Have to make sure we don't elect conservatives. Harper shut down government sponsored studies if they didn't support the oil industry. And little pierre wants to give tax breaks, that requires closing services and studies.
I know I’m not alone… been studying the new classifications for ‘Express Entry’ for quite a while now and most of the titles I could have immigrated under are no longer on the list (data scientist, statistician, etc) 🙁
Boost funding.
FIRST FUND CDN research thanks, very much.
We have lots of researchers here. Do we really need to grab American researchers unless they bring grants/money with them?
And won't much of that be GOV funded? #TrumpUseless
Also, how about a fast track visa program targeting American remote / freelance workers? $1,200 application fee, minimum income requirements ($50K indv. / $80K couple), and restrictions on where they can land (to avoid driving up housing costs for Canadians). I’d sign up tomorrow.
I believe UK has also been cited for experts such as @michaelemann.bsky.social etc to 'migrate' to. Anywhere where brains can exist which is not the USA right now.
Surely the 'legal eagles' can find a way that Trump/Musk are acting against the constitution?
Canada is a great country with a lot going for it. I'm glad they are my neighbors but thos administration is wrecking everything. trump is a domestic terrorsit
I think, one way or the other, that there will be a brain drain from the US to various countries. If europe does start arming up, then a lot of those people may move, and it could be a really good move, too!
Yes! Canada should take the lead in innovation & science.
We are watching the USA revert to the dark ages, where religion rules and science is punishable by stupidity.
To move forward - throw lots of money at the National Research Council - which was once a hallmark of the advancement of Canadian innovation and industry - and it can be again
NRC is fine (speaking as a former decade-long NRC tech) but the innovation comes from the universities. Putting money in Mitacs, CFI, and Tri-Council helps more, especially trainees.
This is true. And think of how small France is in comparison. They just beat China’s record for nuclear fusion m. Meanwhile the assholes here want to built more nuclear power plants.
If France figures out fusion it will be cheap and clean.
They also just put a new satellite up. Fuck starlink.
I have mixed feelings. Many doctors and nurses abandoned Canada for money. Greed. They're as trustworthy as Donnie, and for the same reason. Do I want them back? Still trying to come to grips with this.
We need doctors desperately. My last doc joined the 🇨🇦 armed forces, the one before her retired. The one before THAT would not examine female patients below the neck. He invented his own church and his wifenurse would play sermons during appointments.
And hence my dilemma. I know a few doctors and nurses that left. They left simply with a "well, screw this country, I'm going south to make a fortune in private practice". I still hear from a few. They didn't make their fortune, but are still hopeful that they'll get a deal with the felon someday.
Also, Healthcare workers! I'm sure Canada would benefit from absorbing what the US is neglecting, abusing, & throwing away to fund tax-cuts for the wealthiest. 🙂
I’m heartbroken at the ignorance masquerading as government here, and only a little chipper at the thought of academics finding a new home where their skills are appreciated.
The best way to do this is to make tuitions cheap or free like Germany and Scandinavia. That way you'll get postdocs from the whole world not just America
I'm in BC, our provincial government is already recruiting doctors and nurses from the US, speeding up processes to get them working within weeks. Changes are coming!🇨🇦🇺🇦👍
Your prime minister is not the best one for this. He’s a member of group of thirty which is a part of Rockefeller foundation known as eugenics thoughts and support.
That's an interesting and encouraging idea. As fast as Trump/Musk get educated foreigners to pay $5M to emigrate to the USA for jobs they'll be beholden to Project2025 for, Canada ought to offer a permanent guest visa to any American citizen who'd like to continue to teach, research, serve.
The bastards don't want scientists here, the scientists should go where they are appreciated. I appreciate the hell out of them but now their lives are in danger from these morons.
Overall, we should be working on a plan to bring in the right "refugees" from the US, who are disaffected by the Trump regime, specifically targeting areas of need for us.
With all the funding cuts and new policies regarding research in the US, now would be the perfect time for a brain drain campaign....
Can I trademark that? "Brain Drain Campaign"
Heck if Canada came to me and said they'd wave some requirements / make it easier to move there, due to the state of the US collapsing, I'd be handing out my resume like candy to Canadian firms.
Said that the day they announced the cuts. It’s a remarkable pop for another country to poach literally thousands of talented scientists from the US and build themselves a biotech sector.
All because a bunch of troglodytes decided to follow a rapidly degrading malignant narcissist into the abyss.
They are doing all this bs cuz they want most of us dead! They only want the best , the brightest & the RICHEST amongst us. They rest of us, they consider absolute trash! 😕
I believe that you're exactly right and we are going to experience and see horrific things going forward. There are plenty of us that know and are prepared to fall upon the sword.
