to engage with them. I think this sums it up well.
Thank you, John! I love your country and its people. I’ve never felt more welcome anywhere in the world than Scotland. Looking so forward to 30 Jan when I’ll be back for a looong visit. 🏴💙
Glasgow is our future new home. We knew it the moment we got there. Felt like Oregon. We’re nervous about living in a large city for the first time, but we don’t want to be tied to a car anymore.
No guns are a bonus. Community is the key to happiness.
I'm also an American who lived in Scotland for a year (Glasgow in fact!), and I felt like I'd finally found my home. Wish so much I could get back there.
Focus dude! Credit where credit is due. Leonard Leo and his Opus Dei Supreme Court have blood on their hands - with an assist for DC elite media. Read your fellow Simon & Schuster author @garethgore.bsky.social Opus - Explains in detail.
As long as it's someone elses' kid who cares right?
And as long as US bombs are ending the lives of tens of thousands of kids and maiming several times that somewhere else - it just doesn't matter. Nobody is at fault. Nobody needs to take responsibility. And the shareholders profits remain safe.
Why can't we simply have similar licensing for firearms as we do with motor vehicles?
Each class of firearm needs you to pass more and more strict tests and regulations to operate.
While we're at it have the military conduct or train the people who do the hands on evaluations with these firearms.
Damn. I mean damn. Even one child lost to negligence is too much. The factual truth of responsibility of ownership, lost on those thinking about rights of said ownership Not empowering responsibility in actual form of, is a disgusting truth.
Under trump and republicans, nothing will ever be done. They pound their chests about the “right to life”while they’re silent about the murder of children from guns.
I am a gun owner too. Having lived in the country for years I had to learn to shoot and I have kept up with that. I am FOR sensible gun regulation. AND I live in Canada half the year. I can see how those regulations make such a huge difference.
As a resident of Madison, WI, who is terrified to send my 3rd and 5th graders to school tomorrow, what the actual F are we doing?
Mr. King, I've read every book you've written, but reality is becoming much more terrifying than any of them. If there are "other worlds than this" please get us there.
In today's context a well regulated Militia may well refer to police, army, national guards, Brinks officers transfering 💵, etc.., but certainly NOT the average 🇺🇸 citizen freely carrying an AK-47 or any similar semi-automatic weapon on their back walking in alleys while shopping at Walmart..🫡
The original text of the 2nd amendment states, "A WELL REGULATED MILITIA, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". Militia refered to police, army.. NOT the average 🇺🇸citizen freely carrying an AK-47 in alleys at Walmart🫡
For the majority of people, "arms" didn't even necessarily mean firearms in the 1790s - it could mean any weapon. I don't see anyone campaigning for the right to own a cavalry sabre!
Time has changed since the 1790s as 🇺🇸 had just come out of a state of Independance war against 🇬🇧. In today's context, we could associate the right of carrying a weapon to 🇺🇦 citizens as part of well regulate Militia defending their country, that's basically what 🇺🇸 2nd amendment referred to back then.
This. The founding fathers were genuinely afraid that the British might try to seize control again, or that a future president might try to set himself up as an absolute monarch.
That could never happen no... oh hang on a sec, here's Mr "Dictatorship from Day One".
Same. Let's be like Japan and make gun owners jump through hoops to get a gun. Stop making gun and weapon manufacturers rich. Institute a buy back program. Register every gun like your car.
Same in Canada. Practically anyone here can own a gun, and a lot of people do, but the licensing, training, and safety culture is so deep that our gun murder rate is much lower than yours (still high-ish by world standards).
It’s really hard to get a hand gun here, and not many people are running around with long guns and shot guns jacking people. Hunters own rifles and occasionally hand guns, a few people own hand guns for protection or target shooting, criminals get illegal guns from the US and stolen Canadian guns.
Yeah, guns in Canada are almost exclusively tools or sporting equipment. The gun owners I know are either hunters, or they work n the bush (prospectors, timber cruisers, etc), and a few are serious outdoorsy types who spend time in the north (polar bears don't take no for an answer, I'm told.)
We aren't on track to do anything of the kind. There's been some pointless posturing by the Liberals, as there always is. The one useful thing the Cons might do is roll back some of the bad Liberal gun policy, which does nothing to address actual gun-crime in Canada.
