How to handle this anger!? A FB friend posted a meme of T-rump “grabbing Zelenskyy by the pussy”. When did we lose the meaning of shame? At least the palpitations have resolved.
ANYONE groveling to trump has no fucking spine anyways. As for Zelenskyy that poor guy was getting bullied hardcore. i mean first they made fun of his clothing (text book bully tactic) and then they ganged up on him in a verbal shouting match so he couldn't get a word in edgewise. It was disgusting
The Apprentice Oval Office Edition followed their scripts but they faced a far more intelligent 'target'. Not only did Zelensky outmaneuver these bullies, he did it in a second language. The response has been praise and admiration for Zelensky while the Heritage Foundation Players got panned.
He stood strong & dignified against the onslaught attack from trump/vance. Zelensky has a right to speak his opinion & 100% say into how to govern his country. All trump & vance want was to destroy him, make him bow down & cower to them. It’s his country his choice not theirs. A true hero!
This event was completely staged and Zelenskyy knew it would be, there is a moment when Vance starts raising his voice and Zelenskyy glances over at his Ambassador and nods his head as if, ok I’m not taking this shit. Then he asks the cowardly Vance, have you come to my country just once? 🤷🏻♂️
Bernie would of actually made the us great again, it has to be some sort of conspiracy that he didn't get as much exposure (rich people not wanting to be less rich)
Zelensky was the only man in the White House who refused to be dominated by another man. The other guys have already been mounted by Donald Trump and are being ridden. Trump is being ridden by Putin.
No, Mr. King. He did not. Zelensky did what a nation should expect out of its leader. More to the point, Trump did what about half of us expect out of him.
The man didn’t give the toddler exactly what he wanted, and wouldn’t tell the toddler that everything he said was correct, so the other toddler told the man that he was being mean to everyone.
Do you have an ancient ethnic grudge against Russians because of family history? Or is it the whole gay thing that motivate your hostility towards them?
And Trump fell apart because he’s a textbook narcissist who can’t cope with anyone who doesn’t boost his fragile ego or agree with everything he says. He’s used to people groveling in front of him and doesn't like being being told no.
Then Zelensky did just that and he became even more unhinged.
The republican’s on Sunday news shows are lying, revisionist scumbags. Anyone who has watch the entire “meeting” in the oval Friday saw what Vance and Trump did to our ALLY. And they proved they didn’t even do a Wikipedia review of facts before Friday’s debacle
You do understand that under the US Constitution, treaties are only effective upon ratification by the Senate, don't you? That power is expressly reserved to the Senate. Agreements not ratified by the Senate ain't treaties.
But assume it is: The obligation is to convene the UN Security Council.
Don't let non-voters who sit in apathy get away with avoiding responsibility. A majority in/directly voted for Trump. That is what you have. Work with reality or never end up fixing your problem. Denying this is stabbing your liberation from fascism in the chest before you get started.
Trump is a small, venal man who thinks he’s the world’s greatest intellect. He is violently jealous of anyone who is better looking or smarter or braver than he is (& those are legion). He wants to throw his considerable weight around and be acclaimed King of the World without a clue of the results
None of the world leaders he met with groveled to him and it no doubt pissed him off. The Zelensky fiasco was the culmination of a terrible week for Trump.
I think he did beautifully. Zelenskyy showed up playing masters level chess and executed a brilliant sacrifice that won him a surge in support from the free world. Trump and Vance were playing CandyLand and got caught trying to cheat.
We have seen this kind of shit roll out in Serbia since 2012 with our current president. Look at what's happening here and you might see how it goes and how it will end. It is the exact same scenario.
He only stood up to him when the cameras were on him and had audience so he could tell his sad while holding out his hand for more money. It didn’t take him long to get the UK behind him all of Europe and even Trudeau. everyone that’s surrounding him it’s a loan…nothing is given out of solidarity
Definitely. Lots of GOP on news shows today talking about how Zelensky “needs to show gratitude”. Clearly a main talking point fed from the oval office. Pathetic.
From the outset, the meeting was not a negotiation - it was an ambush. Trump and Vance did not approach the discussion as allies working toward a common goal, but as political figures looking to undermine Ukraine’s position.