There's some top-line researchers, including recently-promoted (and now-fired) department and branch heads, who are now looking for new jobs, and aren't interested in hiring back on in the US system, under a bunch of "Move fast and break things" morons!
But with healthcare and a populous that generally values critical thinking!! I wanna move badly but can mostly only afford redneck Canada lol plenty of options if you wanna be REALLY cold!! 🥶🥶🥶
Canada could easily overtake the US in pretty much all facets other than population in like one presidential cycle of we give some real sweetheart deals to American scientists and artists. We can have a Canadian golden age at Trump's expense
I was at a conference in the US this week saying the exact same thing. So many no show speakers, speakers who showed up but called to return to home, speakers who spoke without affiliation (had lost job right before), etc. CAN and MEX could make hay right now.
If you can contribute to our economy is a positive way and are NOT an ASSHOLE tRumper, then by all means, come. I have met quite a few Queer muricans who love tRump so....
I'm a Clinician that's being approach/recruited to relocate my practice to other countries and tbh, I'm in the process of doing it this year. And I've been warning laypersons you're going to see more & more US Clinicians and Scientists leave in the next few years. It's already slowly starting to.
Great idea, but many provinces are in the process of cutting funding to universities... Plus research grant money is harder to get than ever from NSERC. Complex labs for medical research need expensive equipment and lab space. It's not just about getting the people...
Save my baby girl 💔😭
Save my baby girl 💔😭.
Save my baby girl 💔😭
Save my baby girl 💔😭
Save my baby girl 💔😭
Save my baby girl 💔😭
Save my baby girl 💔😭
My daughter Fatima suffers from severe malnutrition due to the lack of milk, its high price, and my inability to provide it.😭💔 https://gofund.me/bab97a80
My son is a grad student in his second year as PhD student. His lab and most others at university made no offers to incoming grad students this year. So we are killing the stem pipeline
Canada should totally pull a “Project Paperclip” and incentivize our best & brightest to migrate.
But in the meantime, they do need to do more to increase housing stock. Canadians already suffer from overpriced and scarce housing more than even Californians!
My understanding was the original FTA brought more foreign/corp owners in our real estate market and more white collar crime.
We’d be a much safer/more humane society if we properly policed/punished white collar criminals at the top. Just look how white collar criminals are destroying the USA
I would strongly support both the United States & Canada passing laws to prohibit, or at the very least strongly limit, foreign ownership of residential property within their borders.
Landlords should be citizens of the country. They are landlording in. That goes double for “investors”.
Sure, but home-grown greed heads are just as bad (eg PP is a scammer). My point is, amongst our many problems as a settler colonial state, is our deference for the rich/powerful. The USA is experiencing a result of embracing white collar criminals who game the systems of power against “the people”
Dictatorships always produce a brain drain. PINO and Nazusk seem to think they can just import South African substitutes, as if somehow the infrastructure (labs, universities, students, assistants, etc.) were not the sine qua non conditions for their existence in the first place. So, Canada, go!!!!
Pretty much. It’s quickly turning into the anti-intellectual Iranian revolution of the late 70s… having academic credentials and skills is no longer an asset here in tRumpistan.
Sadly you already do have targets on you. Chinese scientists that were already targeted in the previous Trump administration are accepting offers in China. A schools worldwide will be courting academics from US universities.
Many of their clandestine service people were let go without a proper debrief too. We could rent a couple of suites in Banff for a nice talk with the recently fired. ;)
It would be nice if someone could try to hold North American civilization together, since the US clearly isn’t up to the task. Thanks, Canada and Mexico.
Hopefully we can return to being a decent nation again someday soon. 🤷🏻♂️
Canada likely doesn't have enough funds. They should partner with the EU to set up major research centers in Canada and Europe to attract US researchers.
My wife has been working on a plant genome project. They are making GMOs that take up more carbon and produce bigger yields. She’s looking for work, I’m sure others are too. Stupid our government has decided to surrender all reason.
I'm of the view that we should be doing a new version of 'Operation Paperclip' for America's best and brightest to come to Europe or Canada as early as possible. Just to go all in on research in every field possible.
I really hope the EU states & the UK use this shift as an opportunity to bolster/reestablish ties to the point where they’re even more integrated than they were pre-Brexit. Become “The United States of Europe” in effect, but maintain a bit more national sovereignty than US states have from the Feds.
There are plenty of grad students like me who are looking for a place to land. Personally I would love to put Canadians on the moon before Trump gets there
My province, Alberta, is in the Trump politics and I feel like I am hostage here. My husband is fired up (he is usually the calm one) writing our federal MLA. I am doing anything I can to get my message out, while BC is bringing American Drs in.