Time will tell. While it looks like a conservative victory is likely, I don't think gun rights will be preserved within the next few decades for Canada.
They care not at all. If every one of their children and grandchildren were gunned down, I'm convinced they would all stay on the same course.
They have lost all their humanity, if they even had it in the first place.
The only way "responsible gun owners" will force change without burning every gunshop and NRA office to the ground is if they take a leaf out of civilized countries and make the starting point NO GUNS FOR ANYONE and THEN carve out exceptions, rather than the opposite.
You are all part of the problem. Guns aren't the problem. Their owners are. Stop civilians owning guns, the problem is eased. Not erased, ultimately a murderer will murder, a fool will vote, a fascist will protect. A nation will crumble.
Lol. Some people just are murdersers? That's just a thing that happens, nothing causes it? Guns are a tool that enables mass killings. They should thus be regulated to reduce that possibility. It's not like we're investing in mental healthcare or UBI. (Less poverty, less desperation, less crime)
Lol, “a nation will crumble” for taking away guns, despite the fact that many other countries have much stronger gun regulation laws than the U.S. and their schools aren’t being shot up every month.
I'm a gun owner also. I respect the same things. It is time a true discussion about gun owner ship and gun violence is done. Not in favor of taking guns away from honest people. We just need to at least start talking about the problem..gun violence is worse than cancer these days.
👏 Now, to be consistent, you have to denounce cars too, for very obvious reasons. Car manufacturers obviously have blood on their hands, because you're more likely to die in a crash on the way to school than you are to die from a school shooting. https://www.iihs.org/topics/fatality-statistics/detail/children
Because back then guns were a thing.. but they weren't paraded as idols of "freedom".. Additionally acquiring a firearm has gotten substantially easier since Columbine. Its prevalent because it is an easy and effective means for carrying out the acts they want to.
At 67, and my mom at 85, we've seen our share of parades, etc, over the years where guns were "paraded as idols of freedom." Not sure where you've lived specifically but I think that's a difference of perspective?
I lived in a place where it was even legal to open-carry, having a firearm, or literally carrying one in a parade in some sort of official capacity is fine. What I mean is the blatant brandishing of said firearms at every opportunity as a show of force. That's much more prevalent now.
Are those 2 positions not mutually exclusive? "I should be allowed this dangerous weapon but they shouldn't?" Is it not far mire logical to simply oppose gun ownership for the same reason as supporting speed limits? "I can drive very fast safely but they can't" seems like an odd position to me
But if you drive very fast you break the law. Right now gun laws are a joke. Currently a person can't drive a car if we don't trust them to know what they are doing (needing a licence, insurance, etc). If you can prove you know what you're doing I don't need the problem with a small weapon.
Please note I said SMALL. Non-miltiary don't need an AK 47. Anything more then a hand pistol should need extra work to get it (such as for hunting) and be under more scruntiny.
I'm not a gun owner and so will not complain if we just get rid of them all, but i'm fine with this compromise.
I'm not completely up-to-date with gun laws (im British so it's all academic to me) but are there actually tests that go towards some kind of licence, regular checks on the safety of the weapons, and ways that licence can be voided? If not, it's harder to get a car than a gun
Not up on gun laws myself but not that I'm aware of. That's the problem in the US - basically anyone can walk up and get a gun so long as they have the money for it. It is harder to get/maintain a car then it is a gun
False analogy.
What's the #1 mass shooting weapon?
Not an AR.
The Glock.
You know, VP Harris' gun.
Is she irresponsible for having the #1 mass shooting gun?
Please use facts.
Fact: Licensed carry permit holders are >100x more lawful than police.
I literally said the law should require a licence, training, and insurance, just like a car, to own and use a gun. If you want anything more then a small personal self defense weapon you should need additional licensing/training
The type doesn't matter. All of them need to be more regulated
Exactly. The members of Congress that always try to frame the gun subject as all or nothing, insisting that any type of responsible gun control will strip them of all weapons. Simply not true. Once again, they are guilty of being accomplices to murder.
We're in the room where it happens. This is going to be the quote that becomes a song lyric for a pivotal moment when the gimlet eye of Orange Sauron turned on Stephen King - and narrowed.
I love guns, I used to own one, I am considering getting another again.. I'm also a proud Australian who is grateful I live in a country with strict gun control!