Pride cometh before the fall. How many Ukrainians will die because Z took the bait and lost his cool? The point of Z's visit was to sign the blasted piece of paper and save his countrymen
Ooooo. Yes, I am sure this was your exact take, independently assessed and just happening to fall in line with Russian thinking. No smart, intelligent and empathetic person would end up with Kremlin talking points. So, why are you bothering?
I'm bothering because MAGA is already doing Putin's bidding. No democracy-defending Zelenskyy can stop that. I'm more interested in knowing how NOT signing has helped to keep Ukrainians alive over the next weeks and months of trying to stop the unstoppable Russians (or unlimited North Koreans)
And whom did any of that hubris help? No-one got what they wanted, other than Tsar Vlad. We're not in some high-school movie here. The consequences of not signing are real
And surely the whole point of Z flying over to Washington was not to try to talk over a cranky old man in his home and get kicked out afterwards. His task was to sign the damn paper as this was in Ukraine's best interests. Is it too hard to suggest Z did a bad job last Friday?
Let's see. Tsar Vlad has been waging a hybrid war on Germany and Poland for years. Western Europe is next. Hungary is already lost; Slovakia almost there. East Germany is in AfD=Putin's hands
They want to displace Zelensky in favor of someone that will bow to Russia the way Trump/GOP/MAGA does now. It’s not about peace, it’s about allowing the aggressor to have what wasn’t theirs to take.
He also left without making a deal. America will be last
In line to develop and benefit from the development of their massive raw material trove. Art of the deal my ass.
I think a lot of Americans were looking forward to Ukraine in NATO, and allying with the US. Helping them was a guaranteed win on every level. Maybe they'll forgive us when Trump is finally gone.
Tony Schwartz ghost wrote Trump's Art of the Deal book. Trump wrote none of it. And, oh yes, Schwartz says Trump was totally dishonest and stupid about every issue. No change since then...
One thing I noticed that drives it home for me was their hands. The doofuses were pointing, shaking their fingers. Zelensky's hands were open, palm up as if in supplication. Who's being aggressive?
That is absolutely right. Lies should not be normalized. The fact that these sociopaths do not even have a bit of empathy, even after seeing former prisoners of war who look like concentration camp inmates, speaks for itself.
Normalization and acceptance, or catering to evil, lead to evil.
Maybe we should all start showing up at these protests dressed as superheroes.
If they want to start shooting us, they’ll be shooting their kids’ heroes and the optics for them will be VERY bad. Pros/Cons-other ideas?
I see myself as very good in understanding English, BUT "tug his forelock" I had no idea what that sentence meant, but thanks to Google I now do. The sentence PERFECTLY descripe how Trump want's EVERYBODY to act in his presence! Thank You for the new words Mr. King. 😀
It's an old English thing. Your forelock is basically your fringe. In ye olde days the peasant class would 'tug their forelock' as a sign of deference to the gentry or the Lord of the Manor who basically owned them.
Sarinola now officially recognizes the Gulf of Zelensky as its valid name, if the US has an issue with it, kindly contact the ministry of diplomacy at [email protected]
He was upset that Zelensky didn't give into Putin's demands as easily as they did. These people are weak minded and weak willed spineless jellyfish. They get upset and fearful when they experience people who are actually strong.
Not really, Zelenskyy simply refused to go along with a ceasefire agreement that did not include security guarantees. He was perfectly respectful, has always been very thankful, and was offering the US a huge opportunity to secure rare earth minerals.
If you want to end war, you don’t tell the one who’s being attacked your ally to just accept defeat. You tell the one ATTACKING. The aggressor. The enemy of your enemies as well yours to stop attacking your ally.
Ha! Maybe not but at least it reaffirms to me that I am not alone in the debacle of this administration. Negotiations are tough. Putin’s plan is to isolate us, in my opinion.
No, you're not alone. I'm not with you, but there are some. I would submit to you, though, that retreating into a safe space where contrary views are suppressed isn't the best plan.
Vis a vis Russia, Russia is a diminished power but I don't think it's in America's interest to humiliate Russia.
Stats from surveys are indicative, mate. No survey will ever represent all 'the people'. Your use of quotes was appropriate. This survey indicates Trump and Vance are pretty awful 'people'.
Imagine being a disabled veteran and voting for a fucking billionaire with 6 bankruptcies and then saying in my defense the other people had actual political experience so I didn’t want that. 😂😂 anyway. Good luck Charlie.