To move forward - throw lots of money at the National Research Council - which was once a hallmark of the advancement of Canadian innovation and industry - and it can be again
I saw someone link to fast track programs for people coming into Health Care and a separate one for the sciences. So there is a basic structure and bureaucracy in place already that we can build off and supercharge.
This is why I’m only looking at PhD programs outside of the US! My wife is likely eligible for Canadian citizenship and I’d love to study anf work in a country that’s not gutting its higher education system.
And every provincial government should be recruiting US healthcare workers to come work where they are respected, appreciated and don't have to worry about being a target of legal threats.
Drs too, esp OBGs.What wld attract even more wld be to raise amount of income to hit highest tax bracket in Canada. Current about half US (90k?), while US (250k?). Agreed Canda has free healthcare etc. but if raised bit so high income profs don’t freak out when see pay checks about 1/2 actual pay.
Form a science consortium w/ other liberal countries, pooling resources & money, then have nations specialize with contracts to share science. Europe, Australia, N.Z., Canada. The only way to have the clout to complete.
I did a rough calculation and iirc if CAN UK EU JAP got together you could afford to hire something like 25,000 American scientists which would just crush American science
but of course it is an impossible dream to think that multiple countries will co ordinate
That's my hope. Bring all the talent and innovation back. So many Canadians left due to regulations here and the opportunities down there. We need to cultivate a culture around innovation and compete. No more relying on other nations to excel our talent pool.
My wife's cousin has been working at TRUMF for years, so I feel we did our part.
If Canada wants to attract academics, help with their housing costs. My undergrad actually had an apartment building for married students, grad students, and new faculty.
Yes, Canada’s policy of prioritizing “Canadian First” hiring in universities has been in place for some time. This policy is designed to ensure that Canadian citizens and permanent residents have access to academic positions before foreign applicants.
My husband is an ER physician , and he is already in talks with them. Canada offers an excellent program to recruit American doctors. These idiots want brain drain…well, they are gonna get it.
With the destruction of the educational system currently happening in the us right now a degree from the ivy league's in the future will be todays equivalent to a diploma from McDonalds University.
FIRST FUND CDN research thanks, very much.
We have lots of researchers here. Do we really need to grab American researchers unless they bring grants/money with them?
And won't much of that be GOV funded? #TrumpUseless
Surely the 'legal eagles' can find a way that Trump/Musk are acting against the constitution?
US. Has been for last decade & exponentially nowadays.
Holy shit, I love it! Kinda makes me wish I had marketable skills.
Until Trump’s Republicans Are Removed—By Democrats And Republicans Waking Up!
We are watching the USA revert to the dark ages, where religion rules and science is punishable by stupidity.
Never miss an opportunity presented by a crisis.
If France figures out fusion it will be cheap and clean.
They also just put a new satellite up. Fuck starlink.
Try finding an appointment with a new care provider. You’ll more than likely only find nurse practitioners accepting new patients.
I have no issue with practitioners either. But I need to set an appt 2 months in advance
Take advantage of this gift.
So yeah I'd forgive someone who left for $$.
Can I trademark that? "Brain Drain Campaign"
Although, it’s even harder without funding,…
All because a bunch of troglodytes decided to follow a rapidly degrading malignant narcissist into the abyss.
They need worker drones. As much as they want, robots cannot replace us as of now.
Do they have sufficient postdocs and reserchers in the US?
We also would welcome doctors, nurses, scientists.
Basically anyone who’s not a dick is welcome.
I don’t know where to go, anything I see can have upgrade.
Save my baby girl 💔😭.
Save my baby girl 💔😭
Save my baby girl 💔😭
Save my baby girl 💔😭
Save my baby girl 💔😭
Save my baby girl 💔😭
My daughter Fatima suffers from severe malnutrition due to the lack of milk, its high price, and my inability to provide it.😭💔
But in the meantime, they do need to do more to increase housing stock. Canadians already suffer from overpriced and scarce housing more than even Californians!
We’d be a much safer/more humane society if we properly policed/punished white collar criminals at the top. Just look how white collar criminals are destroying the USA
Landlords should be citizens of the country. They are landlording in. That goes double for “investors”.
Research !
Postings !
Publications !
Subsidies developements of innovations to bring to the market place !
Get those brainy thinkers over here and cash in some of those good ideas !!!
They saw what was coming, it was hard not to.
Hopefully we can return to being a decent nation again someday soon. 🤷🏻♂️
Without a suit.
My PI would flee immediately if offered the chance. I just hope she'd have the chance to steal me and my family along with her.
but of course it is an impossible dream to think that multiple countries will co ordinate
If Canada wants to attract academics, help with their housing costs. My undergrad actually had an apartment building for married students, grad students, and new faculty.