The issue is the mentality of thinking they're a toy. They're not. People who think it's just fun to go out and shoot down range forget that they're holding a lethal weapon in their hands. That's the major problem with gun culture in this country. Thinking its a goddamn toy!! Fucking grow up!
The only "toy" with the specific use being to cause death to other people?
Assault weapons! The only "toy" made with the express purpose of killing PEOPLE.
I hate it when people call a deadly weapon "a toy"! They sound juvenile, immature and totally disconnected from humanity.
I've been saying that myself for years. And I don't understand how they treat it like it's a toy. When you do go shoot you should realize it's not. I know that's how I feel it really hits me out deadly it can be.
Oh they know it's lethal. It's drilled into their heads from the get-go. Basic gun safety training. "Do not point this at anything you would not want to destroy."
The problem is with people who DO want to destroy. Solve that issue and the guns are moot.
The fact of the matter is that, statistically, having a gun on you makes you a lot less safe. If you are carrying a gun and you get attacked for whatever reason (mugging, etc), you are more likely to die. Everyone thinks that won't be true of them and fantasies of heroically stopping a gunman abound
Even if 99% of Americans are responsible gun owners that still leaves 2.6 million Americans over the age of 18 who would be irresponsible gun owners. There is no model of a *right* to gun ownership that doesn't lead to irresponsible people legally getting hold of guns.
I was just providing the reason people don’t HAVE to prove they’re capable. A gun owner should absolutely be a responsible gun owner, but because of 2A, gun ownership is a right upon which the government shall not infringe. The constitution does not enshrine one’s right to drive a motor vehicle.
Require liability insurance for each gun. Allow people to sue manufacturers for unsafe products. Guns could be made much safer from accidental shootings but there is no incentive for gun manufacturers to implement safety features.
It was. I gave them a thumb print and got a permit. Didn’t have to prove I know how to use a firearm, didn’t have to prove I even understood firearm laws.
Where I live, there isn't even a license requirement to carry a concealed firearm. There used to be, but the state dropped that requirement several years ago.
Republicans say they want to protect children by not having transgender people reading to them and by banning certain books. But if they really wanted to protect children they would enact some form of gun control. Books don’t kill. Trans don’t harm kids. It’s the easy access to guns.
Some things need to happen.
#1- Common sense laws. It should take longer than 15 minutes, for me to walk into a store, and walk out, with a weapon.
#2- There should be at least a week, waiting period, to do a thorough background check.
#3- Start charging parents, too.
I v'e got more.
Gun nuts will say “ma right to bear arms against a tyrannical government”, but they always forget the part about “well regulated” in the 2nd amendment.
The prologue of the 2A “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state” simply means a well armed, trained, equipped, educated, and disciplined fighting force of citizens is necessary to preserve liberty from any tyrannical force, in the founders’ day was their own gov’t.
If we could go back in time and tell the founding fathers that the number 1 cause of death for kids would be gun violence in the future, 2A would either not exist or be drastically different. Imagine showing them photos of these injuries to children. They'd never let this happen if they knew.
The "founding fathers" wrote 2A so the states could have a militia separate from the federal military, to put down riots, slave revolts etc. If you told them it meant everyone could have all the guns all the time they would conclude you were illiterate.
I'd say the fact the we allow people to get guns so easily is a matter of tyranny, opposed to rule of law, and that the only way left to change it is for a militia to use guns to end it one tyrant at a time. It literally says in the constitution we are encouraged to do so.
also. I don't live in america. It's insane that so many people die like this. The quiet terror people must feel there.
I see it like cancer, where if you detect it on time, you can extract it, but once it has spread all over, it's done.☹️
However, if the populace isn't well informed, then the control might not even be necessary, as they will just blindly obey.
Makes for a good acronym.
At least that’s what they say. In reality it’s the projection of their own desires. It’s sick.
That’s what bothers me the most about American culture. The narcissism runs rampant here.
The USA has problems that are deeply rooted and hard to get rid of.
Since the founding of the USA it puts the individual and "freedom" first.
Which sounds nice, unless you take a step back and actually watch. And wonder.
"What does this mean?"
Because it basically tells you, that you have to achieve everything by yourself.
You can't rely on anybody else.
But doesn’t their beloved second amendment begin with the words “A well regulated militia being necessary…”? So their entire belief structure is based on the need to control people being armed in the first place?