Poor Alice his choice is so difficult. A man with 34 felonies, multiple rape allegations and who said on microphone to just grab them by the pussy or a career politician who has been in all 3 branches of government and again NOT a convicted felon. Gosh golly so tough. Fuck
There is a such a gap in the education system because you obviously aren’t able to think critically. Aw man poor Alice he can’t decide from a man who is more notorious than famous than people with political experience and who at the very least didn’t bankrupt 5 casinos….
No because you thought DONALD TRUMP. A billionaire playboy who’s known for a REALITY SHOW, 6 bankruptcies 5 of which were casinos and 2 ex wives, is THE BEST choice over a a former vice president. A woman who has been in all 3 levels of government and a political prodigy.
IMHO, dumpy did, in 30 minutes, what hasn’t happened in 30+years, unite all of Europe.
With the added attraction of displaying all of america’s arrogance, entitlement, and bullying. Thereby confirming what I believe many European’s believe, america needs a smack down. Ironic, we did it to ourselves.
What bugs me is conservatives were spouting about “allies” and how important it is to side with them when it came to Israel and Gaza. Ok, so where the fuck did that sentiment go?
Not bending the knee or kissing the ring was inspirational. Trying to intimidate and belittle showed where the weakness of character actually lies. Bring on the guillotine.
Excuse me Sir, but would you be so kind and maybe write a novel about an orange clown, who terrorizes the world untill the Godmother of Hamburgers steps in and decides to punish him by forcing him to eat himself to death with crispy hamburgers untill he bursts violentely?
Neither should he…… ever. He and his countrymen are destroying the credibility and effectiveness of Russia’s armed forces. All the thanks he gets is the Orange blob and the eyeliner queen haranguing him on public. Zelensky is the one who should be thanked.
I’m so sad I missed him saying this. I only saw the exchange in bits and pieces while at work, and I would never be able to go back and watch the whole thing, because it’s like a bad talk show and it just causes me indigestion!
I read the full transcript, I did not see this. I think that is deliberate disinformation from the poster above, similar to the "punch" videos. It would have been considered very rude of him, he was invested in taking the high ground.
Some people don't have an idiot tolerance and watching that whole thing unfold would either end up in some terminal cancer developing or a house on fire
Exactly! I just can’t. I depend on all these folks on Bluesky to watch it all and let me know about the parts I miss! The stress level from this presidency, so far has actually caused my blood pressure to rise and my anxiety meds have needed changing!
Trust me, I know how it is. Just watching the few pieces i saw and reading about it had me ready to flip tables. I can't believe that whole thing went down and half the US cheered for it.
It was like watching a couple toddlers upturn a table at a luncheon while the parents watched doing nothing
I honestly watched the whole thing, I didn’t hear this 🫣 they were talking over him too much and my kids were sleeping so my volume was low. I might have to go rewatch because people keep saying he said it. But others argue he did not-i hope he did
I did see the part about the suit… and I saw how the two kept interrupting him and talking over him. English is his second language and they did not give him time to get his words out either. It was miserable!
Zelensky didn’t handle it well as he could but he is like a father trying to save his desperately Ill child. Trump & Vance demand a public ego massage. Marco, not to be left out, opines on fashion. Obviously Trump & Vance don’t have even basic personnel manage skills or can’t curb gargantuan egos.
A agenda pushed thru set long ago! The weaponisation of Europe as a army of their own. As now it;s all still countries joining in trainings and tasks, not 1 Army SEPERATE from all these countries! And the NWO can only become if it has this CENTRALISED army to command at their disposal!
Things don't happen coincidentally. They r planned and hidden in events. They force us to think of solutions that would otherwise not be there. So now fear is put into Europe to get their own army. And the people will shout for an army to become. Europe wants this army from the start.
But the individual countries don't! They see the evil inside it to become. And the Laws to obey that will follow from it.
We already have NATO. Why this army of Europe itself? You tell me then? I care I do, but my thoughts r different then yours i guess.
And that's something he just can't abide. Zelensky made them look like the schoolyard bullies they are trying so desperately to be. And Zelensky looked so much stronger it drove them nuts.
Zelensky had no problem posing for Vogue layouts when his people were dying. The guy doesn't care about Ukrainias, he's not even an ethnic Ukrainian himself.