Obviously responsible people with don't go on shooting sprees, but it's so easy for irresponsible people to get hold of guns.
Deaths resulting from animal attacks in the United States - PubMed
You may need to look up the facts before you post.
People aren't keeping guns to defend themselves from wildlife. IMHO they're keeping weapons to shoot other humans.
Gun control advocates bring up “assault weapons” time and time again. It seems almost impossible to a have discussion about Second Amendment rights without hearing the term. it’s not even a real term.
(Also an owner)
The fact that the NRA had one of the first boots on the ground to spin the incident didn't help either.
and obermann?
But I can still buy an assault weapon!
I’m not going to leave a child of any age alone or with access to any weapon though.
Now to your scenario above - yeah, not okay.
I also understand the sentiment of red flag laws, but they can easily be used to target marginalized groups, and I’m not okay with that.
Why is this opening phrase ignored and/or considered toothless? Why don't leading advocates of gun regulation repeat it endlessly? Don't say "because it doesn't work." It hasn't been tried. Hammer it home the way Republicans hammered constantly on Hillary's emails.
But by all means, share your source with me. Let's see what ya got.
Neat idea, but now that America has an army and no militia, the amendment should be annulled.
I've been a gun owner for more than 40 years, and I think we need more gun laws. We're the only country that has to mourn shot children in schools on a monthly basis. Ban assault weapons.
Typical lefties 👅
I'm sick of the Pro-Gun lobby spreading unmitigated fear.
But hey, that's all that works.
On his topic of WHY he said it... I still would love to see some reasonable middle ground to that problem.
If I was intent on hurting a lot of people, I wouldn't use an AR-15. I'd use a shotgun.
People pick that rifle because they don't know any better and everyone wets themselves over it. Not because it's a hyper deadly killing machine. Who tf are u to decide "need"
So, lasers, masers, tasers, phasers, rail guns, gauss guns and phased plasma rifles in the 40w range are coming soon.
Let's get our shit together on guns first.
Corporate greed and broken political finance system. As long as corporations are permitted to buy politicians, there will be pressure to legislate in favor of, gun manufacturers' profit margins.
Have you ever taken a proficiency or competency test for anything? Say... like a driver's license? Contractor's license?
I had to take a federal exam for my drone pilot certification, and I have to take a refresher test every 24 months.
For a drone.
right" has become. And yet they pretend to be "pro-life"? True hypocrisy.
Let me know when you become smart enough to understand that we are all just part of the same human race.
In 2023, the number of murder victims in the United States by race was:
Black: 9,284
White: 7,289
Other race: 586
However, not all law enforcement agencies submitted homicide data to the FBI, so the actual number of murder offenders of each race may be higher
What race does the most murders?
Number of murder offenders in the United States in 2023, by race
Characteristic Number of offenders
White 8,842
Black 6,405
Unknown 5,796
Other* 461
FBI stats shows most murders are african american.
US homicide offenders by race, 1980–2017
There’s a gazillion guns on the street
Everyone saw this coming EVERYONE
License gun ownership, with rules around amounts of ammo and secure storage.
Follow the rules and nothing to fear, as responsible owners should be doing that any way.
I carried a belt fed machine gun in the military and I wasn't deployed.
America need only decide what level of gun violence , dead school kids ,it finds acceptable and then pick a country and laws it needs to copy to achieve that ,as it has proven incapable and/or unwilling of solving it's own chronic problem.
It's not a remotely fair comparison to put a country that's smaller than a US state side by side and say "SEE!"
That tells you that gun violence is a symptom of a broader issue. Not the mere presence of guns alone.
You're so delightfully sad.
Any idiot can pull a trigger.
Chief Justice Warren Berger said contemporary claims about 2A are a fraud perpetrated by interest groups:
"a state militia was the predicate of the "right"... in order to have a state military force to protect the security of the state. A huge national defense establishment has taken over the role of the militia of 200 years ago."
Describe the part where authors thought gun ownership would be other than muskets.
Just wondering if childrens' limbs torn from their torsos by an AR-15 at Sandy Hook, would have Ever been OK I'm their minds.
Keeping the cookie while eating it doesn't work.
Grow the fuck up
Say it proudly.
b) It wasn't until 2008 that the Supreme Court decided that the 2nd amendment provided any individual right. It could be reversed, same as Roe v. Wade provided an individual right to abortion.
I got curious and looked it up to improve my English. 😊
In Ireland, gun ownership is in the hands of criminals only. They’re crap at shooting and are always killing innocent bystanders.
FuKKKYou MassMurderistan
Abortion legally mandated = GUNNYgod’s will
Everyone has a God given right to self defense and how I choose to protect myself and my family is no ones business.
You being in love with guns IS everyone's business especially those unfortunate enough to be nearby.
2. Could you use it if necessary?
3. Could you live with yourself if you used it?
4. How about NO ONE could have a gun?
In 2021, the most recent year for which complete data is available, 48,830 people died from gun-related injuries in the U.S.
Also, we still have free speech.
No one is arrested for giving their opinions online.
I've just looked up stats . We get one "mass" shooting a year, on average, with 4 or 5 victims.
If guns weren't widely available in US, you wouldn't need to protect your family or property.
As for hunting, supermarkets sell meat.
"Musket, muzzle-loading shoulder firearm, evolved in 16th-century Spain as a larger version of the harquebus. Muskets were matchlocks until flintlocks."
They will use every means to deal with you
Using their capital, power and influence
To make every step difficult for you, even ruin your reputation
Because for them, profit is above everything
This is the essence of capital
Anyone would suspect it's capitalism gone wild. There is money to be made in litigation but not death.
As a nation do love foreign visitors, happy to engage with them. I think this sums it up well.
No guns are a bonus. Community is the key to happiness.
Cheers 🍻
Focus People!
Our 1A is for coup prevention
we are very, very late
"Peaceably Assemble & Petition the gov for Redress"
Tell the World:
"The Consent of the Gov'd (DoI) is
OnLy For
Folks who Enforce our Const ART VI (No Religion) & 14A Forthwith
Demand our Const Enforced!
And as long as US bombs are ending the lives of tens of thousands of kids and maiming several times that somewhere else - it just doesn't matter. Nobody is at fault. Nobody needs to take responsibility. And the shareholders profits remain safe.
People are addicted to the taste of blood and want to live in Salem's Lot forever.
Each class of firearm needs you to pass more and more strict tests and regulations to operate.
While we're at it have the military conduct or train the people who do the hands on evaluations with these firearms.
Mr. King, I've read every book you've written, but reality is becoming much more terrifying than any of them. If there are "other worlds than this" please get us there.
That could never happen no... oh hang on a sec, here's Mr "Dictatorship from Day One".
They have lost all their humanity, if they even had it in the first place.
Fuck the 2nd amendment.
This post means SO much more then the empty concepts of thoughts and prayers regularly dished out by NRA politicians after a school is shot up.🥺
Why is it so prevalent now?
I'm not a gun owner and so will not complain if we just get rid of them all, but i'm fine with this compromise.
What's the #1 mass shooting weapon?
Not an AR.
The Glock.
You know, VP Harris' gun.
Is she irresponsible for having the #1 mass shooting gun?
Please use facts.
Fact: Licensed carry permit holders are >100x more lawful than police.
The type doesn't matter. All of them need to be more regulated
How lucky we are.
door would be living in the Gong (Wollongong)
I think part of the problem is that here in the USA, people delude themselves into thinking that they *need* guns.
Hunters had to re-authorize annually, sports shooters were under supervision.
Remarkably few people died in gun accidents.
Assault weapons! The only "toy" made with the express purpose of killing PEOPLE.
I hate it when people call a deadly weapon "a toy"! They sound juvenile, immature and totally disconnected from humanity.
The problem is with people who DO want to destroy. Solve that issue and the guns are moot.
There are lots of potential models. Just no will to enact them.
I believe in CCW. I believe in open carry. I believe in owning whatever gun you want.
I believe you need to be trained and insured. 🤷🏻♂️
You don't have the right to drive a car. This is why you need a license from the government to do so.
You DO have an inalienable right to keep and bear arms. Licensing itself is an infringement, and frames the government as the arbiter of rights.
Some things need to happen.
#1- Common sense laws. It should take longer than 15 minutes, for me to walk into a store, and walk out, with a weapon.
#2- There should be at least a week, waiting period, to do a thorough background check.
#3- Start charging parents, too.
I v'e got more.
So what're we waiting for