Actually, Z reneged on the agreement made before the meeting. All he had to do is smile for the cameras, but he chose to antagonize and disrespect the President. Not another dime for Ukraine.
Good news! I heard that the Trump Admin. is drafting a law to register all single women on a database to be matched up with young single men who can't find love. During 2025, it will become illegal to not go on a date. If you are a 9 or 10♀︎, the fines/jail time increase if you refuse. Finally eh!
He was way more respectful than he should have been. My VFW Dad was enraged in a way I have never seen in my life, while watching it unfold. Countless ppl have died fighting Russian propaganda & Soviet oppression. Unfathomable betrayal & cowardice.
Dear Mr King, I know you have a great many UK fans of your writing (me included). So even tho' you're in the US, your help in sharing this petition to stop Trump's visit to the UK would be very much appreciated.
I suppose because he was there seeking hundreds of billions of dollars to continue that war. If the fate of his nation hangs in the balance as they say it does, Zelensky approached the problem wrong.
I haven't said Zelensky is wrong to lead Ukraine, nor any of the soldiers who have done so. I'm saying it's not the problem of any of my grandchildren. I'm unwilling to risk nuclear war and/or national insolvency for the Ukrainians. Their war, their problem.
If Trump is stopping the American funding from the federal government for his own, personal interests, it’s up to the American people to do it themselves, directly.
Voter apathy is how we end up with bad politicians.
I'm just glad magats are getting what they voted far and are totally not complaining at all /s.
Why Putin is on the back end god only knows
I'm glad Zelenskyy didn't let him steamroll him
Trump is not negotiating a ceasefire.
He is negotiating Ukraines unconditional surrender!
But you gotta insult them by vall bf them girls?
Do better
Muting bc it’s 2025 and we are tired
raise a hand to one's forehead in deference when meeting a person of higher social rank.
Then Zelensky did just that and he became even more unhinged.
Found this clip from #SNL #ColdOpen the best way to view what happened. It truly hit close to home.
But assume it is: The obligation is to convene the UN Security Council.
Let’s not forget why the felon was impeached in the first place.
How any of them can come home and face their children being the cowards they are is beyond me.
No one should have to grovel to any world leader.
He was taking no crap and not backing down.
Please read, share & subscribe
In line to develop and benefit from the development of their massive raw material trove. Art of the deal my ass.
Normalization and acceptance, or catering to evil, lead to evil.
Maybe we should all start showing up at these protests dressed as superheroes.
If they want to start shooting us, they’ll be shooting their kids’ heroes and the optics for them will be VERY bad. Pros/Cons-other ideas?
Suitably posh explanation here.
Vis a vis Russia, Russia is a diminished power but I don't think it's in America's interest to humiliate Russia.
(Like WTF)!
With the added attraction of displaying all of america’s arrogance, entitlement, and bullying. Thereby confirming what I believe many European’s believe, america needs a smack down. Ironic, we did it to ourselves.
Requirements to not name Russia an aggressor won't work
If Trump wants to be the American Gangster so bad, maybe he should watch the movie. They explain it right there.
Of course, if you have to learn it, it's probably not you...
Zelensky (to Vance): “Please. You think that if you will speak very loudly about the war…”
Trump: “He‘s not speaking loudly. Your country is in big trouble. Wait a minute. No, no, you‘ve done a lot of talking.
Trump: [shouting again] “You haven’t been alone. We gave you, through the stupid president, $350 billion.
Also, putinbots are about trying to spread disinfo about Zelensky being rude or even punching Trump.
It was like watching a couple toddlers upturn a table at a luncheon while the parents watched doing nothing
They sabotaged him
Only one of these takes courage.
We already have NATO. Why this army of Europe itself? You tell me then? I care I do, but my thoughts r different then yours i guess.
Which would then be used to lock him into a deal with no guarantees.
Z didn’t allow himself to be pinned.
He is no more likely to than Putin would be!
(Squirrel. Maybe the South would get on board if we used terms like "The Current Unpleasantness?)
Joe held the line against Putin without putting American boots on the ground. #IMissJoe
Do facts EVER matter to you?
(In other news, my autocorrect suggested “trump felon” … )
Everyone sing 'Troompa-Loompa' whenever he can hear it.
Are you a Putin troll? Or simply an imbecile?
Trump is a zero